
Opened 7 years ago

Last modified 6 years ago

#15660 new enhancement

Relation editor: add "position/index of member" column

Reported by: yopaseopor Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: relation editor, table, position Cc:


When you select an item it shows you the tags, the values and if it is member of a relation.If it is you will see three columns: |Member of |Role| Position|.

But when you open this relation to edit the item in the relation you will only see two columns: |Role | Refers to|

I miss the column Position, because when you edit a bus relation , with more than 100 items the position of the item in the relation would be interesting to assure a good-ordered relation (now I have to check all the relation and reorder little splitted ways to assure the order between the bus_stop of the fragments is correct.


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comment:1 by simon04, 6 years ago

Keywords: relation editor table position added
Summary: Number of order in relation editorRelation editor: add "position/index of member" column

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