
Opened 12 years ago

Closed 12 years ago

#7313 closed enhancement (fixed)

Replace geometry of node with multipolygon

Reported by: joshdoe Owned by: joshdoe
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin utilsplugin2 Version:
Keywords: replace geometry multipolygon Cc: joshdoe


See #7277 for the previous case of replacing a node with a way; this is just doing the same but for a multipolygon. The code will largely be the same, but there may be multiple ways which should be checked to transfer the node. Not sure if I should require the relation to be complete before doing this command, or checking for it to be a valid multipolygon. Also I should only consider ways that have role inner or outer.

The functionality of #7277 has come in very useful while "upgrading" GNIS nodes to ways, but something like 20% of the time I'm dealing with multipolygons, thus the reason for this ticket.

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comment:1 by joshdoe, 12 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

Functionality added in [o27645], but not yet published. With this plus the faster relation selecting of #7314 and #7317, and the conflict dialog of #7278 has allowed me to merge GNIS nodes with multipolygons very quickly (for parks in my county).

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