Custom Query (13 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#20412 Sorting does not work correctly in Conflation plugin new defect major Plugin conflation
#16108 Improve Remove function new enhancement normal Plugin conflation
#16960 IllegalStateException: The layer has already been destroyed: ConflationLayer new defect normal Plugin conflation
#17261 Conflation Error with LineString new defect normal Plugin conflation
#17697 Plugin Conflation: distance is always 0 & conflict with utilsplugin2 new defect normal Plugin conflation
#19811 IAE: Parameter 'data' must not be null executing a conflation with locked layer as active one new defect normal Plugin conflation
#20826 Option to allow conflating of node with (multiple) parent way new enhancement normal Plugin conflation
#20906 Add matching mode "closed way contains element" new enhancement normal Plugin conflation
#22582 Conflation plugin not robust to item manipulation/deletions new defect normal Plugin conflation
#22738 IllegalArgumentException when conflating after using MWAI merge function new defect normal Plugin conflation
#23294 Request for "defer to existing" tag merging feature in addition to the "overwrite" option new enhancement normal Plugin conflation
#23999 Tags merging not working properly in Conflate plugin new defect normal Plugin conflation
#18562 command stack toggle dialog: conflation delete icon not properly scaled new defect minor Plugin conflation
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.