Custom Query (20 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#9385 colour of arrows on oneway paths with bicycle=designated, foot=designated new bicycle foot oneway team defect normal
#10178 bogus "Superfluous turnrestriction as "to" way is oneway (1)" new turn restriction oneway team defect normal
#15512 cycleway=lane not showing one side when,....... new dash, oneway, bicycle, lane, cycleway team defect normal
#15751 [PATCH] oneway=reversible|alternating for highways new oneway reversible alternating team enhancement normal
#16395 Warning/test for possible wrong lanes count reopened oneway lanes lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#17511 Incorrect validation warning: turn restriction for oneway=yes with oneway:bicycle=no new Validator, oneway, turn restriction bicycle team defect normal
#17899 relation editor: oneway direction with route=bicycle and oneway:bicycle new template_report relation editor oneway bicycle connectivity team defect normal
#18377 Merge (selection) into a new layer new template_report merge new layer team enhancement normal
#18515 no warning about adding new end node to a way with membership new template_report new end node relation warning team defect normal
#18850 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException after undoing adding additional node new template_report undo new node kolesar defect normal
#19307 Make "Download to new layer" visible and choosable in confimation dialog new template_report new layer option confirmation team enhancement normal
#19308 Download as new layer not respected if new_layer=false is present new template_report download new layer team defect normal
#19498 Combine way: Never ofter "oneway=-1" new combine way oneway team enhancement normal
#20081 Does not find unconnected, new waterways outside downloaded area new template_report waterway end node new team defect normal
#20189 Circle arc: New nodes only added after last middle node with several parents new template_report circle arc new node distribute team defect normal
#20619 Move to the LINZ Basemap service new new zealand linz team task normal
#21542 Problem with Ignore list and new objects new template_report ignore list id:0 new object team enhancement normal
#22343 Warn about junction=roundabout with oneway=no new template_report circular roundabout oneway team enhancement normal
#22892 Preset Radwege: falsches Tagging von separaten Radwegen mit Tags im Namensraum cycleway:left/right new Radwege oneway team defect normal
#21778 Validation error: oneway + oneway:conditional + bicycle:backwards:conditional reopened template_report dismount oneway conditional team defect minor
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.