
Opened 4 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#21092 new enhancement

public_transport=platform not showing proper icon in the relation window but ONLY for ways and polygons

Reported by: mrgenie Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: tested
Keywords: public_transport highway platform icon way Cc:

Description (last modified by Klumbumbus)


On the left side you can add a single node and add:

name=location stop

so in the window that says:"Tags: 3 / Memberships: 0" the icon for Transport/Public Transport/platform is shown properly.

In the window that says:"Sel.: Rel.:0 / Ways:0 / Nodes:1"
this node is shown if selected with the proper icon

In the window "Create new relation in layer 'Data Layer 1'"
you can now add this node and it will be added as role platform and show the right icon of the platform.

works great!

Now here comes this problem:
On the right side in
you can also select a platform as a way or area that's described on the right side of buses
as highway=platform (and yes I also tried public_transport=platform)
the thing is the moment it's not a single node but a way/area then this is the result

Tags: 3 / Memberships: 1 window shows the icon properly for both highway=platform and public_transport=platform

and here it comes:
Sel.: Rel.:0 / Ways: 1 / Nodes:0
does NOT show the icon .. it shows either the icon for way or area but NOT the icon for platform!!!

and analog the window "Edit new relation in layer 'Data Layer 1'"
also does show just a way or polygon icon but NOT the actual icon for platform for either
highway or public_transport.

This is very confusing for the user - as it might suggest somewhere we tagged something wrong.
But it's not tagged wrong - as the first window where you actually set the keys/values shows the right icons for NODE and WAY and AREA

It's just the windows "Sel.: Rel.: 0 / Ways:1 / Nodes:0" and "relations" don't show the right icons


The icons as they should be (even if tagging is wrong or not according to OSM-wiki - at least the icons should be consistent!):

This file shows the icons as they should be (even if tagging is wrong or not according to OSM-wiki - at least the icons should be consistent!!!!)

This shows the wrong icons - the moment these keys/values are set to a way:

This shows the wrong icons - the moment these keys/values are set to a way

This shows the wrong icons - also for a node since highway tag can't be set to a node? Either way, as said earlier the icon should be right for "highway=platform" regardless if it's for a node or way or area:

This shows the wrong icons - also for a node since highway tag can't be set to a node? Either way, as said earlier the icon should be right for "highway=platform" regardless if it's for a node or way or area

This shows the wrong icons - the moment these keys/values are set to a way:

This shows the wrong icons - the moment these keys/values are set to a way

Attachments (4)

public_transport=platform_node_correct_icon.png (548.3 KB ) - added by mrgenie 4 years ago.
This file shows the icons as they should be (even if tagging is wrong or not according to OSM-wiki - at least the icons should be consistent!!!!)
public_transport=platform_way_wrong_icon.png (551.3 KB ) - added by mrgenie 4 years ago.
This shows the wrong icons - the moment these keys/values are set to a way
highway=platform_way_wrong_icon.png (539.0 KB ) - added by mrgenie 4 years ago.
This shows the wrong icons - the moment these keys/values are set to a way
highway=platform_node_wrong_icon.png (571.5 KB ) - added by mrgenie 4 years ago.
This shows the wrong icons - also for a node since highway tag can't be set to a node? Either way, as said earlier the icon should be right for "highway=platform" regardless if it's for a node or way or area

Change History (9)

by mrgenie, 4 years ago

This file shows the icons as they should be (even if tagging is wrong or not according to OSM-wiki - at least the icons should be consistent!!!!)

by mrgenie, 4 years ago

This shows the wrong icons - the moment these keys/values are set to a way

by mrgenie, 4 years ago

This shows the wrong icons - the moment these keys/values are set to a way

by mrgenie, 4 years ago

This shows the wrong icons - also for a node since highway tag can't be set to a node? Either way, as said earlier the icon should be right for "highway=platform" regardless if it's for a node or way or area

comment:1 by mrgenie, 4 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:2 by Don-vip, 4 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:3 by Klumbumbus, 4 years ago

The 2nd and the 4th screenshot show the same problem, don't they? (just different tags)

comment:4 by Klumbumbus, 4 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

comment:5 by skyper, 4 years ago

Keywords: way added; window removed
Type: defectenhancement

The icon in the preset links is using the icon from the preset.
All other icons use the the icon from the section list panel which are only changed for nodes and (some) relations but not for ways.

highway=platform was approved to be only valid on ways and areas, so the wiki page should reflect this. Additionally highway and railway have a higher position in key hierarchy than public_transport causing the invalid tag icon to be displayed.

I see room for improvements:

  1. Removing type=node from highway/railway=platform presets
  2. Use distinct icons for ways in selection list panel but do not loose the information about the object type (node or way)

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