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Plugin -> Scripting -> Python
Some more examples in Python:
Table of Contents
- Purpose
- Convert a way that connects to an unsplit roundabout to a fork
- Convert a way that connects to a split roundabout to a fork
- Export a collection of routes to Garmin GPX file
- Download missing parent elements for the selected element
- Download missing relation members
- Validate an rcn route relation
- Remove extra ways resulting from Potlatch operations
Convert a way that connects to an unsplit roundabout to a fork
Convert a way that connects to a roundabout to a fork consisting of 2 oneway ways. Splitting the way on its last node and attaching to the 2 nodes adjacent to the common node of the roundabout way. This version only works on unsplit roundabouts. See the next example for an updated version.
from javax.swing import JOptionPane from org.openstreetmap.josm.gui import MainApplication import org.openstreetmap.josm.command as Command import as Way editLayer = MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditLayer() if editLayer and selected_ways = print selected_ways if not(selected_ways) or len(selected_ways)>1: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), "Please select a single way that connects to a roundabout") else: for way in selected_ways: if way.get('oneway') in ['yes', '-1']: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), "This way has oneway tag set") else: node_before = None node_after = None common_node = None common_node_becomes_node_before=None #print dir(way) for fln in [way.firstNode(), way.lastNode()]: print 'fln', fln for parentway in fln.getParentWays(): if parentway.get("junction")=='roundabout': for n in parentway.getNodes(): if common_node: # found common node between selected way and # roundabout way in previous iteration node_after = n # we are done here break if n.getId() == fln.getId(): # this is the node the roundabout has in common with selected way common_node = n if not(node_before): # normally we encountered a node on the roundabout way # before this one, but if the common node is the first node # of an unsplit roundabout, we will need to take the last # node of the roundabout instead node_before = parentway.getNodes()[-2] node_after = parentway.getNodes()[1] break # if not we go through the loop one more time to put the next # node in node_after continue node_before = n if common_node: # if common_node is already defined at this point, it means it was # the first node of the selected way, # so it will have to be replaced with node_before in the selected way common_node_becomes_node_before = True adjacent_node_to_split_on = way.getNodes()[1] break else: common_node_becomes_node_before = False adjacent_node_to_split_on = way.getNodes()[-1] if not(common_node) or common_node_becomes_node_before==None: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), "Please select a way that connects to a roundabout") else: print common_node.get('name') print node_before.get('name') print node_after.get('name') commandsList = [] if len(way.getNodes())>2: # split off last segment before roundabout if needed commandsList.append(Command.SplitWayCommand.split( way, [adjacent_node_to_split_on], [])) MainApplication.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand( "Split selected way", commandsList)) commandsList = [] # After splitting find the segment that connects to the roundabout again for waypartconnectedtoroundabout in adjacent_node_to_split_on.getParentWays(): if common_node in waypartconnectedtoroundabout.getNodes(): break if len(way.getNodes())==2: if common_node == waypartconnectedtoroundabout.firstNode(): adjacent_node_to_split_on = waypartconnectedtoroundabout.lastNode() else: adjacent_node_to_split_on = waypartconnectedtoroundabout.firstNode() # time to actually do something # make a copy of the way modified_way = Way(waypartconnectedtoroundabout) # replace its nodes, so it becomes a fork modified_way.setNodes([node_before, adjacent_node_to_split_on, node_after]) # add oneway tag modified_way.put('oneway', 'yes') # apply the changes commandsList.append(Command.ChangeCommand( waypartconnectedtoroundabout, modified_way)) MainApplication.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand( "Add oneway tag and create forked way", commandsList)) commandsList = [] # split this way where it forks commandsList.append(Command.SplitWayCommand.split( waypartconnectedtoroundabout, [adjacent_node_to_split_on], [])) MainApplication.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand( "Split fork into 2 ways", commandsList)) commandsList = []
Convert a way that connects to a split roundabout to a fork
This script does the same as the previous one, but it also works on roundabouts where the ways are split. It's not taking care of the relations.
from javax.swing import JOptionPane from org.openstreetmap.josm.gui import MainApplication import org.openstreetmap.josm.command as Command import as Way editLayer = MainApplication.getLayerManager().getEditLayer() print '==== Fresh run ====' if editLayer and selected_ways = print selected_ways if not(selected_ways) or len(selected_ways)>1: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), "Please select a single way that connects to a roundabout") else: for way in selected_ways: if way.get('oneway') in ['yes', '-1']: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), "This way has oneway tag set") elif way.get('junction') in ['roundabout']: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), "This way is part of a roundabout") else: node_before = None node_after = None common_node = None common_node_becomes_node_before=None roundabout_way_before = None roundabout_way_after = None for fln in [way.firstNode(), way.lastNode()]: print 'fln', fln for parentway in fln.getParentWays(): if parentway.get("junction")=='roundabout': print parentway.get('name') if parentway.isClosed(): # unsplit roundabout for n in parentway.getNodes(): if common_node: # found common node between selected way # and roundabout way in previous iteration node_after = n print node_before.get('name') print node_after.get('name') # we are done here break if n.getId() == fln.getId(): # this is the node the roundabout has in common with selected way common_node = n print common_node.get('name') if not(node_before): # normally we encountered a node on the roundabout way # before this one, but if the common node is the first node # of an unsplit roundabout, we will need to take the last # node of the roundabout instead node_before = parentway.getNodes()[-2] node_after = parentway.getNodes()[1] print node_before.get('name') print node_after.get('name') break # if not we go through the loop one more time to put the next # node in node_after continue node_before = n else: # this is a split roundabout if parentway.firstNode().getId() == fln.getId(): node_after = parentway.getNodes()[1] roundabout_way_after = parentway print 'node after', node_after.get('name') else: node_before = parentway.getNodes()[-2] roundabout_way_before = parentway if node_before and node_after: common_node = fln break if common_node: # if common_node is already defined at this point, it means it was # the first node of the selected way, # so it will have to be replaced with node_before in the selected way common_node_becomes_node_before = True break else: common_node_becomes_node_before = False if common_node.getId() == way.firstNode().getId(): adjacent_node_to_split_on = way.getNodes()[1] else: adjacent_node_to_split_on = way.getNodes()[-1] if not(common_node) or ((parentway.isClosed() and common_node_becomes_node_before==None)): JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(MainApplication.getMainFrame(), "Please select a way that connects to a roundabout") else: commandsList = [] if len(way.getNodes())>2: # split off last segment before roundabout if needed commandsList.append(Command.SplitWayCommand.split( way, [adjacent_node_to_split_on], [])) MainApplication.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand( "Split selected way", commandsList)) commandsList = [] # After splitting find the segment that connects to the roundabout again for waypartconnectedtoroundabout in adjacent_node_to_split_on.getParentWays(): if waypartconnectedtoroundabout.get('junction') == 'roundabout': continue if common_node in waypartconnectedtoroundabout.getNodes(): break if len(way.getNodes())==2: if common_node == waypartconnectedtoroundabout.firstNode(): adjacent_node_to_split_on = waypartconnectedtoroundabout.lastNode() else: adjacent_node_to_split_on = waypartconnectedtoroundabout.firstNode() # time to actually do something # make a copy of the way modified_way = Way(waypartconnectedtoroundabout) # replace its nodes, so it becomes a fork modified_way.setNodes([node_before, adjacent_node_to_split_on, node_after]) # add oneway tag modified_way.put('oneway', 'yes') # apply the changes commandsList.append(Command.ChangeCommand( waypartconnectedtoroundabout, modified_way)) MainApplication.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand( "Add oneway tag and create forked way", commandsList)) commandsList = [] # split this way where it forks commandsList.append(Command.SplitWayCommand.split( waypartconnectedtoroundabout, [adjacent_node_to_split_on], [])) MainApplication.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand( "Split fork into 2 ways", commandsList)) commandsList = [] if roundabout_way_before and roundabout_way_after: origway = roundabout_way_before roundabout_way_before.addNode(node_after) commandsList.append(Command.ChangeCommand( origway, roundabout_way_before)) origway = roundabout_way_after roundabout_way_after.removeNode(common_node) commandsList.append(Command.ChangeCommand( origway,roundabout_way_after)) # middleway = Way(roundabout_way_after).setNodes( # [node_before, common_node, node_after]) # commandsList.append(Command.AddCommand(, middleway)) # MainApplication.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand( # "Add way on roundabout where fork attaches", commandsList)) commandsList.append(Command.SplitWayCommand.split( roundabout_way_before, [node_before], [])) MainApplication.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand( "Split roundabout way", commandsList)) commandsList = []
Export a collection of routes to Garmin GPX file
Export a collection of routes to Garmin GPX file (not a super example, as I don't think we do collection relations anymore):
#!/bin/jython ''' - Numbered networks to Garmin GPX file converter This code is released under the GNU General Public License v2 or later. The GPL v3 is accessible here: It comes with no warranty whatsoever. ''' from javax.swing import JOptionPane, JDialog from java.awt.event import ActionListener, ActionEvent from org.openstreetmap.josm import Main import org.openstreetmap.josm.command as Command import as Node import as Way import as TagCollection import as DataSet import time f = open('C:/export.gpx', 'w') f.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>\n') f.write('<gpx xmlns="" creator="OSM Route Manager" version="1.1" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">\n') f.write('<!-- All data by OpenStreetMap, licensed under cc-by-sa-2.0 ( -->\n') editLayer = Main.getLayerManager().getEditLayer() if editLayer and selectedRelations = if not(selectedRelations): JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, "Please select a collection relation") else: print for collection in selectedRelations: print 'COLLECTION:', collection for member in collection.getMembers(): print 'MEMBER:',member if member.isNode(): node = member.getNode() coords = node.getCoor() lon = coords.getX() lat = coords.getY() rwn_ref = node.get('rwn_ref') f.write('\t<wpt lat="' + str(lat) + '" lon="' + str(lon) + '">\n') if rwn_ref: f.write('\t\t<name>' + rwn_ref + '</name>\n') f.write('\t</wpt>\n') for member in collection.getMembers(): if member.isRelation(): routerelation = member.getRelation() f.write('\t<trk>\n') networkname = routerelation.get('network:name') if not(networkname): networkname = '' else: networkname += ' ' note = routerelation.get('note') if not(note): note = '' f.write('\t\t<name>' + networkname + note + '</name>\n') f.write('\t\t<src></src>\n') f.write('\t\t<type>foot</type>\n') for routerelmember in routerelation.getMembers(): if routerelmember.isWay(): f.write('\t\t<trkseg>\n') way=routerelmember.getWay() for waynode in way.getNodes(): coords = waynode.getCoor() lon = coords.getX() lat = coords.getY() f.write('\t\t\t<trkpt lat="' + str(lat) + '" lon="' + str(lon) + '"> </trkpt>\n') f.write('\t\t</trkseg>\n') f.write('\t</trk>\n') f.write('</gpx>\n') f.close()
Download missing parent elements for the selected element
#!/bin/jython ''' This code is released under the GNU General Public License v2 or later. The GPL v3 is accessible here: The GPL v2 is accessible here: It comes with no warranty whatsoever. This code illustrates how to use Jython to: * Download all referrers for an element ''' from javax.swing import JOptionPane from org.openstreetmap.josm import Main import org.openstreetmap.josm.actions.DownloadReferrersAction as DownloadReferrersAction editLayer = Main.getLayerManager().getEditLayer() if editLayer and selectedElements = if not(selectedElements): JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, "Please select an element") else: DownloadReferrersAction.downloadReferrers(editLayer, selectedElements)
Download missing relation members
#!/bin/jython ''' This code is released under the GNU General Public License v2 or later. The GPL v3 is accessible here: The GPL v2 is accessible here: It comes with no warranty whatsoever. This code illustrates how to use Jython to: * Download all missing members of a relation ''' from javax.swing import JOptionPane from org.openstreetmap.josm import Main import as Node import as Way import as Relation import as TagCollection import as DataSet import as RelationMember import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.relation.DownloadRelationMemberTask as DownloadRelationMemberTask editLayer = Main.getLayerManager().getEditLayer() if editLayer: selectedRelations = if not(selectedRelations): JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, "Please select a relation") else: for relation in selectedRelations: if relation.hasIncompleteMembers(): #print dir(relation) print dir(DownloadRelationMemberTask), relation.getIncompleteMembers(), editLayer ))
Validate an rcn route relation
#!/bin/jython ''' - Validation of a rcn route relation This code is released under the GNU General Public License v2 or later. The GPL v3 is accessible here: The GPL v2 is accessible here: It comes with no warranty whatsoever. This code illustrates how to use Jython to: * loop over all members of a route relation * find out whether the member is a node, a way or a relation * add/change properties of a relation * remove properties of a relation * add members to a relation * remove members from a relation * sort all members backwards * How to set an element selected ''' from javax.swing import JOptionPane from org.openstreetmap.josm import Main import org.openstreetmap.josm.command as Command import as Node import as Way import as Relation import as TagCollection import as DataSet import as RelationMember import re commandsList = [] reNumberDashNumber = re.compile(r'\d+-\d+') def getMapView(): if Main.main and return else: return None mv = getMapView() if mv and mv.editLayer and dummy_relation = Relation() selectedRelations = if not(selectedRelations): JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, "Please select a route relation") else: print for route in selectedRelations: newRelation = Relation(route) relationChanged = False name = route.get('name') if name: if reNumberDashNumber.match(name): print 'removing name when it is of the form ##-##' newRelation.remove('name') relationChanged = True else: name = '' ref = route.get('ref') if ref: if reNumberDashNumber.match(ref): print 'removing ref when it is of the form ##-##' newRelation.remove('ref') relationChanged = True else: ref = '' if relationChanged: commandsList.append(Command.ChangeCommand(route, newRelation)) Main.main.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand("Removing name and/or ref " + name + '/' + ref, commandsList)) commandsList = [] rcn_refs = []; route_relation_names = []; memberslist = [] endnodes = []; prev_endnodes = [] continuous_forward = True; continuous_backward = True prev_role = None; prev_endnodes_before_forward = None; last_endnodes_before_backward = None for member in route.getMembers(): if member.isWay(): role = member.getRole() memberslist.append(member) way = member.getWay() #JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, 'way is selected') endnodes = [way.getNode(0), way.getNode(way.nodesCount-1)] notfoundyet = True for endnode in endnodes: # inventorizing of rcn_ref on end nodes rcn_ref = endnode.get('rcn_ref') if rcn_ref: rcn_refs.append(int(rcn_ref)) for referrer in endnode.getReferrers(): if referrer.getType() is dummy_relation.getType(): if referrer.get('type')=='network' and referrer.get('network')=='rcn': relname=referrer.get('name') if relname: route_relation_names.append(relname) elif referrer.get('type')=='collection': route_relation_names.append('Node not assigned to network yet') # checking for continuity on ways if notfoundyet: if role: if prev_role: if role=='forward' and prev_role=='forward' and endnode in prev_endnodes: notfoundyet = False elif role=='forward' and prev_role=='backward' and endnode in last_endnodes_before_backward: notfoundyet = False elif role=='backward' and prev_role=='forward' and endnode in prev_endnodes: notfoundyet = False elif role=='backward' and prev_role=='backward' and endnode in prev_endnodes: notfoundyet = False else: if role=='forward' and endnode in prev_endnodes: notfoundyet = False elif role=='backward' and endnode in prev_endnodes: notfoundyet = False else: if prev_role: if prev_role=='forward' and endnode in prev_endnodes: notfoundyet = False elif prev_role=='backward' and endnode in last_endnodes_before_backward: notfoundyet = False else: if endnode in prev_endnodes: notfoundyet = False # Analysis of continuity of ways if prev_endnodes and notfoundyet: if role: if role == 'forward': continuous_forward = False elif role == 'backward': continuous_backward = False else: continuous_forward = False continuous_backward = False if role=='forward': if not(prev_endnodes_before_forward): prev_endnodes_before_forward = prev_endnodes elif prev_role=='forward' and role=='backward': if not(last_endnodes_before_backward): last_endnodes_before_backward = prev_endnodes elif not(role) and prev_role=='backward': prev_endnodes_before_forward = None prev_role = role prev_endnodes = endnodes # Drawing conclusions about continuity of ways if continuous_forward: print 'route is continous in the forward direction' else: print 'route is NOT CONTINUOUS in the forward direction' if continuous_backward: print 'route is continous in the backward direction' else: print 'route is NOT CONTINUOUS in the backward direction' # Drawing conclusions about rcn_refs print rcn_refs if len(rcn_refs) > 1: newRelation = Relation(route) relationChanged = False if rcn_refs[0] > rcn_refs[1]: rcn_refs.sort() print 'Flipping members order' for member in reversed(memberslist): newRelation.addMember( newRelation.getMembersCount(), member) newRelation.removeMember (0) commandsList.append(Command.ChangeCommand(route, newRelation)) Main.main.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand("Flipping order of members", commandsList)) commandsList = [] note = route.get('note') newNote = str(rcn_refs[0]).zfill(2) + '-' + str(rcn_refs[1]).zfill(2) if not(note) or note != newNote: if not(note): note = 'nothing' newRelation.put('note', newNote) relationChanged = True commandsList.append(Command.ChangeCommand(route, newRelation)) Main.main.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand("Changing note from " + note + ' to ' + newNote, commandsList)) commandsList = [] if len(route_relation_names) > 1 and route_relation_names[0] != route_relation_names[1]: print print 'This is probably a CONNECTION to another network' print route_relation_names else: print 'less than 2 end nodes with rcn_ref found'
Remove extra ways resulting from Potlatch operations
Remove extra ways resulting from Potlatch way split operations under turn restriction relations
#!/bin/jython ''' - Remove extra ways resulting from Potlatch way split operations under turn restriction relations This code is released under the GNU General Public License v2 or later. The GPL v3 is accessible here: It comes with no warranty whatsoever. This code Loops through selected turn restriction relations, trying to remove ways split from originally the same way (with to / from roles) under turn restriction relations which should no longer remain as members of these relations, as a result of a Potlatch issue: Only works for turn restrictions with one via node e.g. Original : from: Way1, via: Node, to:Way2 Split : from: Way1a, from: Way1b, via: Node, to: Way2 After running : from: Way1b, via: Node, to: Way2 This code illustrates how to use Jython to: * process selected items * download missing primitives in the same thread (blocking) * process, validate and remove members from relations ''' from javax.swing import JOptionPane from org.openstreetmap.josm import Main import as Node import as Way import as Relation import as TagCollection import as DataSet import as RelationMember import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.relation.DownloadRelationMemberTask as DownloadRelationMemberTask import as MultiFetchServerObjectReader import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.progress.PleaseWaitProgressMonitor as PleaseWaitProgressMonitor import org.openstreetmap.josm.command as Command class RestrictionError(Exception): pass def getMembers (restriction): memberlist = dict() for member in restriction.getMembers(): memberRole = member.getRole() if memberRole == "via": if member.isNode() and not "via" in memberlist: memberlist[memberRole] = [member] else: raise RestrictionError, "More than one via role or via not a node" elif memberRole in ("from", "to"): if member.isWay(): try: memberlist[memberRole].append (member) except KeyError: memberlist[memberRole] = [member] else: raise RestrictionError, "From or to role not a way" else: raise RestrictionError, "Unknown role " + memberRole if len(memberlist.keys())<3: raise RestrictionError, "Some roles missing: Only " + ",".join (memberlist.keys()) + " found" return memberlist def downloadPrimitives (primitives, editlayer): """ Download a list of primitives from server, and merge into editlayer. Blocking. """ monitor = PleaseWaitProgressMonitor() monitor.showForegroundDialog() print "Downloading" try: objectReader = MultiFetchServerObjectReader().append (primitives) dataSet = objectReader.parseOsm (monitor) editlayer.mergeFrom (dataSet) editlayer.onPostDownloadFromServer() if (not objectReader.getMissingPrimitives().isEmpty()) : raise RestrictionError, "Unable to download missing primitives" print "Download completed" finally: monitor.close() def checkIfConnected (node, way, reverse): """ Return (connected, next node to compare (i.e. other end of the node) if true) """ if (way.isOneway() != 0 and reverse): return node == way.lastNode(True), way.firstNode(True) # True: auto process case when isOneway == -1 if (way.isOneway() != 0): # not reverse return node == way.firstNode(True), way.lastNode(True) if node == way.firstNode(): return True, way.lastNode() if node == way.lastNode(): return True, way.firstNode() return False, node def repairrestriction (relation, memberlist, editLayer): """ Download missing members if needed, get list of members to remove, and remove them if no error raised during checking """ incompleteMembers = relation.getIncompleteMembers() if incompleteMembers: downloadPrimitives (incompleteMembers, editLayer); fromRemovalList = []; toRemovalList = [] if len (memberlist["from"]) >= 1: currnode = memberlist["via"][0].getNode() firstMember = True failed = False; # trace "from" members to confirm if split from one way for member in reversed(memberlist['from']): connected, currnode = checkIfConnected (currnode, member.getWay(), True) if not connected: if not firstMember: raise RestrictionError, "from ways not continuous from via node" failed = True break if not firstMember: fromRemovalList.append (member) else: firstMember = False if failed: # Second attempt in case sequence reversed when split currnode = memberlist["via"][0].getNode() for member in memberlist['from']: connected, currnode = checkIfConnected (currnode, member.getWay(), True) if not connected: raise RestrictionError, "from ways not continuous from via node" if not firstMember: fromRemovalList.append (member) else: firstMember = False if len (memberlist["to"]) >= 1: currnode = memberlist["via"][0].getNode() firstMember = True failed = False # trace "to" members to confirm if split from one way for member in memberlist['to']: connected, currnode = checkIfConnected (currnode, member.getWay(), False) if not connected: if not firstMember: raise RestrictionError, "to ways not continuous from via node" failed = True break if not firstMember: toRemovalList.append (member) else: firstMember = False if failed: # Second attempt in case sequence reversed when split currnode = memberlist["via"][0].getNode() for member in reversed(memberlist['to']): connected, currnode = checkIfConnected (currnode, member.getWay(), False) if not connected: raise RestrictionError, "to ways not continuous from via node" if not firstMember: toRemovalList.append (member) else: firstMember = False # to remove ways in fromRemovalList, toRemovalList newRelation = Relation(relation) waysToRemove = set() for removalList in [fromRemovalList, toRemovalList]: waysToRemove |= set ([m.getWay() for m in removalList]) newRelation.removeMembersFor (waysToRemove) print "Remove way(s) id:" + ",".join ([str(w.getId()) for w in waysToRemove]) return Command.ChangeCommand (relation, newRelation) validrestrictiontypes = ('only_straight_on', 'only_right_turn', 'only_left_turn', 'no_right_turn', 'no_left_turn', 'no_straight_on', 'no_u_turn') editLayer = Main.getLayerManager().getEditLayer() if editLayer and selectedRelations = if not(selectedRelations): JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(Main.parent, "Please select one or more relations") else: commandsList = [] for relation in selectedRelations: if relation.get('type') == "restriction" and relation.get('restriction') in validrestrictiontypes: try: memberlist = getMembers (relation) if (len (memberlist["from"])) > 1 or (len (memberlist["to"])) > 1 : # Repair attempt print "Attempt repair", print "relation id: " + str(relation.getId()) command = repairrestriction (relation, memberlist, mv.editLayer) print "Success" commandsList.append (command) except RestrictionError, e: print str(e), "; relation id: "+ str(relation.getId()) Main.main.undoRedo.add(Command.SequenceCommand("Repair turn restrictions", commandsList)) commandsList=[]
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