
Version 3 (modified by stoecker, 9 years ago) ( diff )

Fix translation header

Translation incomplete


JOSM 是個可擴充,用 Java 7 撰寫的 OpenStreetMap (OSM) 編輯器。

目前支援單獨匯入 GPX 軌跡,以及從 OSM 資料庫載入,當然還能夠編輯資料庫中已經存在的節點、路徑、中繼資料標籤和關係。

軟體是 開源的 而且採用 GPL 授權。

source:trunk/images/openlocation.png 啟動 josm.jnlp (版本 19207)

推薦版本,適用所有平台,並且自動更新 (網路啟動)

source:trunk/images/download.png 下載 josm-tested.jar (版本 19207)

所有平台 (如何啟動)

Windows 安裝檔 (版本 19207)

Mac OS X 檔案 (版本 19207, 需要 Java 7)。Mountain Lion 用戶請見 下載說明.

最新開發版本 (19228, josm-latest.jar), Ubuntu 套件庫 和其他下載選項。



入門指南 | 說明

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  • Use JOSM
    • Report bugs, discuss ideas, think of possible enhancements (see above).
  • Participate in bug tracking
    • Review bugs, up/down vote tickets, find duplicates, test bugs, add more descriptive texts.
  • Correct/update/extend the online help
    • Unify all JOSM-related Wiki pages and join them with the online help.
  • Translate program/documentation.
  • Design fancy new icons.
  • Write code – get the code and write patches …

This site

  • This site is a combined online help and bug tracking system for JOSM and JOSM plugins.
  • No login is required to use this site (neither for reading nor for changes to wiki or bug tracker).
  • A login has the following advantages:
    • Mail is sent for changes in your own bug tracker tickets. This is possible by entering an e-mail as user name in the tickets, too, but then be aware that the address is openly visible and you are unable to change that later.
    • Page settings are remembered (e.g. input field size and a lot of other stuff).
  • Logins which have no e-mail address or which have not been used at least once are automatically deleted.
  • Logins to edit the OpenStreetMap database are separate from the logins on this server.
  • The secured HTTPS version of this site uses a SSL certificate with the SHA1 fingerprint AB:EA:94:03:21:C2:0F:DE:B2:79:C2:52:63:12:D5:52:F7:BA:43:C9.
  • Copyright (CC-BY-SA and LGPL since April 2014) of this site is stated in the footer.


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  • 有任何問題、點子或是建議請使用臭蟲回報
  • 你可以透過josm-dev郵件論壇,或是上#josm IRC 聊天室,聯絡創造 JOSM 志工。
  • 如果有使用社交網,可以到臉書Google+ 頁面找我們。
Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.