8 years |
Don-vip |
code refactorization, javadoc
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14016 - NPE
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14032 - include editor (retrieved from created_by changeset …
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14049 - NPE
8 years |
wiktorn |
Better handle of null in readBytesFromStream.
See: #14033
8 years |
wiktorn |
Fix NPE when stream is null (ex. null error stream when no useful …
8 years |
Don-vip |
refactor conflict classes
8 years |
Don-vip |
findbugs - SA_FIELD_DOUBLE_ASSIGNMENT - proper fix
8 years |
Don-vip |
8 years |
Don-vip |
8 years |
Don-vip |
8 years |
Don-vip |
findbugs - OS_OPEN_STREAM
8 years |
Don-vip |
update new TLD from IANA
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14015 see #13799 - remove deprecated stuff
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14031 - change focus with TAB in "add imagery" dialogs
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14040 see #13799 - Regression: primitives collection must support …
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14042 - NPE
8 years |
Don-vip |
8 years |
bastiK |
see #13948 - always listen to dataset events of the current edit layer
8 years |
simon04 |
OsmUrlToBounds: Make getZoom return the previously parsed zoom level
8 years |
simon04 |
Jump to Position: automatically paste URL from clipboard
Also, use …
8 years |
simon04 |
Jump to Position: focus first input, select text in textfield on focus
8 years |
simon04 |
Use Projection inside OsmUrlToBounds
8 years |
simon04 |
Replace TestError#getSelectablePrimitives by Java 8 stream usage
8 years |
simon04 |
see #13960 - Enhance exception message
8 years |
simon04 |
fix #14030 - Add tags: preselect second property if first is already used
8 years |
simon04 |
Fix http://errorprone.info/bugpattern/NarrowingCompoundAssignment
8 years |
simon04 |
8 years |
simon04 |
see #14025 - Merge layers performance: run quick/decisive checks first
8 years |
simon04 |
see #14025 - Store workinprogress/uninteresting/discardable keys in HashSet
8 years |
simon04 |
see #14025 - Merge layer: log duration
8 years |
wiktorn |
Use explicit ImageryTypes when adding layers
Closes: #14017
8 years |
simon04 |
see #13376 - Use TimeUnit instead of combinations of 1000/60/60/24
8 years |
michael2402 |
Fix #14004: Check range of thread count and image size.
8 years |
michael2402 |
Fix #14008: Do not break loop.
8 years |
michael2402 |
More Javadoc for AreaElement
8 years |
michael2402 |
Fix #14005: Initialize Territories before RightAndLefthandTraffic
8 years |
michael2402 |
See #13976: Add progress monitor information to the bug report
8 years |
michael2402 |
Make paste (Ctrl+V) support all urls that are supported by …
8 years |
Don-vip |
improve test coverage
8 years |
Don-vip |
sonar - fix recently added warnings
8 years |
Don-vip |
update new TLD from IANA
8 years |
michael2402 |
See #13361: Cleanup code and formatting
- Add javadoc to public …
8 years |
michael2402 |
See #13309: Make download dialog use preferences interface.
8 years |
michael2402 |
Fix #13361: Use a more consistent invalid bbox for primitives.
Patch …
8 years |
simon04 |
fix #13995 - Duplicate nodes validator warnings are not translated
8 years |
simon04 |
see #10387 - Fix build due to r11264
8 years |
bastiK |
refactor GeoProperty implementation of RightAndLefthandTraffic to …
8 years |
simon04 |
fix #13982 - Wrong links to OSM website if different API is used
8 years |
simon04 |
fix #13985 - Freezes when creating a layer named "Data Layer "
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #10387 - see #12914 - add debug info for failing unit test, remove …
8 years |
wiktorn |
Make DefaultLayer a type that can have layerName and tileMatrixSet
As …
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #10387 - Gibraltar and British Indian Ocean Territory are the only …
8 years |
simon04 |
fix #13913 - Update commandline usage
8 years |
Don-vip |
update new TLD from IANA
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #10387 - refactor actions to fix taginfo script
8 years |
wiktorn |
Add response debug printing on HTTP Status code >= 300
Closes: #13961
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix NPE that occurs with Taginfo script
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #9400 - see #10387 - see #12914 - initial implementation of …
8 years |
Don-vip |
update new TLD from IANA
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #10387 - fix unit tests
8 years |
Don-vip |
sonar - fix warnings
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #10387 - refactor various actions and commands so they can be used …
8 years |
bastiK |
applied #13933 - Simplify QuadBuckets and improve memory footprint …
8 years |
Don-vip |
update new TLD from IANA
8 years |
bastiK |
applied #13948 - Validator seems to hang in last executed test (patch …
8 years |
bastiK |
applied #13307 - various improvements to MultipolygonTest (patch by …
8 years |
michael2402 |
MapView: Allow public access to paintLayer.
This allows plugins like …
8 years |
michael2402 |
MapViewPath: Add @FunctionalInterface, clean formatting.
8 years |
michael2402 |
Simplify ExpertToggleAction
Make ExpertToggleAction use the listener …
8 years |
simon04 |
fix #13703 - Fine tune mouse wheel action on layer visibility sliders
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13923 - Select the relation instead open ends with "Multipolygon …
8 years |
Don-vip |
update new TLD from IANA
8 years |
wiktorn |
Use all information from wms_endpoint definition.
After the user …
8 years |
Don-vip |
sonar - fix various recent issues
8 years |
wiktorn |
Javadoc + checkstyle
8 years |
wiktorn |
Move WMTS layer selection out of WMTSLayer constructor and …
8 years |
Don-vip |
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13907 - StyleCache broken (regression from r9284, patch by Gerd …
8 years |
simon04 |
see #13850 - BugReportQueue output original exception to console
Make …
8 years |
simon04 |
fix #13899 - EDT violation in SaveLayersDialog via PluginHandler
8 years |
simon04 |
fix #13808 see #12030 - Custom system shortcuts are broken
8 years |
michael2402 |
Fix #13703: Layer visibility popup: Improve mouse wheel hit boxes and …
8 years |
Don-vip |
update new TLD from IANA
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13888 - make sure popup parent is displayed before attempting to …
8 years |
Don-vip |
extract some classes from AbstractTileSourceLayer
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13881 - handle cases where JOptionPane.showInputDialog returns …
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13880 - AbstractTileSourceLayer: Allow additional layer context …
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13873 - reduce default height of bug report dialog from 899px to 716px
8 years |
wiktorn |
Do not remove cache file if the file is local.
Local files accessed …
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13872 - use authentication only if OAuth is configured properly
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13872 - OAuth signing of all API requests to support user-based …
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13870 - robustness against …
8 years |
Don-vip |
sonar - fix some recent warnings
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix warnings caused by r11147
8 years |
wiktorn |
Log GetCapabilities document on parse error
See: #13861
8 years |
wiktorn |
Allow working on readonly JOSM Home
Return null …
8 years |
bastiK |
fixed #13864 - distribute nodes goes into infinite loop if 2 nodes …
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13859 - NPE
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #13826 - AIOOBE in getToolTipText