8 years |
Don-vip |
go back to checkstyle 7.8.2 - see …
8 years |
michael2402 |
See #14926: Flip the direction of repeat-image-phase to the old one.
8 years |
michael2402 |
Fix #14926: Preserve image phase when clamping a line.
8 years |
michael2402 |
Move MapCSS dash clamping test to new test case.
8 years |
bastiK |
see #14794 - remaining javadoc for the josm/data/ packages
8 years |
bastiK |
see #14794 - javadoc for the josm.gui.io package
8 years |
Don-vip |
update to equalsverifier 2.3.1
8 years |
bastiK |
revert [12399], fixes #14980, reopens #14926
8 years |
Don-vip |
update to checkstyle 8.0
8 years |
bastiK |
extend test case for MapCSSRendererTest (see #14980)
8 years |
bastiK |
new test case for MapCSSRendererTest (repeat-image, see #14926)
8 years |
Klumbumbus |
add man_made=cross (icon self created, CC0 and PD licensed)
8 years |
Don-vip |
update to error-prone 2.0.21, groovy 2.4.12
8 years |
Don-vip |
refactor WMS test to integration test as it relies on external WMS server
8 years |
Don-vip |
i18n update
8 years |
Don-vip |
update new TLD from IANA (forgot those from CC list)
8 years |
Don-vip |
update new TLD from IANA
8 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #14974 - use man_made=surveillance only on nodes
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14974 - geojson export: use Polygon only for closed ways
8 years |
Don-vip |
increase timeout of unit test
8 years |
Klumbumbus |
fix indentation
8 years |
Klumbumbus |
add entrance=home
8 years |
Don-vip |
sonar - pmd:SimpleDateFormatNeedsLocale
8 years |
Don-vip |
sonar - squid:UndocumentedApi
8 years |
Don-vip |
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14929 - remember button pressed state
8 years |
Don-vip |
update presets links
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14833 - Selectively added details to data/boundaries.xml (patch …
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #11924 - fix javadoc warnings with java 9
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #11924 - new versions of ant define ant.java.version to 9
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix "bad HTML entity" javadoc warnings
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14924 - remove useless <CR><LF> from javadoc
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14959 - NPE
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14924 - support NMEA GLL sentence
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14924 - support NMEA IN and EC talker IDs, found in gpsd …
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14924 - fix NPE when reading NMEA files starting with a (0,0) …
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14924 - improve NMEA documentation thanks to gpsd …
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14956 - wrong link to taginfo if key/value contains space character
8 years |
michael2402 |
GPX color selector: Highlight current color.
8 years |
Klumbumbus |
fix #14779 - improve highway=road warning message; update preset wiki links
8 years |
Klumbumbus |
fix #14417 - add airmark=beacon and aeroway=navigationaid and improve …
8 years |
Klumbumbus |
fix #14950 - warn if object is tagged with access only
8 years |
Klumbumbus |
fix #14947, see #14425 - fix wikipedia warning message
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix more SonarQube issues
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix some SonarQube issues
8 years |
michael2402 |
Fix #14946: Set the right data set for tag corrections when reversing …
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix OS build description for Linux systems
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14945 - InvalidPathException at startup when invalid URL is …
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #11924 - fix javadoc warnings new in 9-ea+173
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #2089 - add missing jdk9 exports directives
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14929 - add support for numeric ranges + unit test
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #2089 - fix javadoc warning with jdk9
8 years |
Don-vip |
fix #14938 - robustness to system date changing during startup
8 years |
Klumbumbus |
see #14917 - sort craft presets: food group, apartment/house group, …
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14929 - findbugs
8 years |
Don-vip |
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14929 - fix NPE in unit tests
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14929 - Automatic filters on numeric tag values (level , …
8 years |
bastiK |
fixed #14926 - repeat-image-phase: does not work
8 years |
Don-vip |
update new TLD from IANA
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #2089 - add openjfx as recommended package on Debian/Ubuntu
8 years |
michael2402 |
LayerVisibilityAction: Align the texts more nicely.
8 years |
michael2402 |
Add GPS colors to layer visibility panel
8 years |
michael2402 |
Fix LayerVisibilityActionTest: It does require the laye rlist dialog, …
8 years |
michael2402 |
Hide color filter sliders if no image layer is selected.
8 years |
michael2402 |
Unify handling of visibility checkbox and opacity slider
8 years |
michael2402 |
See #14794: Documentation for the gui package
8 years |
michael2402 |
See #14794: Document data.validation package and subpackages.
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14929 - extract OSDLabel from FilterTableModel
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14929 - change signature of FilterWorker.clearFilterFlags
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14929 - filter dialog: invalidate only edit layer instead of …
8 years |
Don-vip |
specify dataset when constructing DeleteCommand from …
8 years |
michael2402 |
See #14794: Class comment for CachedProperty
8 years |
michael2402 |
Doument the gui.tagging package
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14929 - new methods to ease the direct handling of filters
8 years |
michael2402 |
More documentation for the tools package
8 years |
michael2402 |
More documentation for the gui.mappaint package
8 years |
Don-vip |
remove deprecated MapView.viewportFollowing public field
8 years |
michael2402 |
Document the gui.mappaint.mapcss package
8 years |
michael2402 |
Document the gui.mappaint package
8 years |
michael2402 |
See #14794: Document the layer.gpx package
8 years |
michael2402 |
See #14794: Document package osm.visitor.paint
8 years |
michael2402 |
Document the data.coor package
8 years |
michael2402 |
Javadoc for the data package.
8 years |
michael2402 |
Fix listener leak in ChangesetDialog and migrate …
8 years |
michael2402 |
See #14794: Document package gui.dialogs.changeset
8 years |
michael2402 |
See #14794: Class comment for ChangesetInSelectionListModel
8 years |
michael2402 |
Document upload dialog classes
8 years |
michael2402 |
Javadoc for gui.progress package
8 years |
michael2402 |
Fix checkstyle
8 years |
michael2402 |
Document GPX color scale
8 years |
michael2402 |
Javadoc for ZoomToAction
8 years |
michael2402 |
CyclicUploadDependencyException: Copy the collection passed to the …
8 years |
michael2402 |
Javadoc: CyclicUploadDependencyException
8 years |
michael2402 |
PushbackTokenizer: Range is in long, so use Long.MAX_VALUE instead of …
8 years |
michael2402 |
Javadoc: PushbackTokenizer
8 years |
michael2402 |
Fix #14916: Remove the unused ToggleGPXLinesAction
8 years |
Don-vip |
see #14929 - filter dialog: invalidate only edit layer instead of …
8 years |
michael2402 |
OrthogonalizeActionTest: Set the edit data set the action works on.
8 years |
michael2402 |
DownloadAlongTrackActionTest: Change to test rules to get a cleaner …