Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Status: closed (16 matches)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Component Version
#9446 [PATCH][RFC] Show progress on upload validation team enhancement normal Core validator
#17669 [PATCH][RFC] tag() in validator.mapcss should allow placeholders team enhancement normal Core validator
#20850 [patch] Font size in Note dialog is very small in Windows10 team defect normal Core
#22253 Overpass query font size too small team enhancement normal Core
#22279 [Patch] Add new split mode for quick splitting of ways team enhancement normal Core
#22534 "Download object" contents not populated most of the time team defect normal Core tested
#22569 [Patch] Add beauty multiselect key to shop=beauty preset team enhancement normal Internal preset
#22751 Fix fullscreen mode [patch] team enhancement normal Core
#22845 [PATCH] EDT violation when fixing UntaggedNode errors when no download bounds exist (overpass) team defect normal Core
#22952 No way to check who I'm logged in as with OAuth 2.0 team defect normal Core
#22991 [PATCH] Improve precision for boundaries + add subdivisions of Indonesia + add autonomous regions of various countries team enhancement normal Core
#23001 Converting data layer to gpx layer failed team defect normal Core
#23011 Custom http headers aren't applied on custom imagery sources team defect normal Core
#23013 Username in tab title doesn't reflect oauth2 login team defect normal Core tested
#23015 Right click (map move) + scale/rotate commands should not interfere with each other team defect normal Core
#23022 Regression: Application name on macOS 12 is MainApplication team defect normal Core tested
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.