
Opened 13 years ago

Closed 13 years ago

#7278 closed enhancement (fixed)

Show tag conflict dialog when using Replace Geometry command

Reported by: joshdoe Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Plugin utilsplugin2 Version:
Keywords: replace geometry tag conflict Cc: joshdoe, Zverikk


When using the Replace Geometry command of utilsplugin2, tags of the un-uploaded way automatically overwrite those of the uploaded way. Instead the tag conflict dialog should be shown, just as when merging nodes.

Attachments (1)

resolve_tag_conflicts.patch (16.2 KB ) - added by joshdoe 13 years ago.
adding tag conflict resolution to replace geometry command

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (7)

comment:1 by akks, 13 years ago

Cc: Zverikk added

by joshdoe, 13 years ago

Attachment: resolve_tag_conflicts.patch added

adding tag conflict resolution to replace geometry command

comment:2 by joshdoe, 13 years ago

Summary: Show tag conflict dialog when using Replace Geometry command[patch] Show tag conflict dialog when using Replace Geometry command

You'll find a patch attached which does this. I didn't commit it yet because it changes existing behaviour (rather than simply adding functionality as in #7277). Let me know if this seems to work for you and I'll commit it and update the JAR in dist.

comment:3 by joshdoe, 13 years ago

I should have mentioned that #7277 contains a JAR which has this functionality in it, in case anyone wants to try this out without compiling the JAR themselves.

comment:4 by joshdoe, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed
Summary: [patch] Show tag conflict dialog when using Replace Geometry commandShow tag conflict dialog when using Replace Geometry command

Added in [o27624] and JAR updated in [o27625].

comment:5 by rickmastfan67, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: closedreopened

Ok, this new way is driving me NUTS. Especially if the new way and the way you're replacing have both the same starting/ending nodes and those nodes have tags on them. IMO, it's all but nerfted the usefulness of the "Replace Geometry" command.

A way between two nodes that are traffic lights (as an example) is really bad and doesn't look great, yet the two traffic light nodes are in the correct places. So, I trace a new way that starts and ends at those two traffic light nodes. And then I go to the replace geometry command to replace the old way with the new one, and I'm prevented from doing so because of those traffic light nodes. I then have to remove the lights (temporarily) from the nodes, then replace geometry and then put the lights back on the nodes.

I consider that a waste of time. I mean, at least if the first and last nodes of both the original and the way to replace it are the same, it shouldn't matter if those two nodes at have tags on them or not. They aren't being replaced or even moved.

in reply to:  5 comment:6 by joshdoe, 13 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: reopenedclosed

Replying to rickmastfan67:

Ok, this new way is driving me NUTS. Especially if the new way and the way you're replacing have both the same starting/ending nodes and those nodes have tags on them. IMO, it's all but nerfted the usefulness of the "Replace Geometry" command.

A way between two nodes that are traffic lights (as an example) is really bad and doesn't look great, yet the two traffic light nodes are in the correct places. So, I trace a new way that starts and ends at those two traffic light nodes. And then I go to the replace geometry command to replace the old way with the new one, and I'm prevented from doing so because of those traffic light nodes. I then have to remove the lights (temporarily) from the nodes, then replace geometry and then put the lights back on the nodes.

I consider that a waste of time. I mean, at least if the first and last nodes of both the original and the way to replace it are the same, it shouldn't matter if those two nodes at have tags on them or not. They aren't being replaced or even moved.

Thanks for the report, but I'm moving this to #7295. See that ticket for my response.

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