Custom Query (2549 matches)


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Results (801 - 900 of 2549)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#14139 Customize track drawing, gpx, where did I stop, speed color scheme. new team enhancement normal
#14142 Rename "Toggle Dialogs" (sometimes "Windows") to "Panel" new team enhancement normal
#14168 JOSM not working with manual or system proxy settings new team defect normal
#14177 Tag/Membership conflict window: Window height/divider not properly adjusted new team defect normal
#14178 Replace geometry: Optional setting handling for membership conflicts new team enhancement normal
#14182 Cancel upload produces a mess :) reopened team defect normal
#14191 Get route segments from overlapping way or GPS trace new team enhancement normal
#14290 Parent selector is selecting both child and parent new team defect normal
#14335 Printing function does not work. AIOOBE: 0 new team defect normal
#14378 Global territory selector new team enhancement normal
#14448 wikidata IDs fetch should show number of added and unchanged values in popup new simon04 enhancement normal
#14456 Can't add correct ext_tool shortcuts to main Toolbar new Upliner defect normal
#14463 need a command to "replace/add all member-of" to selection new team enhancement normal
#14471 terracer is associating Unconnected Building from Non-Selected Street in Relation Dialog new team defect normal
#14479 Validation Rule Level: Level sollten nur Zahlen mit optionalen 0,5 Schritten aufweisen: bitte entfernen new team enhancement normal
#14480 New automatic tag correction (or warning): placement new team enhancement normal
#14483 Occasional timeout while waiting on to be loaded new team defect normal
#14488 NPE at com.jhlabs.image.TransferFilter.filterRGB new Nipel-Crumple defect normal
#14490 Support for escaping pipe character in remote control addtags parameters new team enhancement normal
#14498 Terracer-with-Relation is Removing the Previous House Relation Member + other errors new team defect normal
#14526 SequenceCommand doesn't rollback properly in case of subcommand error. new team defect normal
#14530 Automatically include outer and inner roles when creating relations new team enhancement normal
#14532 check for invalid "layer" tagging on tunnel=* and bridge=* new team enhancement normal
#14541 Configure toolbar: Impossible to add almost any core submenu new team defect normal
#14569 Replace geometry: remember tag conflict resolution for next items new team enhancement normal
#14600 Add warning if othogonalize more than a reasonable number of ways, e.g. 20 new team enhancement normal
#14644 Faster access to bookmarks / home location new team enhancement normal
#14651 No tag conflict handling for "Update Multipolygon" new team defect normal
#14664 poly plugin: should warn about unclosed ways or properly merge them, if possible new Zverikk enhancement normal
#14668 IAE: Primitive to delete must be in a dataset new team defect normal
#14669 default map paint style does not recognize highway areas other than pedestrian new team defect normal
#14670 feature request: do not overwrite positions of already geotagged photos if time delta is bigger than x new team enhancement normal
#14686 Allow adjusting the rectangle on Download Slippy Map new team enhancement normal
#14711 when sorting members of a route, look at oneway tag of ways or direction of roundabout new team defect normal
#14720 Allow splitting multiple ways simultaneously new team enhancement normal
#14751 IAE: Node is already deleted - Merging a Dupe Node using WayDownloaderPlugin new Harry Wood defect normal
#14760 turnlanes doesn't show road if lanes=backwards new team defect normal
#14774 Review deletions in a revert process new Upliner enhancement normal
#14782 Keyboard shortcut for "zoom to" in relation editor / double click new team enhancement normal
#14797 DataIntegrityProblemException after upload new team defect normal
#14804 Unify case handling for boolean tag values new team defect normal
#14813 Points are still visible after selection for deletion in EditGpx plugin new team defect normal
#14826 Allow independent area style for outer ways of multipolygons new team enhancement normal
#14834 IOException: Shape goes outside the world new team defect normal
#14835 Tag Editor default focus is not set or not respected new team defect normal
#14841 TAB doesn't work in Unsaved Changes dialog new team defect normal
#14853 Drop File->"Export to Gpx" new simon04 enhancement normal
#14855 IAE: Node is already deleted (MergeNodesAction) new team defect normal
#14887 Ability to lock some objects according to mapcss selector new team enhancement normal
#14899 Add shortcuts to rotate objects new team enhancement normal
#14934 Interface improvement for `destination` tags and all other semicolon-separated list values new team enhancement normal
#14944 Validator - Include Warning About Simultaneous Use Of "Classic" And "New" Contact Tagging Scheme new team enhancement normal
#14958 JosmRuntimeException: "Reindexing way failed to remove" at QuadBucketPrimitiveStore.reindexWay new team defect normal
#14965 Improve autofilters new team enhancement normal
#14979 option to keep all relations by default when merging overlapping polygons new team enhancement normal
#14982 Drop down menu for Undelete Plugin new team enhancement normal
#14990 Consider correct segments only from correct routes assigned giackserva enhancement normal
#15007 Tagging preset: check and set key/value for more then one kv. new team enhancement normal
#15019 Feature Request Option to generate osm link for current view new team enhancement normal
#15023 Selection: Next way segment new team enhancement normal
#15038 compare route_ref tag to the list of actually served lines/route relations new darya enhancement normal
#15085 Fetch overpass turbo queries from OSM preferences API new team enhancement normal
#15094 Windows>Tags>right-click menu consistency & simplicity new team enhancement normal
#15112 After JOSM starts and loads an osm layer, when I open the Search window, click on the drop down list of last search strings and select the first one (the newest) it doesn't appear in the search box. new team defect normal
#15114 jump from stop to correspondig way and vice versa assigned giackserva enhancement normal
#15136 Ignore validator warning for no_u_turn where from and to new team enhancement normal
#15155 Group opening_hours warnings by object or opening_hours tag value. new team enhancement normal
#15160 cannot add certain bus stops to a route new roland.olbricht defect normal
#15162 Tracer2 Error-Message: Tracer2Server is'nt run, but Server is running new team defect normal
#15185 Bus stop platform node and Tram stop platform node in One Click preset assigned Polyglot task normal
#15194 Purging new objects purges relations containing those objects new team defect normal
#15209 PurgeCommand.topoSort fails when purging many relations new team defect normal
#15217 [PATCH][RFC] Use name-suggestion-index new team enhancement normal
#15219 remote control with an Overpass query new team enhancement normal
#15225 Update road colours to match style new team enhancement normal
#15242 Setting user specific keyboard shortcuts to frequently used user tags eg building=house new team enhancement normal
#15255 suggesting to switch to slippy map when Nominatim request is too big new team enhancement normal
#15309 Add Key healthcare with Subtags new team enhancement normal
#15314 Investigate why Wikidata "fetch IDs" doesn't work behind TR firewall new simon04 defect normal
#15326 Increase timeout when testing IPv6 connectivity new team enhancement normal
#15349 Different style when object is a building new team enhancement normal
#15361 IAE: Comparison method violates its general contract! (SelectionListDialog.sort) new team defect normal
#15366 override standard rules with custom validator rules to remove some tests new team enhancement normal
#15371 Relation editor, deactivate/disable modifying actions when relation was changed in main editor new team enhancement normal
#15374 problem deleting multilevel relations reopened team defect normal 17.10
#15415 PT_assistant: remove warning about gap if route contains only one way new darya defect normal
#15470 drag-drop URLs to josm at 2. time "download data" overlays the checkbox new team defect normal
#15475 Should offer more options when clicking on GPX tracks' pictures new team enhancement normal
#15489 Action "Duplicate" places new way too far away new team defect normal
#15492 Find objects exclusively within polygon new team enhancement normal
#15512 cycleway=lane not showing one side when,....... new team defect normal
#15520 NPE at DxfImportTask.realRun new team defect normal
#15522 always save layers locally new team enhancement normal
#15530 Designated direction for railway tracks new team enhancement normal
#15546 Importvec loading progress bar blocks prompt dialog indefinitely new Upliner defect normal
#15570 Icons in settings sidebar are too small on macOS new team enhancement normal
#15574 [patch] [experimental] make large jpeg loading work through the use of JNI bridge to turbojpeg system library new team enhancement normal
#15582 SyntaxException with a possibly valid opening_hours new boman defect normal
#15590 The default style should differ name and ref new team enhancement normal
#15595 Improve conflict resolving dialog for relations new team enhancement normal
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.