
Opened 11 years ago

#9456 new enhancement

moving joining ways

Reported by: jphilipz Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version:
Keywords: Cc:


I had suggested this idea in #9316 and was asked to move this suggestion to its own ticket, so here is what i had stated.

I wanted to suggest that there be a means of moving a node that is attached to the end of one way and part of a secondary way, along the secondary way without it effecting the secondary way's path. I would like to suggest the shift key as the trigger to this (as the shift key in photoshop is used for a similar type of control over drawing a square selection).

I would like to also suggest that the ctrl key be used as a trigger to move the entire way according to the movements of the selected node. This would help alot, so i wouldnt need to go to every node of the secondary way to adjust its location.

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