Custom Query (69 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#22383 autosave restores older file than the local file new restore,autosave team defect major
#5439 Implement ability to hide selected object new hide expose object team enhancement normal
#8345 Coloured_Postcode: support associatedStreet and Street relation new colour postcode relation geozeisig enhancement normal
#8399 Validator could merge two ways with same position if one is an inner without tags new same position fix team enhancement normal
#9297 detect nodes with unneeded railway=level_crossing new railway level crossing team enhancement normal
#9299 detect nodes with unneeded railway=crossing new railway crossing team enhancement normal
#9819 [PATCH] stricter checking for highways crossing waterways without bridges needinfo crossing layer bridge tunnel reichg defect normal
#11348 Crossing way check works only for "on demand" but not for "on upload" new template_report upload crossing way team defect normal
#12310 Validator: add "gap between buildings" new template_report building gap osmose team enhancement normal
#13734 Wishlist: Multitouch mouse zoom/pan gestures on mac OS new macos team enhancement normal
#13814 Zoom is extremely sensitive now reopened osx sierra mac scroll zoom team defect normal
#13944 ImproveWayAccuracy should allow node merging to closest one when creating it new ImproveWayAccuracy merge creation closest polygon team enhancement normal
#15570 Icons in settings sidebar are too small on macOS new template_report macos team enhancement normal
#15660 Relation editor: add "position/index of member" column new relation editor, table, position team enhancement normal
#16076 Second dialog window underneath the first window on macOS reopened template_report macos javabug team defect normal
#17011 Multiple warnings for same problem new template_report overlapping crossing team enhancement normal
#17074 detect railway=level_crossing nodes that are not on crossing of railway=* and highway=* ways new template_report railway level crossing team enhancement normal
#17098 Special Characters on Mac OS freezes keyboard new template_report macos team defect normal
#17287 crossing=marked as a new preset and/or a validator test new mapcss preset validator crossing team enhancement normal
#17822 Change source:geometry -> source:position MapCSS rule new source geometry position team enhancement normal
#17832 wikipedia tag false positive new validator false positive floscher defect normal
#17849 macos: erratic extra window behaviour needinfo macos richlv defect normal
#17850 macos: add a way to shade [image] windows new macos window team enhancement normal
#17865 macos: "Centre view" not indicating the status new macos javabug team defect normal
#18065 Add fix for "Ways with same position" warning in Validator new same position fix team enhancement normal
#18671 Silent download to other layer new template_report download never osm file layer team defect normal
#18848 Provide a way to override overzoom new template_report macOS hidpi tile zoom team enhancement normal
#19478 Possibility to customize the toolbar more than now new toolbar position touchscreen size team enhancement normal
#19567 When restoring an auto-saved data layer, keep the file around new autosave team enhancement normal
#19767 What about auto-updates of Homebrew Cask assigned macOS, brew, cask, install, homebrew Stereo enhancement normal
#19933 Cannot typing Chinese and Korean character normally in MacOS new template_report macos team defect normal
#19982 tram_crossing and tram_level_crossing new railway tram crossing team enhancement normal
#20042 Close button doesn't cancel edits & doesn't add to undo list new template_report turn close undo Rub21 defect normal
#20130 [Patch] Use mapcss rules instead of CrossingWays java code to find overlapping areas assigned crossing GerdP enhancement normal
#20140 JOSM inconsistently respects remapped macOS modifier keys assigned template_report macos Stereo defect normal
#20160 [patch] [rfe] British National Grid projection EPSG:27700 new template_report projection OSGB_1936 OSGB36 team enhancement normal
#20477 Devanagari input - issue in typing consonantal conjuncts new template_report i18n devanagari macos team defect normal
#21212 text rendered on tiles is too small on retina screens new template_report hidpi macos team defect normal
#21342 Viewing the article on wikipedia does not work new template_report wikipedia macOS team defect normal
#21668 Closing already closed note from JOSM generates an error new template_report, notes, close team defect normal
#21700 Grammarly app can cause problem with JOSM shortcuts new template_report grammarly macos team defect normal
#21789 Add snowshoeing and running checkboxes to guidepost preset new guidepost route marker team enhancement normal
#21808 OSM Inspector / JOSM layer new template_report OSM Inspector team defect normal
#21814 Please add a preset for post_office=* and modify the "Post Office" preset new post_office post_partner team enhancement normal
#21842 Cannot connect to WMS service : layer not defined into the query new template_report team defect normal
#21931 [Patch] .nmea/.pos/.wpt files always ask to be saved new nmea, pos, wpt, gpx, save team defect normal
#21932 [WIP Patch] Save NMEA / RTKLib values as extensions in .gpx files new nmea, pos, rtklib, extension team enhancement normal
#21991 Remember camera position offset new position offset team enhancement normal
#21992 Smoother position correlation for automotive vehicules new position offset team enhancement normal
#22020 [WIP PATCH] Mac OS X > arrow keys cannot be used to move the downloaded map new pijltjestoetsen macos team defect normal
#22055 Drop down selection boxes no longer respond to arrow keys assigned regression, macos, javabug, aqualaf taylor.smock defect normal
#22452 JOSM on Microsoft Store new microsoft store team defect normal
#22544 Adding a check for wrong wikimedia_commons syntax new wikimedia commons wikipedia osmose team enhancement normal
#22545 natural=valley and =fell can be used on nodes new geometry natural valley fell osmose team enhancement normal
#22560 Keep zoom and position in image viewer when switiching between layers new template_report image layer zoom position team enhancement normal
#22659 The "Jump to position" tool does not refresh after first use needinfo jump to position URL severin.menard defect normal
#22874 Jump To Position dialog - missing/incorrect label new JumpToPosition team defect normal
#22971 min-josm-version ignored for validator rules new template_report min-josm-version validator meta team defect normal
#23002 [WIP patch] Inconsistent notification position new notification position team defect normal
#23054 "Segregated" on railway=tram_crossing new template_report railway crossing tram segregated team defect normal
#23089 Use standard macos text editing shortcuts with `Cmd` in Metal/Nimbus themes new template_report macos team enhancement normal
#23102 [RFC PATCH] Poor map navigation on macbooks new macosx team enhancement normal
#23168 Autosave layers in a more automatic way or make deleting of the workin layers more difficult needinfo autosave agvg enhancement normal
#23546 NullPointerException: Cannot read field "about" because the return value of "org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication.getMenu()" is null new macosx team defect normal
#23619 Wrong OS Build number new windows OS Build number team defect normal
#23679 Update OSM Server preference page new preference OSM Server OAuth2 remote control team task normal
#6429 Extend "Jump to Position" function to support different coordinate formats new jump position coordinates format team enhancement minor
#21979 Validator for crossing highway/waterway doesn't activate if the highway isn't edited. needinfo crossing way SherbetS defect minor
#22105 Wrong informational message: Incomplete pedestrian crossing tagging new template_report crossing team defect minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.