Custom Query (21 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#18270 Special rendering for highway=construction construction=footway/path/cycleway/steps new template_report highway construction team enhancement minor
#18479 Consider making highway=track color-adaptive based on aerials or add halo new template_report highway track team defect minor
#4746 conflict manager: please highlight deleted members and conflict in roles separately new conflict manager member highlight team enhancement normal
#6191 Terracer: does not add housenumbers if highest housenumber is given new highest housenumber add zerebubuth@… defect normal
#7308 Syntax highlighting in search dialog new search syntax highlighting gsoc-candidate team enhancement normal
#12548 Proper colors for modified nodes in way history new ObjectHistory background highlight children team defect normal
#13706 History browser: color moved relation members differently new ObjectHistory background highlight children team defect normal
#16658 Add highway=corridor, attraction=animal, man_made=water_tap new highway corridor attraction animal tourism historic citywalls team enhancement normal
#17406 Complain about nodes shared by man_made=pipeline and highway=*, do not offer to merge nodes of man_made=pipeline and highway=* new template_report highway pipeline team enhancement normal
#18893 [Patch] OpeningHourTest highlight erroneous part in string assigned opening_hours highlight simon04 enhancement normal
#20052 Unglue Ways: Add some indication about which way won't be modified. new template_report unglue way highlight team enhancement normal
#20102 [WIP Patch] Add area:highway new template_report area:highway team enhancement normal
#21092 public_transport=platform not showing proper icon in the relation window but ONLY for ways and polygons new public_transport highway platform icon way team enhancement normal
#21163 [WIP Patch] Validating an object (way with conditionals) fails new template_report conditional highway lanes team defect normal
#21341 Access restriction node without object new access highway node team enhancement normal
#21712 Report overlap between building=* and highway=pedestrian areas new template_report overlap building highway area team enhancement normal
#22328 [Patch] Nodes should be exclude from "construction:highway without highway and construction" new template_report node construction highway railway team defect normal
#22758 Dedicated, error level complaint about combining highway=* and building=* on one way new template_report building highway team enhancement normal
#22781 Warning for highway and layer combination new tag_combination layer highway team enhancement normal
#23601 Warn about incorrectly connected highway with man_made=bridge or man_made=tunnel and different layer values new layer connected highway man_made bridge tunnel team enhancement normal
#23829 validator not recognizing highway=pedestrian on multipolygon areas as part of the highway grid new multipolygon, highway team defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.