Custom Query (12 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#8388 Two different building presets new team defect normal
#9478 Add boundary=religious_administration to presets and/or diocese to place_of_worship preset new team enhancement normal
#15185 Bus stop platform node and Tram stop platform node in One Click preset assigned Polyglot task normal
#20374 Preset default text is not applied when element already has any tag new team defect normal
#20844 Merge multiple external power line mapping tagging presets new team enhancement normal
#22892 Preset Radwege: falsches Tagging von separaten Radwegen mit Tags im Namensraum cycleway:left/right new team defect normal
#22995 ParkingLanes Preset translation new team task normal
#23144 Key:railway:switch = inner_curved (or outer_curved) wrong translation in german new team defect normal
#23387 Missing icon in external preset "Heritage" assigned Santasa99 defect normal
#23960 Delete/update on Styles/PhilippinesTrafficSigns new team task normal
#22840 Preset PostPartner: wrong Wikidata, Wikipedia link new team defect minor
#23594 surface=unspecified in preset LCA from HDDM Optional for: LCA v1.01/Roads new team defect trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.