
Version 25 (modified by, 9 years ago) ( diff )


Filter dialog

source:/trunk/images/dialogs/filter.png Keyboard shortcut: Alt+Shift+F

The filter dialog allows the user to temporarily hide from display certain types of objects on the JOSM screen. The usage is to enter any property or just text in the text box. Objects complying with that text or property will be hidden on your JOSM screen. This allows for easier editing in areas with densely located objects or infrastructure.

The filter lines are evaluated from top down, with respect to values in #Columns.

If any filter is active, a transparent message box will appear so you don't forget.

How to activate

Click on the source:/trunk/images/dialogs/filter.png symbol on the lower left of the main window. If the symbol is not there, check if your JOSM version is >= 3189. If it is still not visible, you can try setting displayfilter=true in the advanced preferences (and restart).


The E till I options are selected in the Filter box (normally at the right of your screen) by ticking the appropriate box. Note that the text line above the click boxes may contain dots in your particular version of JOSM. This will probably be fixed. The order of the ticks from left to right means: Enable this filter line / Hide the filtered items / Your search-filter text / The inverse filter / Mode letter.

  • E (Enable): Enable or disable this filter line.
  • H (Hide elements): If this option is ticked, the chosen objects are completely hidden. Otherwise they are disabled and shown in a shade of gray.
  • Text: The search term or property that defines the objects that are filtered.
  • I (Inverse Filter): Normally, the specified objects are hidden and the rest is shown. If this option is activated, only the specified objects are shown and the rest is hidden.
  • M (Filter Mode) - see below

Filter mode

This mode selector defines how a filter is combined with the previous filter.

The filter Mode options are set in the pop-up window, where you will also enter the search text. A number of examples is provided.

replace selection (R)

Will effectively disable all filters above.

replace selection (A)

You most likely want this mode. Filters with this mode are independent of each other.

remove from selection (D)

Will un-filter all elements matched

find in selection (F)


Filter text Description
((landuse:|natural:|leisure:|building:) | (role:outer|role:inner)) De-clutter the map. Doesn't handle relations perfectly
-highway: | type:node De-clutters map
boundary: | leisure: | landuse: | waterway: | amenity: | natural: | building: De-clutters map, aggressive (sometimes you may want to keep buildings or amenity key)
type:node & untagged Make it easier to select ways
modified Quickly see your changes
child (type:way & highway:) All nodes that's part of a highway
child (type:relation & (natural:|landuse:)) All natural and landuse areas formed by relations
-((highway | child highway | untagged | public_transport) & -(highway=footway | highway=path | highway=steps | highway=track)) Only roads for public transport. Good for mapping bus networks.

See also Help/Action/Search#Examples other examples. If you have some clever filters, add them here.

Regular Expressions

The filter supports Java Regex. For detailed Information see

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