17 years |
stotz |
small bug fixed
17 years |
stotz |
Dispatcher now created and disposes Thread dynamically; …
17 years |
stotz |
Switching between Mapnik and Osmarenderer works
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
Outer map border added
17 years |
stotz |
new: switching between different map types is now possible
17 years |
stoecker |
finished TagChecker implementation. Parser working. Matching still …
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stotz |
new method: zoomChanged()
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
cleanup a lot, ignore errors is now numeric
17 years |
tim |
New SlippyMapChooser Version
17 years |
tim |
Quick and dirty implementation to switch between Mapnik and …
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
Usage of TileLoader completely changed
17 years |
stotz |
Small changes to the way tiles are loaded
17 years |
stoecker |
added bounds patch by Matteo
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
Continued TagChecker development. Some other cleanups and fixed. …
17 years |
stotz |
mouseDragged() mouse button detection from original slippy map chooser
17 years |
stotz |
Missing check for right mouse button on movement added
17 years |
tim |
Map moving triggered also region selection on OSX
17 years |
stotz |
Bugfix: map moving triggered also region selection
17 years |
tim |
Issues with MouseMotionListener, OSMMapControl needs to …
17 years |
stoecker |
continued TagChecker validator plugin
17 years |
stotz |
Added "srv_jmv" as source folder in eclipse project
17 years |
stotz |
Added "srv_jmv" as source folder in eclipse project
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
Slippy-Map-Chooser now uses an extended version of JMapViewer instead …
17 years |
stotz |
Added "link" to JMapViewer
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
New code was not compatible with Java 1.5 - reverted some parts back
17 years |
stoecker |
fix josm bug 1377
17 years |
stoecker |
updated translations
17 years |
stotz |
Some credits to Tim…
17 years |
stotz |
Separate package for all interfaces; First draft of a file caching …
17 years |
frederik |
- remote control plugin for JOSM is now usable.
17 years |
stoecker |
unified with josm design, do not yet use SideButton to reduce dependencies
17 years |
frederik |
new build of surveyor plugin, old one crashes with current josm (this …
17 years |
stotz |
Some smaller changes to the controller
17 years |
frederik |
JAR file for RemoteControl
17 years |
frederik |
very early first version of RemoteControl plugin for JOSM, allowing …
17 years |
frederik |
dir for new remotecontrol plugin
17 years |
christofd |
added patch from Marcus Wolschon to make it compile again
17 years |
frederik |
new build of utilsplugin with changed default for SimplifyWay
17 years |
frederik |
changed default max-error for SimplifyWay to 3 metres (was 50)
17 years |
stotz |
17 years |
stotz |
Improved implementation of MemoryTileCache;
JMapViwer now paints map …
17 years |
stoecker |
added fixing for whitespace warnings
17 years |
stoecker |
some cleanups
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed partial changes from february
17 years |
stoecker |
skip not-uploaded stuff for ignore
17 years |
stoecker |
added first parts of new TagChecker and ignore warnings possibility
17 years |
stotz |
Replaced: strategy algorithm for displaying tiles of other zoom levels …
17 years |
stoecker |
cleanup a bit
17 years |
stoecker |
moved osmarender requirement into svn:externals
17 years |
frederik |
fix java 1.6ism
17 years |
joerg |
josm/debian/control: This Package conflicts with the standard debia …
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
joerg |
josm:Update debian changelog
17 years |
stoecker |
minor i18n fix
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed JOSM bug 566
17 years |
stoecker |
disabled roundabout
17 years |
gabriel |
utilsplugin: josm stores coordinates in degrees, so we need to convert …
17 years |
stotz |
Initial commit of the java component "JMapView"
17 years |
stotz |
Directory created - content will follow soon
17 years |
stoecker |
updated to match real world tags
17 years |
stoecker |
minor fix
17 years |
stoecker |
correct SVN version
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
updated language use a bit
17 years |
stoecker |
minor fix
17 years |
gabriel |
utilsplugin: simplify way: support simpl of multiple ways in a selection
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
minor typo
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed name finder, closes josm bug #776
17 years |
stoecker |
added test for unclosed ways
17 years |
stoecker |
cleanup wrongly ordered ways - close josm bug #737
17 years |
stoecker |
updated to current SVN
17 years |
stoecker |
use SVN version
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
some fixes
17 years |
frederik |
v1.4 build
17 years |
frederik |
version upgrade to 1.4
17 years |
stoecker |
no longer display incomplete nodes as duplicate
17 years |
stoecker |
was to be expected, that I mix up the religional stuff
17 years |
frsantos |
Initial proof of concept import.
17 years |
frsantos |
Initial proof of concept import.
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed some more strings
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
17 years |
stoecker |
finished preset translation
17 years |
stoecker |
fixed i18n a lot
17 years |
stoecker |
Down to 129 missing