
translation incomplete

MapCSS 实现

JOSM 的 MapCSS 实现用于实现以下功能:

另外,可以在 VS code 中安装 MapCSS 语法高亮器,为 MapCSS 绘图和验证器语法添加可视化高亮。


MapCSS 样式表的规则形式为

selector {
    prop: value;
    /* ... */
    prop: value;
    /* and/or */
    set: class;
    set: .class;
    /* note that validator rules do not use the colon after set */


 - for each rule:
     if the selector applies, set the properties from the { } block
 - analyze the final list of properties and generate styles from it

MapCSS uses the comment format of CSS (/* ... */). Note that when commenting out large parts of a MapCSS file, some constructs may cause an unexpected end of the comment, for instance:

*[highway][name =~ /^R(\.|:)? .*/] { /* the end of the regular expression defines the unexpected end of the comment */
        throwWarning: tr("foo");


选择器 "是表示 MapCSS 规则的过滤表达式。只有当选择器与地图对象匹配时,该规则才会应用于该对象。

MapCSS 中的选择器不同于网页标准 CSS。MapCSS 只支持标准 CSS 选择器的一个子集,但扩展了 OSM 数据所需的其他选择器。


/* applied to ways with a tag highway=residential */
way[highway=residential] {  /*  the styles */}

/* applied to new, closed ways on layer 1, provided they have the tag amenity=parking and access=customers, and provided 
 * the zoom level is between 11 and 14 
way|z11-14[amenity=parking][access=customers]:closed:new::layer_1 {...}

area[amenity=parking][access=customers], area[amenity=parking][!access] {...}
relation[type=route][route=foot] > way::relation_underlay {..}

The different elements (type-, zoom- , condition selector, pseudo classes, layer identifier, grouping and child combinator) are explained below.





Matches with any object

node, way, relation

Matches with the osm objects of the given type.


Matches with any area regardless of whether the area border is only modelled with a single way or with a set of ways glued together with a relation.

area[natural=beach] {...} 
/* ... is equal to ... */
way[natural=beach], relation[type=multipolygon][natural=beach] {...} 

Note that area selects unclosed ways as well, so it may be useful to add the :closed pseudo class. The JOSM Validator will give a warning for unclosed ways that have an area style.


The meta selector starts a special rule that should stand at the beginning of the file. It gives some general information on the style sheet. All software that supports MapCSS should be able to parse this sections without errors, so do not use exotic syntax extensions in this part.

meta {
    title: "Parking lanes";   /* title shown in the menu */
    icon: "logo_16x16x8.png"; /* small icon shown in the menu next to the title */
    version: "1.2";           /* the version of the style */
    description: "...";       /* one or two sentences of describing the style */
    author: "...";            /* the author(s) of the style */
    link: "https://...";      /* URL to the web page of the style */
    min-josm-version: 6789;   /* the minimum JOSM version where this style works */


Some style information not specific to nodes, ways or relations.

canvas {
    fill-color: #ffffea; /* the former background-color is deprecated since r7110 */
    default-points: false;
    default-lines: false;



Value Format

Default Value


Specifies the overall fill/background color (background-color is deprecated since r7110).




Whether default point style should be added to nodes where no style applies.




Whether default line style should be added to ways where no style applies.




如果一个节点是一个方式的一部分,我们就说它是这个方式的 "子节点"。同样,如果一个节点、一条路或一个关系是一个关系的成员,我们就说它是这个关系的组成部分

在 MapCSS 中,你可以使用子选择器,它只有在父对象和子对象都匹配的情况下才会匹配。


 * only matches for a way which is a child of a relation with tags 
 * type=route and route=foot
relation[type=route][route=foot] > way {...}


  • 缩放选择器和层标识符只适用于 > 符号右侧的部分。
  • 函数prop()is_prop_set()只支持 > 符号右侧的部分。
  • 函数"'parent_tag'"和"'parent_tags'"(见下文)可用于访问父级标记。
  • 为了与 MapCSS 0.2 标准兼容,也支持不带大于号 >relation[type=route][route=foot]方式 {/*...*/}。但是,在这种情况下不能指定 链接选择器


除了子选择器之外,JOSM 还支持父选择器的概念。请注意,父选择器是 MapCSS 在 JOSM 中的特定扩展,其它 MapCSS 实现中并不存在。

与子选择器类似,父选择器只有在父对象和子对象都匹配时才会匹配。与子选择器不同的是,父选择器使用字符 <。

与子选择器不同的是,父对象将被 "选中"。换句话说,{{{...}}}-声明块中的属性适用于"<"符号右侧的对象。


 * matches for a highway which has at least one node tagged as traffic_calming=*
node[traffic_calming] < way[highway] {...}



属性条件指定 OSM 对象标签的条件。





Exact match of the value.

way[highway=residential]                    /* is case sensitive, i.e. does NOT match e.g. highway=Residential or Highway=residential   */
node[name="My name"]                        /* use quotes if key or value includes spaces                                               */
node["name:pl"="Królewiec"]                 /* use quotes if key or value includes special characters like colons or unicode characters */


Value not equal

node[name!="My name"]

<, >, <=, >=

Comparison for numeric values.

node[population >= 50000]                   /* population greater than or equal to 50000 */
node[ele = 3000]                            /* elevation with exactly 3000 meters        */


Prefix match

node[name ^= "myprefix"]                    /* value starts with 'myprefix' */


Postfix match

node[name $= "mypostfix"]                   /* value ends with 'mypostfix' */


Substring match

node[name *= "my substring"]                 /* value contains the substring 'my substring' */


List membership

*[vending~=stamps]                          /* the tag value for the tag 'vending' consists of a list of ;-separated values */
                                            /* and one of these values is 'stamps'                                          */


Regular expression match

*[name=~/^My_pattern.*/]                    /* the value of the tag 'name' matches with the regular expression '^My_pattern.*' */
                                            /* Note, that reqular expressions have to be enclosed in /.../                     */

Case-insensitive matching can be enabled via the embedded flag expression (?i) (see Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).

*[name =~ /^(?i)(parking)$/]                 /* matches parking, Parking, PARKING, PaRkInG,...      */
*[name =~ /^(?U)(\p{Lower})+$/]              /* name consists of only lower case unicode characters */

!~ (since r6455)

negated Regular expression match


(U+2208, since r6609)

element of

Matches when an object matches the right selector(s) contains at least one element which match the left selector(s).

*[amenity=parking]  area[amenity=parking] {
  throwWarning: tr("{0} inside {1}", "amenity=parking", "amenity=parking");

Finds areas with amenity=parking that contain at least one node or area with amenity=parking. Since r15064 this rule produces one warning for each element on the left when there are multiple matches.

(U+2286, since r15102)

Subset of or Equal To

Synonym for .

*[amenity=parking]  area[amenity=parking] {
  throwWarning: tr("{0} inside {1}", "amenity=parking", "amenity=parking");

(U+2287, since r15102)

Superset of or Equal To

Matches when an object matches the right selector(s) and is contained in one or more elements which match the left selectors.

area[amenity=parking]  *[amenity=parking]

finds nodes or areas with amenity=parking inside areas with amenity=parking. Slower than and thus not useful in validator rules, but can be useful in the search dialog.

(U+2288, since r15102)

Neither a Subset of nor Equal To

Matches when an object matches the right selector(s) and does not contain any element which matches the left selectors.

*[highway=street_lamp]  area:closed2[amenity=parking][lit=yes]

finds areas amenity=parking that have lit=yes but don't contain a lamp. Always add :closed2 to avoid false positives as unclosed areas never contain something.

(U+2289, since r15102)

Neither a Superset of nor Equal To

Matches when an object matches the right selector(s) and is not contained in any area which matches the left selectors.

area[landuse=residential]  *[building]

finds buildings which are not inside any landuse=residential area. Note that this operator is likely to produce false positives when you have landuse=residentialareas which don't match :closed2.

(U+29C9, since r6613)


area:closed:areaStyle  area:closed:areaStyle {
  throwOther: tr("Overlapping Areas");

takes layer tag into account if set (since r12986)

Since r6554, it is possible to prefix the "value" (i.e., expression after the operator) with a * in order to "de-reference" it (i.e., obtain consider it as another key and obtain its value). Thus, [key1 = *key2] or [key1=*key2] compares the value of key1 with the value of key2, and [key =~ */pattern/] considers the value of the key pattern as a regular expression and matches it against the value of key.

In addition, you can test whether a tag is present or not:



Presence of tag

way[highway]                     /* matches any way with a tag 'highway' (is case sensitive)                                              */
way["name:fr"]                   /* use quotes if the tag name includes special caracters (white space, colons, unicode characters, etc.) */

Absence of tag

way[!highway]                     /* matches any way which does not have a tag 'highway' (is case sensitive)                               */
way[!"name:fr"]                   /* use quotes if the tag name includes special caracters (white space, colons, unicode characters, etc.) */

Presence of tag by Regular expression match (since r6547)

way[/^addr:/]                     /* matches any `addr:*` key */

Absence of tag by Regular expression match

way[!/^addr:/]                    /* matches any way which does not have a tag 'addr:*' */

You can test whether the value of a tag is logical truth value. The value is evaluated to true, if it is either "yes", "true", or "1". All other values are evaluated to false.



Testing for truth value

way[oneway?]                   /* matches any way with a truth value in the tag 'oneway' */

Testing for false value (since r6513)

way[oneway?!]                  /* matches any way with a false value in the tag 'oneway' */


您可以测试对象是位于特定区域内还是区域外。为此,JOSM 有一个内部数据库。您可以下载territories 文件并在 JOSM 中打开boundaries.png(截图预览)来研究它。该文件包含世界上所有国家的边界。由于性能原因,边界被简化了。可根据要求对特殊情况进行细化。领土用ISO_3166-1_alpha-2 代码"标记"。美国、加拿大、中国、印度和澳大利亚的分区有额外的边界。请参阅以下示例了解如何使用领土选择器。领土选择器在 mappaint 风格中的作用较小,可能会占用大量资源。不过,它们在mapcss based validator rules (en)中的作用要大得多。要选择左侧交通或右侧交通的区域,有一个更简单的方法,请参阅 伪类。有关此功能的主要实现,请参见 #10387

                                      /* matches any node located …                             */
node[inside("FR")]                    /* … inside of France (includes the overseas territories) */
node[inside("FX")]                    /* … inside of Metropolitan France (i.e. only the 
                                         mainland part with its near islands including Corse)   */
node[inside("EU")]                    /* … inside of the European Union                         */
node[inside("FR,DE")]                 /* … inside of France __OR__ inside of Germany            */
node[inside("US-FL")]                 /* … inside of the US state Florida                       */

node[outside("FR")]                   /* … outside of France                                    */
node[outside("FR,DE")]                /* … outside of France __AND__ outside of Germany         */
node[inside("US")][outside("US-FL")]  /* … inside of the USA except the state Florida           */



如果父对象是一个关系,则可以为成员对象在该关系中的 "角色 "设置条件。

relation[type=route] >[role="link"] way {  /* matches any way which is a member of route relation with role 'link' */ 
   color: blue;





Exact match of the role name. The name role is compulsory in this context.

relation >[role=residential] way           
relation >[role="My name"]   way           /* use quotes if the role value includes spaces or other special characters */

The operators !=, ^=, $=, *= and ~= are supported too. Please refer to condition selector operators.

Nodes in ways and members in relations are ordered. You can formulate conditions on the position of a node in a way or a member object in a relation. Positive numbers count from first to last element, negative numbers (since r8236) count from last to first element.

relation[type=route] >[index=1] way {  /* matches the first way which is a member of route relation  */ 
   color: blue;

way >[index=-1] node {  /* matches the last node of a way  */ 
   symbol-stroke-color: green;

way!:closed >[index=1] node!:connection,
way!:closed >[index=-1] node!:connection {  /* matches all single way end nodes */ 
   symbol-stroke-color: green;


您可以用缩放选择器来装饰类型选择器。缩放选择器限制了应用相应 MapCSS 规则的缩放级别范围。

示例1 示例2 示例3 说明
way|z12 {...} node|z12 {...} node|z12[...] {...} 缩放级别为12
way|z13-15 {...} node|z13-15 {...} way|z13-15[...] {...} 缩放级别为13-15
way|z16- {...} node|z16- {...} node|z16-[...] {...} 缩放级别为16以上
way|z-12 {...} node|z-12 {...} node|z-12[...] {...} 缩放级别为12以下
way {...} node{...} way[...] {...} 所有缩放级别



See Javadoc for the up-to-date list of pseudo classes supported by JOSM's MapCSS implementation.

Class Description
:closed true for ways where the first node is the same as the last and for any (completely downloaded) multipolygon relation
:closed2 same as above, but this one ignores if a multipolygon is downloaded completely (since r9099)
:completely_downloaded true for a relation whose members are all downloaded (since r9099)
:new all new objects
:connection true for nodes that are used by more than one way
:unconnected true for nodes that are not used by any way (since r6687)
:tagged What JOSM considers tagged, i.e. an object that with a tag key other than the following: source*, source_ref, note, comment, converted_by, created_by, watch*, fixme, FIXME, description, attribution (version r4008; in this list, * is a glob)
:area-style true if the object has an area style
:righthandtraffic true if there is right-hand traffic at the current location (since r7193); see left-right-hand-traffic (en) for screenshot of areas
:clockwise Whether the way is closed and oriented clockwise, or non-closed and the 1st, 2nd and last node are in clockwise order.
:anticlockwise Whether the way is closed and oriented anticlockwise, or non-closed and the 1st, 2nd and last node are in anticlockwise order.
:unclosed_multipolygon true for fully loaded unclosed multipolygon relations (since r8252)
:open_end to select end nodes of unclosed multipolygon relations with relation:unclosed_multipolygon >:open_end node (since r8252)
:in-downloaded-area true if an object is within source area and false if in the hatched area (since r8495).
:selected true if an object is selected in the editor (since r9341).
:highlighted true if the object is highlighted
:modified changed and new objects (since r7193).

You can also negate pseudo classes. E.g. !:new for all old objects.



way[highway=secondary] {
    width: 3;
    color: yellow;

way[highway=tertiary] {
    width: 2;
    color: orange;

way[access][access!=yes]::non_public_access_layer {
    width: +2; 
    dashes: 2; 

way[bridge]::bridge_layer {
    width: +3; 

This draws all secondary and tertiary roads in yellow and orange respectively. Any road with an access tag other than yes will get an extra line style below (object-z-index:-1.0;) the main line. If that part of the street happens to be a bridge, it will also get a half transparent blue overlay. The relative width value (width: +2;) refers to the width on the default layer (2 or 3 in this case).

The name for the layer can be any identifier.

If you omit the layer in the selector, this is the same as using ::default.

One more example:

node[amenity=parking] {
    icon-image: "presets/vehicle/parking/parking.svg";    /* displays the josm internal parking icon in the default layer */
    text: ref;                                            /* displays the value of the key ref as text in the default layer */

node[amenity=parking][fee=yes]::fee {
    icon-image: "presets/money/exchange.svg";             /* displays the josm internal exchange icon in the fee layer */
    icon-offset-x: 14;                                    /* shift the icon */
    icon-offset-y: -12;                                   /* shift the icon */
    text: charge;                                         /* displays the value of the key charge as text in the fee layer */
    text-offset-x: 16;                                    /* shift the text */
    text-offset-y: 17;                                    /* shift the text */

The result looks this way:

No image "multiple_icons_and_texts.png" attached to Zh_CN:Help/Styles/MapCSSImplementation

In addition, you can use the * layer to override and initialize all layers.
It overrides all existing subparts, so

way::A { a; } 
way::B { b; } 
way::* { c; }  /* overrides all existing subparts */

is equivalent to

way::A { a; } 
way::B { b; } 
way::A { c; } /* overrides a with c all existing subparts */
way::B { c; } /* overrides b with c all existing subparts */

And it initializes new subparts. In other words:

way::* { a; } 
way::A { b; } 

is equivalent to

way::A {} 
way::* { a; } 
way::A { b; } 

which is in turn the same as

way::A { a; } 
way::A { b; } 


way::A { a; b; }


Rules with common declaration block can be grouped into one:

area[landuse=forest] { color: green;   width: 2; }
area[natural=wood] { color: green;   width: 2; }

is the same as

area[landuse=forest], area[natural=wood] { color: green;   width: 2; }



/* assigning classes */
selector {
  set class;
  /* or equivalently */
  set .class;

/* matching classes */
way.class, node[foo=bar].class {
  /* ... */

Example for assigning/matching a class named path:

way[highway=footway] { set path; color: #FF6644; width: 2; }
way[highway=path]    { set path; color: brown; width: 2; }
way.path { text:auto; text-color: green; text-position: line; text-offset: 5; }

You can also negate classes. E.g. way!.path for all ways, which are not part of the class .path.

Classes and Layer together

If you want to use layer and classes together, please note that you have to identify the class via is_prop_set.

node[railway=signal] { set sgnl; }

/* it doesn't work */
node.sgnl::layer_signal_icon  { z-index: 1000; ... icon: icon/signal-icon.svg; ... }
node.sgnl::layer_signal_text  { z-index: 1010; ... text: concat("Name of signal: ", tag("ref")); ..... )

/* use instead: is_prop_set("...", "default") */
node[is_prop_set("sgnl", "default")]::layer_signal_icon  { z-index: 1000; ... icon: icon/signal-icon.svg; ... }
node[is_prop_set("sgnl", "default")]::layer_signal_text  { z-index: 1010; ... text: concat("Name of signal: ", tag("ref")); ..... )

@supports Conditional Processing

@supports rules are used to skip a section of the style under certain conditions. Typically you want to use a feature which is introduced in a newer version of JOSM, but like to have a fall back style for users of older JOSM clients. This feature came with r8087. Example:

@supports (min-josm-version: 9789) {
    way[highway] {
        width: 4;
        color: orange;
    /* fancy new stuff */
    /* ... */

@supports (max-josm-version: 9788) {
    way[highway] {
        width: 4;
        color: blue;
    /* fall back mode, using more simple features */
    /* ... */

@supports (icon-offset-x) {
    /* only if icon-offset-x property is supported */
    node[amenity] {
        icon-offset-x: 5;

The syntax closely matches the official css syntax. The following conditions are supported:




Check if a certain mapcss key is supported, e.g. repeat-image or icon-offset-x.

(min-josm-version: <number>)

Only include @supports section when the current version of JOSM is greater than or equal to the specified number.

(max-josm-version: <number>)

Only include @supports section when the current version of JOSM is lower than or equal to the specified number.

(user-agent: <string>)

Only include @supports section when the name of the editor / renderer matches the given string. In JOSM, the only accepted value is josm.

Conditions can be combined with and:

@supports (min-josm-version: 8087) and (max-josm-version: 8200) {
 /* only for JOSM versions 8087 to 8200 */

Other logical operators like or and not can also be used. Parentheses are needed if you want to combine different logical operators:

@supports ((min-josm-version: 8087) and (max-josm-version: 8200)) or (user-agent: myEditor) {
  /* for JOSM version 8087 to 8200 and for the editor called "myEditor" */

Since @supports rules are only supported in JOSM r8087 and later, you should also specify this as minimum JOSM version in the meta selector:

meta {
    min-josm-version: "8087"; /* This style uses @supports rules */
    /* ... */


Styles settings (en) are used to provide the user settings to customize a mappaint style. The user can use them in the MapPaint dialog (en). The following type of settings are available:


Create a setting of type boolean:

setting::highway_casing {
  type: boolean;
  label: tr("Draw highway casing");
  default: true;

Use a setting of type boolean:

way[highway][setting("highway_casing")] {
  casing-width: 2;
  casing-color: white;

Settings of type double

Create a setting of type double:

setting::place_font_size {
  type: double;
  label: tr("Set place name font size...");
  default: 11;

Use a setting of type double:,, {
  font-size: setting("place_font_size");


Create a setting of type string:

setting::textdisplay {
  type: string;
  label: tr("key used for displaying");
  default: "name"; /* examples for usage: alt_name, old_name, addr:housename, ref, operator, ... */

Use a setting of type string:

way {
  text: tag(setting("textdisplay"));

Settings of type color

Create a setting of type color. The default color can be any color as understood under Property values explanations:

setting::colordisplay {
  type: color;
  label: tr("key used for displaying");
  default: colorDisplayCustomPref#FF00FF;

Use a setting of type color:

way {
  color: setting("colordisplay");


Similar settings can be grouped together by defining settings groups (since r15289):

settings::my_group {
  label: tr("my wonderful group");
  icon: "my_beautiful_icon";



setting::hide_icons {
  type: boolean;
  label: tr("Hide icons at low zoom");
  default: true;
  group: "my_group";

Settings groups are displayed as sub-menus from the style settings menu. If at least two settings belong to a group, a special "Toggle all settings" menu item allows to quickly switch on/off all settings from this group at once. Usage example: MapWithAI (en).



Key Description Value Format Default Value
z-index Specify the order the objects are drawn: The objects with higher z-index are drawn on top of objects with lower z-index Number (can be negative) 0
major-z-index Similar to z-index, but it has higher priority than z-index. So if one object has a higher major-z-index than the other, it is drawn on top. If the major-z-index is the same, z-index decides. Number (can be negative) Depends on style element: area: 1, casing: 2, left-/right-casing: 2.1, line-pattern: 2.9, line: 3, point: 4, default-point: 4.1, line-text: 4.9, point-text: 5
object-z-index Similar to z-index, but has lower priority. Controls the painting order for overlapping objects. E.g. for two crossing ways with text: Use z-index or major-z-index if you first want to draw the two lines and then the two captions. Use object-z-index if one of the ways should be completely on top of the other. Number (can be negative) 0
modifier Better control, whether a default line / node symbol is generated by JOSM. This happens when there is no proper style (modifier=false) found on any layer. false or true false for the default layer and true for any other layer

Note that due to performance reasons the values for the three z-indexes are limited to 24 bit float values with max. 5 decimal digits. Currently the internal mappaint style uses values with max. 2 digits before and after the decimal separator. To avoid problems use values of z-indexes between -99.999 and +99.999. (See also #14485)

Icon and symbol styles

Key Description Value Format Default Value
icon-image The icon at node position. See also Images (en). Image -
icon-opacity Opacity of the icon image Opacity 1.0
icon-width Width of the icon. If only one of the properties icon-width and icon-height is given, the image will be scaled proportionally. The icon will keep the original size, if neither icon-width nor icon-height is set. Number -
icon-height Height of the icon. (See icon-width) Number -
icon-offset-x Shift the icon in horizontal direction (positive values to the right) (since r8085) Number 0
icon-offset-y Shift the icon in vertical direction (positive values downwards) (since r8085) Number 0
icon-rotation Rotate the icon clockwise or anti clockwise (negative value)(since r8260) [rad], [rad]rad, [deg]°, [deg]deg, [grad]grad, [turn]turn (definition)
or a cardinal direction (e.g. northeast or sw);
or way to rotate the icon in the direction of the parent way.
See also the functions degree_to_radians, cardinal_to_radians.
Since version 18678 function parent_way_angle() is an alternativ to way: e.g. way > node[...]::layer_x { ... icon-rotation: parent_way_angle(); ... }
icon-position Define the position of the icon for areas. Same as text-position (since r11730). center, inside, line center
symbol-shape Display a symbol at the position of the node square, circle, triangle, pentagon, hexagon, heptagon, octagon, nonagon, decagon -
symbol-size Size of the symbol Number, can be relative ("+4") 10
symbol-stroke-width outline stroke width Width 1.0 if symbol-stroke-color is set
symbol-stroke-color line color Color #FFC800 if symbol-stroke-width is set
symbol-stroke-opacity line opacity Opacity 1.0
symbol-fill-color fill color for the shape Color blue, unless either symbol-stroke-width or symbol-stroke-color is set
symbol-fill-opacity fill opacity Opacity 1.0
text-..., font-... see general Text & Font properties

Do not rely on the default values for symbol-... properties (except for opacity). They are intended for "quick & dirty" style sheets and should be set to an explicit value.

Line styles

Key Description Value Format Default Value
width Line width Width -
color Line color Color value of fill-color or
(if unset) JOSM's default
untagged color (#808080)
opacity How transparent the line is. Opacity 1.0
dashes An array of alternating on/off lengths list of numbers, e.g.
> 15, 5

may be written as expression:
> list(3, 4, 5, 6)

or the keyword none
to turn dashes off
dashes-offset shift the dash pattern by a certain amount Number (>= 0) 0
dashes-background-color The color to use in between the dashes (optional) Color -
dashes-background-opacity Opacity value for the dashes background Opacity value of opacity
linecap Shape at the end of the line (see here) none, round, square none
linejoin Shape at the line corners round, miter, bevel round
miterlimit Applies for linejoin: miter.
Sets the maximum overshoot when line segments meet at a very small angle
Number (>= 1.0) 10.0
offset Move line to the left or right (when looking in way direction).
This could be used to draw multiple lanes for one way or mark left and right side of a way differently.
Number (positive value moves line to the left,
negative to the right)
text-position set to line, if text should be drawn along the line line, center -
see general Text & Font properties
repeat-image repeated image along a line (since r5801) Image -
repeat-image-width Width of the image (optional, see icon-width) (since r5811) Number -
repeat-image-height Height of the image (optional) (since r5811) Number -
repeat-image-align Alignment of the image.
Top-, bottom edge or the (horizontal) center line of the image will be along the line (since r5801)
top, center, bottom center
repeat-image-offset Offset from the line (since r5801) Number 0
repeat-image-spacing Spacing between repeated images (since r5801) Number 0
repeat-image-phase Initial spacing at the beginning of the line (since r5812) Number 0
repeat-image-opacity Opacity of the repeated image (since r16700) Number 1.0

All these properties (except for text-... and font-...) exist also with the casing- prefix. The casing is a second independent line element, that is drawn below the normal line and can be used to draw a thin frame around the line in another color.

Key Description Value Format Default Value
casing-width Width of the border on both sides of the main line.
In JOSM < 5214: Total width of the casing
Width (revers to width if relative width is specified) -
casing-color Casing color Color value of fill-color or (if unset)
JOSM's default untagged color (#808080)
casing-opacity How transparent the casing is. Opacity 1.0
casing-... ... ... ...

Similar to casing-, there is also the left-casing- and right-casing- prefix. It draws additional lines to the left and to the right of the main line.

Area styles

Key Description Value Format Default Value
fill-color Color in which to fill the area. Until 11700, the alpha component was set to 50 to create a transparency effect. Color -
fill-image Image pattern Image -
fill-extent Set this property, to draw only the outline of the area. The number specifies, how far to fill from the border of the area towards the center. (If unset, the area will be filled completely) (since r9008) Number -
fill-extent-threshold Set this property, to draw full area when the given percentage of coverage is reached. Can be greater than 100% as the covered area is estimated as perimeter * extent. Number -
fill-opacity How transparent the fill is; applies to both color and image Opacity 0.2 (since r11700, 1.0 before that)
(can be changed with the mappaint.fillalpha and
mappaint.fill-image-alpha preferences)
text-position set to center, if text should be drawn in the center of the area. Set to inside to place the text completely inside the area. (since r11722) line, center, inside -
text-..., font-... see general text & font properties

Required properties to create an Area style: fill-color or fill-image

Text & Font properties



Value Format

Default Value


How to find the label text.
No label is displayed, unless this instruction is present.


Derive the text automatically. The default name tags are: "name:"+<LANG>,
"name", "int_name", "ref", "operator", "brand" and "addr:housenumber".

Configure a list of tag names in the preference "mappaint.nameOrder" in order
to change this list. (After changing the list, a restart of JOSM is required.)


Denotes the key of the tag whose value is used as text.


You can enter an expression to compute the text to be displayed. Examples:

  • eval("this is a static text") - renderes a static text
  • eval(concat(tag("first"), "-", tag("second"))) - displays
    the concatenated tags "first" and "second"


To delete a previous set text.


text-color the text color Color white for lines and nodes,
#c0c0c0 for areas
(JOSM "text" and "areatext"
color preferences)
text-opacity how transparent the text is Opacity 1.0
text-offset-x shift the text horizontally,
(not supported for text along line)
Number 0
(can also be written as
shift the text vertically, positive values shift the text in upwards direction Number 0
text-halo-radius size of text background border
(to make text visible on background
with a similar color)
Number -
text-halo-color color of the text halo Color complement of the text color
text-halo-opacity transparency for the text halo Opacity 1.0
text-anchor-horizontal horizontal text label placement left, center, right right
text-anchor-vertical vertical text label placement above, top, center, bottom, below bottom
text-rotation Rotate the text clockwise or anti clockwise (negative value)
(since r16253)
[rad], [rad]rad, [deg]°, [deg]deg, [grad]grad, [turn]turn
(definition) or a cardinal direction (e.g. northeast or sw);
or way to rotate the text in the direction of the parent way.
See also the functions degree_to_radians, cardinal_to_radians.
Since version 18678 function parent_way_angle() is an alternativ to way: e.g. way > node[...]::layer_x { ... text-rotation: parent_way_angle(); ... }
(Note that the direction means where the upper edge of the text faces.
That means with the default direction of north the text flows to east
(with a left to right language).
So if you want to flow it to e.g. south you need to set east.)
text-position see Area styles and Line styles
font-family font family String "Droid Sans"
(JOSM preference "mappaint.font")
font-size font size Number 8
(JOSM preference "mappaint.fontsize")
font-weight bold or not bold, normal normal
font-style italic or not italic, normal normal


  • In Mappaint styles (en) you can define any custom property, e.g.: crc: CRC32_checksum(tag(name))/429496.7296;
  • In Validator rules (en) they must be prefixed by a -, e.g.: -osmoseItemClassLevel: "1210/1/1";



  • 14.0 (any positive number)
  • default (use JOSM's default line width, which is 2, but can be configured)
  • thinnest (draws the line as thin as possible)
  • +3 (with plus sign in front) adds the amount to the width on the default layer. This applies only for styles that are not on the default layer, e.g. highlights. Another way to write this would be prop("width","default")+3. For casing-width, this refers to the width value on the same layer.


See Help/Styles/Images (en).


  • named color as found in this list
  • html style: #RRGGBB, #RGB, #RRGGBBAA
  • rgb(/*r*/, /*g*/, /*b*/) - rgb value with arguments from 0.0 to 1.0
  • rgba(/*r*/, /*g*/, /*b*/, /*alpha*/) - rgb value with alpha
  • hsb_color(/*hue*/, /*saturation*/, /*brightness*/) - color from HSB color space
  • if the color is prefixed with a name and #, e.g. color: highway_track#6e541c; it will appear in the Color Preference (en) and end users can adjust the color there themself


  • from 0.0 (transparent) to 1.0 (opaque)


  • any character sequence, in quotes, e.g. "images/fill.png". If the string is an identifier, quotes are optional. (Quote and backslash sign can be escaped.)


  • integer or floating point (in simple form e.g. 0.3). In general can be negative, but most properties do not support negative numbers
  • has a special meaning if you put a "+" sign in front (relative width)


请参阅 Javadoc of Functions 获取 JOSM 的 MapCSS 实现所支持函数的最新列表。

+, -, *, /
arithmetic operations
||, &&, !
boolean operations
<, >, <=, >=, ==, !=
comparison operators
asin, atan, atan2, ceil, cos, cosh, exp, floor, log, max, min, mod (since r17759), random, round, signum, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan, tanh
the usual meaning, details
cond(b, fst, snd)
b ? fst : snd
if (b) then fst else snd
list(a, b, ...)
create list of values, e.g. for the dashes property
get(lst, n)
get the nth element of the list lst (counting starts at 0) [since r5699]
split(sep, str)
splits string str at occurrences of the separator string sep, returns a list [since r5699]
value of the property p_name of the current layer, e.g. prop("width")
prop(p_name, layer_name)
property from the layer layer_name
true, if property p_name is set for the current layer
is_prop_set(p_name, layer_name)
true, if property p_name is set for the layer layer_name
get the value of the key key_name from the object in question
get the value of the key key_name from the object's parent
returns all parent's values for the key key_name as a list ordered by a natural ordering [since r8775]
true, if the object has a tag with the given key
rgb(r, g, b)
create color value (arguments from 0.0 to 1.0)
hsb_color(h, s, b)
create color from hue, saturation and brightness (arguments from 0.0 to 1.0) [since r6899]
red(clr), green(clr), blue(clr)
get value of color channels in rgb color model
get the alpha value of the given color [since r6749]
length of a string
length of a list, i.e., counts its elements [since r7162]
length of a list ([since r5699] – deprecated since r7162
any(obj1, obj2, ...)
returns the first object which is not null (formerly coalesce, [since r7164])
concat(str1, str2, ...)
assemble the strings to one
join(sep, str1, str2, ...)
join strings, with sep as separator [since r6737]
join_list(sep, list_name)
joins the elements of the list list_name to one string separated by the separator sep [since r8775]
converts string to upper case [since r11756]
converts string to lower case [since r11756]
converts string to title case [since r17613] ("i am FINE""I Am Fine")
remove leading and trailing whitespace from string [since r11756]
remove leading and trailing whitespace from a list of strings, will remove entries that are empty afterwards [since r15591]
true, if JOSM search applies to the object
tr(str, arg0, arg1, ...)
translate from English to the current language (only for strings in the JOSM user interface) [since r6506]
regexp_test(regexp, string)
test if string matches pattern regexp [since r5699]
regexp_test(regexp, string, flags)
test if string matches pattern regexp; flags is a string that may contain "i" (case insensitive), "m" (multiline) and "s" ("dot all") [since r5699]
regexp_match(regexp, string)
Tries to match string against pattern regexp. Returns a list of capture groups in case of success. The first element (index 0) is the complete match (i.e. string). Further elements correspond to the bracketed parts of the regular expression. [since r5701]
regexp_match(regexp, string, flags)
Tries to match string against pattern regexp. Returns a list of capture groups in case of success. The first element (index 0) is the complete match (i.e. string). Further elements correspond to the bracketed parts of the regular expression. Flags is a string that may contain "i" (case insensitive), "m" (multiline) and "s" ("dot all") [since r5701]
substring(str, idx)
return the substring of str, starting at index idx (0-indexed) [since r6534]
substring(str, start, end)
return the substring of str, starting at index start (inclusive) up to end (exclusive) (0-indexed) [since r6534]
replace(string, old, new)
Replaces any occurrence of the substring old within the string string with the text new
returns the OSM id of the current object [since r5699]
returns the OSM user name who last touched the current object [since r15246]
returns the OSM user id who last touched the current object [since r15246]
returns the OSM version number of the current object [since r15246]
returns the id of the changeset the current object was last uploaded to [since r15246]
returns the time of last modification to the current object, as timestamp [since r15246]
returns the OSM id of the object's parent (matched by child selector) [since r13094]
percent-encode a string. May be useful for data URLs [since r6805]
percent-decode a string. [since r11756]
escape special characters in xml. E.g. < becomes &lt;, other special characters: >, ", ', &, \n, \t and \r [since r6809]
calculate the CRC32 checksum of a string (result is an integer from 0 to 232-1) [since r6908]
Check if there is left-hand or right-hand traffic at the current location. [since r7193]
returns the number of tags for the current OSM object [since r7237]
prints a string representation of o to the command line (for debugging) [since r7237]
prints a string representation of o to the command line, followed by a new line (for debugging) [since r7237]
JOSM_pref(key, default)
Get value from the JOSM advanced preferences. This way you can offer certain options to the user and make the style customizable. It works with strings, numbers, colors and boolean values.
[This function exists since version r3856, but with some restrictions. JOSM_pref always returns a string, but in version r7237 and earlier, the automatic conversion of string to boolean and color was not working. You can use the following workarounds for boolean values and color in version r7237 and earlier: cond(JOSM_pref("myprefkey", "true")="true", "X", "O") and html2color(JOSM_pref("mycolor", "#FF345611")). These explicit conversions should be no longer necessary in version r7238 and later. Automatic conversion to a number works in any version. Furthermore, in version r16590, can be used to set color properties. So * { set_color: JOSM_pref("pref", #000000); } will create a color property now.]
to use a style setting [since r7450]
returns a in degree given direction in radians [since r8260]
returns a cardinal direction in radians [since r8260]
returns the length of the way in metres [since r8253]
returns the area of a closed way in square meters [since r8253]
returns true if the object centroid lies at given lat/lon coordinates, e.g. to check for nodes at "null island" node[at(0.0,0.0)] [since r12514]
is_similar(str1, str2)
returns true if the two strings are similar, but not identical, i.e., have a Levenshtein distance of 1 or 2. Example: way[highway][name][is_similar(tag(name), "Main Street")] checks for streets with a possible typo in the name (e.g. Main Streeg). [since r14371]
returns the lowest distance between the OSM object and a GPX point [since r14802]
returns the number of primitives in a relation with the specified roles [since r15275]
sort(str1, str2, str3, ...)
sorts an array of strings [since r15279]
sorts a list of strings [since r15279]
returns a list of values that match the regex [since r15317]
returns the string argument as a boolean [since r16110]
returns the string argument as a byte [since r16110]
returns the string argument as a short [since r16110]
returns the string argument as a int [since r16110]
returns the string argument as a long [since r16110]
returns the string argument as a float [since r16110]
returns the string argument as a double [since r16110]
uniq(str1, str2, str3, ...)
returns a list of strings that only have unique values from an array of strings [since r15323]
returns a list of strings that only have unique values from a list of strings [since r15353]
returns the angle of the parent way as a double in rad [since r18678] (see: text-rotation or icon-rotation)
returns the primitive id as a string [since r18829]
convert_primitives_to_string(PrimitiveId, PrimitiveId, ...)
returns a list of primitive ids converted to strings [since r18829]
parent_osm_primitives(optional key, optional value)
returns a list of primitive ids which match the key and value (if present) [since r18829]


  • 表示门牌号码的圆圈符号,大小取决于位数
    node[addr:housenumber] { 
        symbol-shape: circle; 
        symbol-size: eval((min(length(tag("addr:housenumber")), 3) * 5) + 3); 
        symbol-fill-color: #B0E0E6; 
        text: "addr:housenumber"; 
        text-anchor-horizontal: center; 
        text-anchor-vertical: center; 
        text-offset-x: -1; 
        text-offset-y: -1; }
    node[addr:housenumber]::hn_casing { 
        z-index: -100; 
        symbol-shape: circle; 
        symbol-size: +2; 
        symbol-fill-color: blue; 
  • invert colors
    *::* {
        color: eval(rgb(1 - red(prop(color)), 1 - green(prop(color)), 1 - blue(prop(color))));
        fill-color: eval(rgb(1 - red(prop(fill-color)), 1 - green(prop(fill-color)), 1 - blue(prop(fill-color))));
  • random stuff
    way {
        width: eval(random() * 20);
        color: eval(rgb(random(), random(), random()));
  • regexp matching example: change "nameXXXsubname" to "name::subname"
        _match: regexp_match("(.+?)XXX(.+)", tag("name"));
        text: concat(get(prop("_match"),1), "::", get(prop("_match"),2));
  • paint buildings in different colors according to street in the address tags
    area[building][addr:street] {
        fill-color: hsb_color(CRC32_checksum(tag("addr:street"))/4294967296.0, 0.9, 0.7);
        fill-opacity: 0.8;
  • casing on inside of area
    area[building]:clockwise {
        right-casing-width: 10;
    area[building]:anticlockwise {
        left-casing-width: 10;
    /* or */
    area[building][is_clockwise()] {
        right-casing-width: 10;
    area[building][is_anticlockwise()] {
        left-casing-width: 10;
  • case insensitive selector. This matches: Name=Main Street, but also naMe=MAIN STREET
    way[/(?i)^name$/ =~ /(?i)^Main Street$/] {


MapCSS 0.2


  • way[oneway=yes] does not have any magic, you can use way[oneway?] instead
  • no @import
  • JOSM does not require eval(...) to be wrapped around expressions, but for compatibility with other MapCSS implementations you should write it out.


At the moment, JOSM does not support the following properties:

font-variant, text-decoration, text-transform, max-width
not supported

Halcyon (Potlatch 2)

  • Text label is placed in the center of the icon. For compatibility with Halcyon put
    node { text-anchor-vertical: center; text-anchor-horizontal: center; }
    at the beginning of your style sheet.
  • standard z-index in Halcyon is 5, but it is 0 in JOSM
  • image: circle; corresponds to symbol-shape: circle;


  • Kothic 支持 eval,这可能与 JOSM 的 eval 不同。
  • Kothic 能理解单位,而 JOSM 总是以像素为单位计算。
  • JOSM 中没有挤出功能。


  • 似乎有 [tunnel=1],而不是 [tunnel=yes](Halcyon)或 [tunnel?](JOSM)。


注意:媒体查询已被弃用。应使用 @supports 规则(见上文)。

媒体查询用于在特定条件下跳过样式的某个部分。通常情况下,你想使用较新版本的 JOSM 中引入的功能,但又希望为旧版本的 JOSM 客户端用户提供一种备用样式。此功能在 r6970 中出现。例如:

@media (min-josm-version: 9789) {
    way[highway] {
        width: 4;
        color: orange;
    /* fancy new stuff */
    /* ... */

@media (max-josm-version: 9788) {
    way[highway] {
        width: 4;
        color: blue;
    /* fall back mode, using more simple features */
    /* ... */

该语法与官方css 语法非常吻合。支持以下条件:

Media condition


(min-josm-version: <number>)

Only include @media section when the current version of JOSM is greater than or equal to the specified number.

(max-josm-version: <number>)

Only include @media section when the current version of JOSM is lower than or equal to the specified number.

(user-agent: <string>)

Only include @media section when the name of the editor / renderer matches the given string. In JOSM, the only accepted value is josm.

条件可以与 "和 "结合使用:

@media (min-josm-version: 6970) and (max-josm-version: 7014) {
 /* only for JOSM versions 6970 to 7014 */

多个组合条件可以用逗号(逻辑 "或")串联起来:

@media (min-josm-version: 6970) and (max-josm-version: 7014), (user-agent: myEditor) {
  /* for JOSM version 6970 to 7014 and for the editor called "myEditor" */

由于媒体查询只支持 JOSM 6970 及更高版本,因此还应在元选择器中将其指定为最低 JOSM 版本:

meta {
    min-josm-version: "6970"; /* This style uses media queries */
    /* ... */
Last modified 13 months ago Last modified on 2024-02-25T15:04:00+01:00
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