
Opened 8 years ago

#14774 new enhancement

Review deletions in a revert process

Reported by: Polarbear-j Owned by: Upliner
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin reverter Version:
Keywords: Review deletions Cc:


In a revert, I often face the situation, that a friendly but inexperienced mapper has caused a particular complex error, but also created a hundred new correct objects.

When I load this changeset into the revert plugin, the complex error is reverted, however all correct objects are deleted as well. So far my only workaround was to revert fully, and partially revert my own revert to selectively restore the good objects. (in this direction, I can select the good objects and use the 'Upload selection' button)

Thus I propose to implement a method to review deletions before upload. Excluding a way from deletion naturally should exclude its nodes as well.

This could be part of the reverter plugin, but could also be a general option in the upload process (I had situations that in my own edits I realised later that I accidentally deleted an object but the undo-history would have been too long to go back).

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