
Opened 11 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#9478 new enhancement

Add boundary=religious_administration to presets and/or diocese to place_of_worship preset

Reported by: WlaKom Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: External preset Version:
Keywords: diocese Cc:

Description (last modified by Don-vip)

Please add "diocese" to preset "place of worship" as a parameter.
A diocese is the name of very important Christian religious administrative unit. By adding this tag to the object which such is the church, it will allow to visualize the area of ​​the diocese.

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Change History (13)

comment:1 by WlaKom, 11 years ago

Component: PluginInternal preset

comment:2 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

Description: modified (diff)

A diocese is a religious administrative unit corresponding to a (potentially large) defined area, and should be tagged as such instead of putting it on each of its churches.

Indeed, a better approach is to follow this discussion:

Where a diocese matches admin_level=6 in christian religion context.

comment:3 by WlaKom, 11 years ago

I mean the term "church" as an object to which the diocese belongs.
For now determine the boundary of the diocese is virtually impossible if you do not know in advance the area of ​​the parish, so the use of "admin_level" is a matter of the future.
The use of "diocese = Diocese of Radom" is, at a given time, the most desirable.

comment:4 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

In France these areas are clearly defined I think, and the model has proved to be well-structured, see

I'll ask him to comment on this ticket, he's our French expert on religious matters :)

comment:5 by anonymous, 11 years ago

See what it looks like in Poland in colors.
(Mark "diecezje" at the left bottom menu ON)

comment:6 by FrViPofm, 11 years ago

The map is impressive. But it is more plotting, spotting than mapping.


Tagging each church doesn't seem to be the best way to map a diocese...
It is not a geographical way. You may forget churches...

Mapping a diocese is not so hard :

And so a parish :

I is very easy with a tool like ComcomMaker
(witch is comming back soon)

Each church doesn't belong to a diocese, e.g. monastic churches :

or belong to an other diocese (e.g. non roman catholic, but maronite)

Only churches (mainly catholic churches) would possibly require such a tag. But the tag "place_of_worship" is also for temples, mosques...

So adding such a tag in the main preset would be error prone : look at the to numerous roads having "oneway=no, maxspeed=90, bicycle=yes, foot=yes..." only because the tags are in the preset.

It is not so hard to do your own preset. I have done one especially for churches in France (among other things).
See [Presets].
You could also add your own to the list.

Last edited 11 years ago by FrViPofm (previous) (diff)

comment:7 by Don-vip, 11 years ago

FYI, we have updated the place_of_worship support (preset and validator) in the previous releases, now church, mosque and temple are separate items :) See r6432.

But I agree with everything you said :)

comment:8 by Don-vip, 10 years ago

Before implementing anything, I'd like to see a global religion boundary proposal accepted. Vincent's proposal of boundary=religious_administration sounds a good start to me as it has proven to work in France.

Any volunteer for this ?

in reply to:  6 ; comment:9 by WlaKom, 10 years ago

Replying to FrViPofm:

The map is impressive. But it is more plotting, spotting than mapping.


Tagging each church doesn't seem to be the best way to map a diocese...
It is not a geographical way. You may forget churches...

Tagging the boundaries of the diocese is a great idea.
But, presumably, in France, you have the boundaries of the villages. In Poland and other countries, we do not have all the borders of villages and cities (neighborhoods). To mark the religious boundaries of the diocese we have to have those boundaries. In the descriptions of the parish, on Wikipedia, sometimes we have a list of villages that belong to the parish, and a list of parishes belonging to the deanery, and then a list of deaneries in the diocese. So, drawing religious boundaries is only possible in the future.
Currently I add the parameter "diocese" and "deanery" to each tag "place_of_worship", by analogy to
Similarly, we add the parameter "name" to the border of the village and to the node of the village.
For churches who belongs to the congregation, I add the parameter "operator ="

comment:10 by simon04, 10 years ago

Summary: Add "diocese" to preset "place of worship"Add boundary=religious_administration to presets and/or diocese to place_of_worship preset

in reply to:  9 ; comment:11 by simon04, 10 years ago

Replying to WlaKom:

In Poland and other countries, we do not have all the borders of villages and cities (neighborhoods). To mark the religious boundaries of the diocese we have to have those boundaries. In the descriptions of the parish, on Wikipedia, sometimes we have a list of villages that belong to the parish, and a list of parishes belonging to the deanery, and then a list of deaneries in the diocese. So, drawing religious boundaries is only possible in the future.

Since the use of those keys seems to be quite restricted in the world ( more than, maybe a custom preset would fit better?

in reply to:  11 comment:12 by WlaKom, 10 years ago

Replying to simon04:

Replying to WlaKom:

In Poland and other countries, we do not have all the borders of villages and cities (neighborhoods). To mark the religious boundaries of the diocese we have to have those boundaries. In the descriptions of the parish, on Wikipedia, sometimes we have a list of villages that belong to the parish, and a list of parishes belonging to the deanery, and then a list of deaneries in the diocese. So, drawing religious boundaries is only possible in the future.

Since the use of those keys seems to be quite restricted in the world ( more than, maybe a custom preset would fit better?

It seemed to me that the easiest way would be to add two optional parameters to the "place of worship" rather than creating additional custom preset.
I would be glad if someone could write an optional preset for the Christian "place of worship".

comment:13 by simon04, 10 years ago

Component: Internal presetExternal preset

Being used only 560 times according to, this should be better implemented as an external preset …

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