Custom Query (45 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#6764 Selecting anything in the vicinity of selected nodes is nearly impossible new stoecker, bastiK, cmuelle8 team defect major
#12872 Allow hierarchical layers new Don-vip, bastiK, stoecker team enhancement major
#16860 Resolve all dependencies and tools using Apache Ivy reopened stoecker, sebastic team enhancement major
#17341 Better ways to already translated Help content new stoecker team enhancement major
#20919 Review/apply/reject all pending patches new stoecker, Don-vip, GerdP, Klumbumbus, skyper, taylor.smock team task major
#6648 Form need fields for time restrictions new stoecker, bastiK, skyper team enhancement normal
#8612 Next version of remote control API new Don-vip, stoecker, bastiK, skyper, simon04 team enhancement normal
#8864 Include some functions from Utilsplugin2 new stoecker, Don-vip, bastiK, simon04, skyper, joshdoe, Zverikk, akks team enhancement normal
#10537 Imagery menu hangs when an external layer icon cannot be loaded new stoecker team defect normal
#11695 Add possibility to specify URL which sets the Cookie that should be used with further imagery requests assigned stoecker wiktorn enhancement normal
#11910 [Patch in discussion] Adding imagery_used to changeset tags new ruben@…, Klumbumbus, stoecker, Don-vip, bastiK, Stereo, Andrew team enhancement normal
#12455 Auto-detect network loss and enable `--offline=all` at start new Klumbumbus, stoecker, Hufkratzer team enhancement normal
#12468 enhance display of boundaries in relation list dialog new stoecker, bastiK, Don-vip team enhancement normal
#12804 Remove playHeadMarker static reference new Don-vip, bastiK, stoecker michael2402 enhancement normal
#13030 Allow the creation of two map views new Don-vip, bastiK, stoecker team enhancement normal
#13036 More validation for commands new Don-vip, bastiK, stoecker team enhancement normal
#13386 [Patch draft] Make imagery support multiple map views new Don-vip, bastiK, stoecker team enhancement normal
#14142 Rename "Toggle Dialogs" (sometimes "Windows") to "Panel" new stoecker, bastiK, Don-vip, simon04, michael2402, wiktorn team enhancement normal
#15326 Increase timeout when testing IPv6 connectivity new stoecker team enhancement normal
#16449 Presets 'default' field is ignored new stoecker team defect normal
#18076 AIOOBE at DrawableSegment.paint new stoecker team defect normal
#18986 How to handle missing upper level pages new stoecker team enhancement normal
#19690 unable to find valid certification path to requested target new Don-vip, stoecker team defect normal
#19788 Remove icon file extensions (.svg) from internal presets and mappaint style, prefer svg over png new stoecker, GerdP team enhancement normal
#20225 Method Preferences.getAllPossiblePreferenceDirs() is rather useless new Don-vip, stoecker team defect normal
#20433 Imagery Integration tests assigned Don-vip, stoecker Don-vip task normal
#22452 JOSM on Microsoft Store new Don-vip, stoecker, dafadllyn team defect normal
#22791 [PATCH] Minimal support for man_made=quay new Don-vip, stoecker, Klumbumbus, taylor.smock team enhancement normal
#22913 NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class new stoecker team defect normal
#22956 Notes missing - download from OSM along this track new stoecker team enhancement normal
#23218 Update JDK versions in Java-EarlyAccess-JOSM new stoecker team defect normal
#23458 Hitting Plus Twice in Turn Lanes Throws an Error needinfo stoecker anonymous defect normal
#23564 Java 21 migration new stoecker, sebastic team task normal
#23570 Xubuntu jammy -- Error apt update needinfo stoecker anonymous defect normal
#23716 JOSM Nexus upgrade to version 3 new stoecker stoecker defect normal
#23865 Problem with the regions validator (false positive) if there are duplicate presets (like one for inside the US and Canada and one for outside the US and Canada) new SimonPoole, stoecker team enhancement normal
#23875 Deploy pom.xml files to nexus new stoecker, floscher team defect normal
#23902 JOSM Imagery layers outdated / sync with osmlab/editor-layer-index new stoecker team defect normal
#23913 "Error: Attribution is not loaded yet" on using Bing imagery reopened stoecker, chriswhy team defect normal
#24034 Add {apikey} support for TIGER Roads 2023 new stoecker team defect normal
#24166 German Glossar (Deutsche Übersetzung) new Klumbumbus, skyper, stoecker, kellerma team enhancement normal
#24185 details of delete mode new stoecker, skyper team task normal
#24194 help wiki improvement of draw mode > continuous drawing new stoecker, skyper team enhancement normal
#22614 [WIP patch] Combine ways is very slow new gaben, stoecker team defect minor
#23741 Plugin statistics new stoecker team task minor
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