Custom Query (20438 matches)


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Results (1301 - 1400 of 20438)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#3117 Blank frames shown in photo layer while photo previews are loading team enhancement minor Core image mapping
#3119 Empty message dialog when importing images with AgPifoJ team defect minor Plugin
#3121 Change preset string "Second Name" to "Alternative name" team defect minor Core
#3122 Mixed arabic/european text team defect minor Core
#3123 JOSM should have a .desktop file for KDE/Gnome/etc team enhancement minor 14.08 Core
#3129 Error when updating data team defect minor Core
#3130 "Update data" - progress dialog not displayed anymore jttt defect minor Core
#3131 WMS tiles compressed vertically team defect minor Core imagery
#3132 Building piotr@… defect minor Plugin
#3134 Download errors not displayed jttt defect minor Core
#3138 500 - Internal Server Error while downloading GPS-raw and OSM data team defect minor Core
#3147 JOSM should have a UNIX Man page team enhancement minor Core
#3150 Appeared while downloading some data team defect minor Core
#3153 Swap button order of the "Change values?" dialog box nandhp@… defect minor Core
#3154 readd relation member selection feature team enhancement minor Core
#3155 Download members should be disabled if editing a new relation team defect minor Core
#3156 Download members should always download the members team defect minor Core
#3175 Don't know why it intercept a bug. Maybe it wanted to run with "sudo"? team defect minor Core
#3177 can not downlaod map data team defect minor Core
#3182 GPX consisting of only markers loads as two layers instead of one. team enhancement minor Core
#3188 osmChange has create before modify Ldp enhancement minor Core
#3191 [PATCH] NPE in RemoteControl if no data layer loaded dmuecke defect minor Plugin
#3196 Tried to download OSM-data after markering the wanted field in the map team defect minor Core
#3205 [PATCH] arange orthogonal not working dmuecke defect minor Core
#3206 Could not hide data-layer in josm v1917 andreasjacob@… defect minor Core
#3209 There should be a way to do a full download of selected objects team enhancement minor Core
#3221 [PATCH] Small cleanup for translation team enhancement minor Core
#3235 [PATCH] Visitor implementation doesn't belong to Way team defect minor Core
#3238 ConcurrentModificationException team defect minor unspecified
#3240 "unchecked cast" and "unchecked call" warnings when compiling JOSM team defect minor Core
#3242 Missing Translation 'Move 1 Node' team defect minor Core
#3246 Finished downloading does not refresh map stoecker defect minor Core
#3247 Calculation for "Download along track" takes too long team defect minor Core
#3251 changing mappaint-styles without restart + icon in toolbar team enhancement minor Core
#3256 deleting the data layer not includes the validator layer dmuecke defect minor Core validator
#3257 plugin remotecontrol: java.util.ConcurrentModificationException after load and zoom team defect minor Plugin
#3259 Plugin route and routes can not be loaded meppen7 defect minor Plugin routes
#3260 remotecontrol: NPE without datalayer uboot defect minor Plugin
#3261 [PATCH] Use the "name:$CURRENT_LOCALE" name in the JOSM UI instead of "name" when it exists Gubaer enhancement minor Core
#3265 [PATCH] updated tourism=information values ce defect minor Internal preset
#3268 Plus/minus buttons don't work team defect minor Core
#3269 Plus/minus buttons don't work team defect minor Core
#3270 "download from OSM" full Maximise window button team enhancement minor Core
#3274 warning message like oneway when changing direction of waterways team enhancement minor Core
#3276 Different relation memberships not displayed team defect minor Core
#3284 Allow side depending attributes in mappaint team enhancement minor Core mappaint
#3288 Keyboard shortcuts do not follow keyboard layout mikael.cordon@… defect minor Core
#3306 [PATCH] Restriction "no-u-turn" dont work when "via-way" has wrong orientation dmuecke defect minor Core
#3310 Changing the gps datum by clicking on the status bar team enhancement minor Core
#3314 Measurementdialog not visible alone team defect minor Plugin
#3322 bad and missing keyboard binding in 'add tag' dialog anonymous defect minor Core
#3324 Loading a File -> status message team defect minor Core
#3326 scale value team enhancement minor Core
#3336 [PATCH] WMS plugin does not check if user aborts save dialog team defect minor Core imagery
#3345 Simple mode (not keyword based) search dialog team enhancement minor Core
#3378 Deprecation warnings during compilation team defect minor Core
#3380 Add plural form to "Authors: {0}" team defect minor Core
#3385 Add auto-completion to changeset tag completion team defect minor Core
#3416 Properties dialog has empty properties/relation when viewing GPX track team defect minor Core
#3420 Plugin slippmap ignores JOSM background color settings framm defect minor Core imagery
#3422 Upload dialog allows modification of the created_by=* tag when adding to an existing changeset team defect minor Core
#3430 Entering comment=* manually in the changeset tags dialog gets ignored team defect minor Core
#3431 Upload dialog pops up again if no comment is provided team defect minor Core
#3434 Add search history to the search dialog team enhancement minor Core
#3438 GraphView plugin uses highway:steps for motorcars vidalfree@… defect minor Plugin graphview
#3458 Exit-Confirmation dialog says "Save and Exit" when it offers "Upload and Exit" Gubaer defect minor Core
#3462 New "combine ways" dialog wastes a huge amount of space for the data it presents avarab@… defect minor Core
#3488 "No open changeset" appears in changeset list every second time the list is refreshed team defect minor Core
#3493 When pressing shift+d to add a point select first input team enhancement minor Core
#3497 josm should suggest the tag "step_count" for highway:steps ce enhancement minor Internal preset
#3499 JOSM's HTTP User-Agent reports an incorrect language team defect minor Core
#3500 [PATCH] raw html in UI message xeen defect minor Core
#3502 the ESC listener on ExtendedDialog stopped working team defect minor Core
#3505 Launchpad is out of date team enhancement minor Core
#3515 The history dialog is confusing unless you know how it works Gubaer enhancement minor Core
#3516 [PATCH] Rephrase middle-click message to make it more obvious team enhancement minor Core
#3520 Do not remove selection when using undo team enhancement minor Core
#3543 Opening NMEA-files doesn't center view on their content team enhancement minor Core
#3548 Validator preferences do not allow "unnamed highway" warning to be switched off team defect minor Core validator
#3551 Copy relation membership for ways team enhancement minor Core
#3565 [PATCH] Typo and string unification for exceptions stoecker defect minor Core
#3572 ALT Modifier broken in point-creation-mode team defect minor Core
#3589 Preset on toolbar gives error when nothing selected. jttt defect minor Core
#3599 Split up "New" into multiple messages to enable translation in different contexts avarab@… defect minor Core
#3600 Split up "Edit" into multiple messages to enable translation in different contexts team defect minor Core
#3601 Split up "Add" into multiple messages to enable translation in different contexts team defect minor Core
#3602 Split up "Parking", "Rental" and "Shop" in presets into multiple messages to enable translation in different contexts team defect minor Core
#3604 Split up "Station" into multiple messages to enable translation in different contexts team defect minor Core
#3650 Double-click on items in history dialog should open history team enhancement minor Core
#3652 add amenity=pharmacy to the presets team enhancement minor Core
#3653 History for anonymous users should not be clickable Gubaer defect minor Core
#3659 graphic problem. team defect minor Core
#3681 Lakewalker: offset not displayed team defect minor Plugin
#3691 remote control error messages framm defect minor Core remotecontrol
#3713 File Open dialog on Windows Vista and 7 (64 bit) has button images missing team defect minor Core
#3719 Upload dialog still lists closed changesets after JOSM knows they've been closed team defect minor Core
#3739 History dialog displays anonymous users as "User: ". Should be "User: <anonymous>" or similar team defect minor Core
#3744 Ability to choose layer in slippymap browser team enhancement minor Core
#3764 make error messages copy-able team enhancement minor 14.03 Core
#3777 deutsche Übersetzung Farbgebung Genauigkeit team defect minor Core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.