
Opened 26 hours ago

#24185 new task

details of delete mode

Reported by: HeiKue Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Wiki content Version:
Keywords: delete mode Cc: stoecker, skyper


wiki quote Delete#Modifiers:

  • Shift to remove only a way segment. The remaining parts of the way are split apart.
  • Alt to spare the nodes of a way. These nodes will remain even when they are unused.
  • Ctrl to additionally delete all objects which reference the selected object without further warning, relations included.
    The definition of reference is:
    • a node references all ways it is connected to
    • an object references all relations it is member of
    • a simple way which is not a member of a relation has no references.

My questions:

  • Ctrl in addition to what?
  • What is the escpected behaviours resp. limitations of Shift/Alt/Ctrl combinations?
  • Ctrl also spare the nodes of a way. Is this correct behaviour? If yes, the statement "These nodes will remain even when they are unused." should be also there there.

It would be great to enter the open questions directly into the wiki instead of answering them here...

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