Custom Query (4434 matches)


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Results (3101 - 3200 of 4434)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#18354 CCE: QuadStateCheckBox$QuadStateDecorator cannot be cast to JToggleButton$ToggleButtonModel team defect normal Core
#18400 Incorrect asking for "missing" water tag team defect normal Core validator
#18407 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException team defect normal Core imagery
#18419 Moving node can change information about download area skyper defect normal Core
#18423 show presets shop=art and tourism=museum when searching for "gallery" team enhancement normal Core
#18427 JOSM consume 100% CPU for no apprent reason team defect normal Plugin http2
#18432 Stars on the background in JOSM team defect normal Core
#18435 CAD Tools : from irregular polygon to regular polygon - Crash after CTRL+Z Anamaria.Rotariu defect normal Plugin cadtools
#18437 ClassNotFoundException: java.sql.Time jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#18439 java.util.ConcurrentModificationException team defect normal Core imagery
#18442 ConcurrentModificationException at JCSCachedTileLoaderJob.finishLoading team defect normal Core imagery
#18448 InvalidPathException: Malformed input or input contains unmappable characters team defect normal Core
#18450 Unexpected exception when opening GPX directly from Android phone team defect normal Core
#18465 NPE at java.awt.color.ICC_Profile.activateDeferredProfile team defect normal Core imagery
#18467 NoClassDefFoundError: java/sql/Time jBeata defect normal Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#18470 Bug report team defect normal Core
#18473 Remove Maxar from aerial image list team defect normal External imagery source
#18474 Surveyor plugin in a low memory environment leads to unhandled exception team defect normal Plugin surveyor
#18478 ConcurrentModificationException at JCSCachedTileLoaderJob.finishLoading team defect normal Core imagery
#18489 IAE: node is already deleted (DeleteAction) - Conflicts crash JOSM Wulfmorn defect normal Core
#18496 JOSM is unusable because text is too small anonymous defect normal Core
#18498 Unable to join areas and ways when some nodes are outside downloaded area team defect normal Core
#18499 Saved overpass queries team defect normal Core
#18500 NPE at JoinAreasAction.joinOrientedWays team defect normal Core
#18506 Combine ways no longer active team defect normal Core
#18512 FastDraw throws exception akks defect normal Plugin FastDraw
#18516 Не загружаются слои от "Maxar"!!! team defect normal Core
#18529 NPE at ICC_Profile.intFromBigEndian team defect normal Core imagery
#18547 Search term is empty team defect normal Core
#18548 JOSM top menu, mainly Imagery layer is very slow team defect normal Core imagery
#18560 IllegalStateException: deleting the conflation layer Tyndare defect normal Plugin conflation
#18570 MapWithAI crashing taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#18575 Error when splitting polygon team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#18587 Solve all the conflicts densyakun1128@… enhancement normal Core
#18589 Show wikimedia_commons as GeoImageLayer floscher enhancement normal Plugin wikipedia
#18600 IAE: Node is already deleted (ContourMergeMode) Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#18609 Show same/similar (exception) info message once per run, only team enhancement normal Core validator
#18617 Move node to way - distance problem pangoSE defect normal Core
#18618 JOSM throws error on startup, continues to show splash screen but does not proceed to edit window team defect normal Core
#18621 При попытке выделить больше 5 way линий в слое mapwithai выбивает ошибку taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#18626 Same rendering for oneway:bicycle=yes as cycleway=opposite team enhancement normal Internal mappaint style
#18630 NPE at MapillaryImageDisplay.paintImage taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapillary
#18634 JOSM encountered a bug taylor.smock defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#18636 Deformed Upload Window team defect normal Core
#18655 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced (contour_merge) Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#18660 Ich habe die Schnauze (sorry) voll von der schlechten Programmierung der macOS-App team enhancement normal Installer MacOS
#18676 IllegalArgumentException node is already deleted at org.openstreetmap.josm.command.DeleteCommand.executeCommand (JOSM crashed during conflict clearance) team defect normal Core
#18681 IAE: Parameter 'data' must not be null team defect normal Plugin merge-overlap
#18686 IAE: Listener buildings_tools.DrawBuildingAction was not registered before or already removed anonymous defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#18688 IAE: Node is already deleted team defect normal Core
#18689 DataIntegrityProblemException: "Relation member must be part of the same dataset as relation" during save/conflict of relation team defect normal Core
#18695 Installation directory team defect normal Installer Windows
#18714 When using a preset, combo with editable="false" parameter is twice less height from usual team defect normal Core
#18715 Crash after pressing F11 for full screen team defect normal Core
#18719 Change car by motorcar on amenity=charging_station preset Don-vip enhancement normal Internal preset
#18732 JOSM-crash with Contour-Merge Gubaer defect normal Plugin contourmerge
#18734 ClassCastException: Node cannot be cast to Way Biswesh defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#18742 ClassNotFoundException: javax.sql.DataSource Don-vip defect normal Plugin geotools
#18743 JOSM freezes when trying to re-load Mapillary team defect normal Plugin mapillary
#18751 Wikipedia Plugin crash when trying upload of CS with new or changed elements with Wikipedia features team defect normal Core Webstart
#18753 OpeningHourTest.ENGINE uses/wastes 10 MB of heap memory team defect normal Core validator
#18773 Unknown error in wesion 15936 team defect normal Core
#18774 Cannot start JOSM team defect normal Core
#18775 new JOSM Version does not start at all, but stops with this report team defect normal Core
#18776 while installing team defect normal Core
#18777 Invalid token=EOF team defect normal Core
#18778 JOSM keeps running forever at startup team defect normal Core
#18779 JOSM-TESTED.JAR v. 15927 fails to start team defect normal Core
#18780 Fehlermeldung bei erstem Start nach Aktualisierung auf 15927. Popup bei "Aktualisieren der Erweiterungen" team defect normal Core
#18781 не открывает team defect normal Core
#18782 Crash team defect normal Core
#18783 JOSM Erstinstallation auf einem neuen Notebook mit Win10Pro team defect normal Core
#18784 Crash at every run after update team defect normal Core
#18785 JOSM 15927 crashes on start-up sequence team defect normal Core
#18786 JOSM 15927 does not start team defect normal Core
#18787 JOSM wont staRT!!!! team defect normal Core
#18788 While starting something went wrong team defect normal Core
#18789 run java -jar josm-tested.jar from command line team defect normal Core
#18790 Installation auch nach mehrmaligem Versuch mit gleicher Fehlermeldung gescheitert. JOSM hängt. team defect normal Core
#18792 downloaded new version and fails to load team defect normal Core
#18793 JOSM crashes on startup team defect normal Core
#18794 Downloads refers to 15937, but start 15927 team defect normal Core
#18805 error when add tag team defect normal Core
#18811 Add a way to choose between several OSM accounts team enhancement normal Core
#18816 IAE at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.history.HistoryBrowserModel team defect normal Core
#18822 Adding new tag team defect normal Core
#18823 Bug appear when i try to add new tag team defect normal Core
#18826 Add tag dialog causes error and fails to show team defect normal Core
#18827 JOSM Validator on opening_hours (nodes): Cannot read property "0" from undefined boman defect normal Plugin openinghourseditor
#18828 NullPointerException when adding property team defect normal Core
#18834 IAE instance of org.openstreetmap.josm.plugins.tracer.TracerAction was not registered before or already removed team defect normal Plugin tracer
#18836 Freezes while loading team enhancement normal Core
#18837 this occurred during startup team defect normal Core
#18839 JOSM fails to open on NoClassDefFoundError for ch/poole/openinghoursparser/ParseException team defect normal Core
#18840 Start problem team defect normal Core
#18843 Unable to tag only nodes. team defect normal Core
#18844 Bug on start team defect normal Core
#18846 Erreur au démarrage avec le .jar team defect normal Core
#18859 NPE when editing a node team defect normal Core
#18872 Tried to add an access tag. team defect normal Core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.