Custom Query (37 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#7807 State based drawing new GUI usability team enhancement major
#18295 [Patch] Splitting large multipolygons reopened multipolygon split Don-vip enhancement major
#21154 Split Object: Invalid, self-crossing closed ways created new template_report Split Object self-intersecting overlapping ways team defect major
#24076 wrong order of transport relation member's after member split if the member drives to a round about new template_report split member order public_transport route roundabout team defect major
#6302 general function for splitting areas into multiple rows and columns new split object team enhancement normal
#6870 Increase Readability of Available Presets new presets preferences usability team enhancement normal
#7140 Improvements for /capabilities at startup new api capabilities blacklist team enhancement normal
#7806 reorganize tools menus new GUI usability menu team enhancement normal
#8225 split object with several split ways selected. new split, object team enhancement normal
#8709 Offer to convert into a multipolygon relation when splitting an area new split, area, multipolygon team enhancement normal
#11599 Relation Editor should update after splitting a member reopened relation, editor, geometry, update, split team defect normal
#12103 Show split way dialog only for high value geometries new split, history team enhancement normal
#12625 Propose to merge multipolygon tags into polygon tags when taking an outer polygon off the relation new multipolygon outer split merge helper tag team enhancement normal
#14720 Allow splitting multiple ways simultaneously new split team enhancement normal
#16029 Warn about keys representing quantities when splitting a way new parking, warning, split team enhancement normal
#17898 better protection of relation member order new split way relation order download team enhancement normal
#18018 split way: wrong position of new member in route relation in loops new template_report split route relation connectivity loop team defect normal
#18672 icon for amenity=social_facility new template_report node icon social_facility team enhancement normal
#18988 Split way: no warning about *:direction=forward/backward/both on split node new template_report split way node direction team defect normal
#19002 undeleting a node to existing layer does not work new template_report state visibility team defect normal
#19217 Split way: Wrong position of new member under special conditions of route relation new template_report split way route relation order team defect normal
#20446 Add preset item "Municipality" for Presets\Geography\Places\ new place municipality team enhancement normal
#20907 DataIntegrityProblemException: Deleted node referenced at (delete action) after undelete new template_report deleted node referenced state visibility team defect normal
#21153 Split Object: Overlapping areas created assigned Split Object overlapping ways relations GerdP defect normal
#21155 Split Object: Always use the selected unclosed way as split way new Split Object way node neighbors team enhancement normal
#21278 JOSM.exe runs upscaled new template_report jpackage windows hidpi scaling usablity team defect normal
#21826 [WIP patch] Upcoming API 0.6 change: limit maximum number of relation members new api capabilities limit relation team enhancement normal
#22138 Parse and use the status element in OpenStreetMap GET /api/capabilities new capabilities team enhancement normal
#22384 splitting ways in route relation when relation editor is open can be improved new relation,route,split team enhancement normal
#22748 Extend utility=* to buildings, street cabinets and industrial landuses new utility, street cabinet, service building, industrial team enhancement normal
#22824 WMTS : No way to refresh capabilities manually new wmts, capabilities team defect normal
#24003 GUI issues in windows 11 new template_report, windows, gui, glitch team defect normal
#24085 SplitMode: Canceling Split in expert mode's "keep history" dialog should delete the new node new template_report split mode cancel new node team enhancement normal
#24186 delete mode with shift: no question, which segment shall use old id new delete mode segment split old id team enhancement normal
#7496 Suggestion of a more intuitive UI design new UI GUI Usability team enhancement minor
#21681 Icon with more contrast/colors needed for man_made=tower in default preset and style new tower icon visibility team enhancement minor
#14730 Display a notice to the user if functionality (imagery layer display) is reduced in case of low memory allocation new memory Usability notification layer team enhancement trivial
Batch Modify
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Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.