
Mode menu

Keyboard shortcut: Alt+M

The Mode menu lists all Working modes available to JOSM and shows the current one.

The Mode menu can help users to quickly enter another Working mode.

Working mode

The effect of a mouse click in the Mapview is determined by the Working mode. Therefore JOSM has a current Working mode at all times.

Usually another Working mode is entered with a keystroke. Additionally the buttons visible in the upper half of the Edit toolbar allow entering a Working mode.

Most Working modes have individual icons for the mouse pointer. Further information about the next mouse click is also shown at the right hand side of the Status bar.

 Icon  Name Keyboard shortcut Description

Select mode (rect.)

Lasso mode (freely)

Select objects to move, rotate and scale them.
Press S again to toggle between select and lasso mode.
source:trunk/resources/images/mapmode/node/autonode.svg Draw mode A Draw nodes and ways. Press A again for Angle snapping
source:trunk/resources/images/mapmode/zoom.svg Zoom mode Zoom with a rectangle
source:trunk/resources/images/mapmode/delete.svg Delete mode Ctrl+Delete Delete objects or way segments
source:trunk/resources/images/mapmode/parallel.svg Parallel mode Shift+P Creates parallel copy of ways
source:trunk/resources/images/mapmode/extrude/extrude.svg Extrude mode X Create and edit way segments by extrusion
source:trunk/resources/images/mapmode/improvewayaccuracy.svg Improve Way Accuracy mode W Improve geometry of ways
source:trunk/resources/images/mapmode/splitway.svg Split mode T Split ways (since r18759)

Optional working modes

Depending on your plugin configuration some additional working modes (menu items) may be available, e.g.:

Icon Name Keyboard shortcut Description
/pluginicon/alignways.jar/images/alignways.png Align Ways mode Shift+N Make ways parallel
source:osm/applications/editors/josm/plugins/measurement/images/mapmode/measurement.png measurement Measure distances
/pluginicon/editgpx.jar/images/mapmode/editgpx_mode.png Edit Gpx tracks Delete trackpoints of gpx tracks
/pluginicon/contourmerge.jar/images/mapmode/contourmerge.png Contour Merge Merge and align the contours of areas. More infos at Contour Merge.
/pluginicon/photoadjust.jar/images/photoadjust.png Adjust photos Move photos to adjust their geolocation
/pluginicon/FastDraw.jar/images/favicon.png FastDrawing Shift+F Tracing forests, rivers, lakes, twisted roads etc. Without clicking A button or left mouse click too much. More infos at Fast drawing.
/pluginicon/buildings_tools.jar/images/mapmode/building.png Draw Building B Rectangular objects and/or basic shape of most man made objects. More infos at Draw building.

See also

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Last modified 22 hours ago Last modified on 2025-03-10T15:09:54+01:00
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