#!/bin/jython ''' WaysPropertiesOfARoute.jy # Return an overview of what type of ways a route consists of and their surfaces This code is released under the GNU General Public License v2 or later. The GPL v3 is accessible here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html The GPL v2 is accessible here: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html It comes with no warranty whatsoever. This code illustrates how to use Jython (Python in the scripting plugin of JOSM) to: * loop over all members of a route relation * find out whether the member is a node, a way or a relation ''' from javax.swing import JOptionPane from org.openstreetmap.josm import Main import org.openstreetmap.josm.command as Command import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Node as Node import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Way as Way import org.openstreetmap.josm.data.osm.Relation as Relation import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.AutoScaleAction as AutoScaleAction def getMapView(): if Main.main and Main.main.map: return Main.main.map.mapView else: return None def analyseRoute(route): routeName = route.get('name') if routeName: print routeName lengthsPerHighwayType = {} lengthsPerSurfaceType = {} fixme = route.get('fixme') if fixme: print 'This route has a tag fixme=' + fixme print 'the output may not be correct, as the route may not be complete' for member in route.getMembers(): if member.isWay(): way = member.getWay() name = way.get('name') if not(name): name = '' waylength = way.getLength() highway = way.get('highway') if not(highway): highway = '' if highway in lengthsPerHighwayType: lengthsPerHighwayType[highway] += waylength else: lengthsPerHighwayType[highway] = waylength surface = way.get('surface') if not(surface): surface = '' if surface in lengthsPerSurfaceType: lengthsPerSurfaceType[surface] += waylength else: lengthsPerSurfaceType[surface] = waylength print str(round(waylength,1)) + 'm, ' + highway + ' ' + surface + ' ' + name print if routeName: print 'Overview for: ' + routeName for highwayType in lengthsPerHighwayType: if not(highwayType): highwayType = '' print highwayType + ': ' + str(round(lengthsPerHighwayType[highwayType],0)) + 'm' print for surfaceType in lengthsPerSurfaceType: if surfaceType: surfaceTypeForPrint = surfaceType if not(surfaceType): surfaceTypeForPrint = 'No surface tag' print surfaceTypeForPrint + ': ' + str(round(lengthsPerSurfaceType[surfaceType],0)) + 'm' dummy_way = Way() dummy_relation = Relation() mv = getMapView() if mv and mv.editLayer and mv.editLayer.data: selectedRelations = mv.editLayer.data.getSelectedRelations() if not(selectedRelations): JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, "Please select a route relation") else: for relation in selectedRelations: relationType = relation.get('type') if relationType == 'route': analyseRoute(relation) else: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, "Please select a route relation")
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Last modified on 2011-11-17T11:28:53+01:00
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