
Version 17 (modified by HeiKue, 9 days ago) ( diff )

working mode


To keep JOSMs interface easy and consistent its vocabulary needs to be easy and consistent too. Also the Translations benefit from a plain terms.

Source Translation Hints
advanced preferences Settings which are only visible to advanced users, see help page
angle snapping Function to draw segments that are parallel, perpendicular or at precisely defined angles (30°, 45°, 60°, 90°) to the base segment.
button Sub forms are panel buttons, switch buttons and else
child When the OSM objects has higher level objects (like nodes in ways or ways in a relation) it is a child
edit toolbar Toolbar to switch working mode and toggle panels of the sidebar
element Not used in JOSM, see object and member
(GPX) track Recorded raw position data used for creating new objects
imagery Background images for tracing
item Mostly a menu item.
keyboard shortcut Also shortcut key
key The key part of a tag
main toolbar Also called as toolbar or symbol bar
map paint style drawing rules for JOSM map, see Styles
mapview The main map area of the screen
member Reference in a relation to another object
membership Objects referenced from a relation
node The basic coordinate object of OSM (sometimes called point)
note Notes are placed by other OSM users
object One of the OSM elements node, way or relation (sometimes called (data) primitive)
OSM data Objects from the OSM server
outside of the world beyond the boundaries of the downloaded map data
parent If a OSM objects has higher level objects (like nodes in ways or ways in a relation) these are parents
plugin Extension for JOSM
preset A collection of object types (also called tagging preset)
primitive One of the OSM elements node, way or relation (sometimes called data object)
referrer Objects which are referred to, like nodes of a way or child relations.
relation The basic grouping object of OSM
selection Objects on the working layer are selected
sidebar Contains several panels (also called ToggleDialog)
status bar Below the Mapview
tag A key and value pair for an object, elsewhere called attribute
tagging Adding tags to objects to describe them
tagging preset see preset
tags The whole set of tags for an object
trace Creating new objects (typically from imagery)
validator Quality ensure tool of JOSM to check (new) data.
value The value part of a tag
way The straight variant of a way without curves is a line
working mode Editing mode
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