
Opened 4 months ago

Closed 4 months ago

Last modified 3 months ago

#23994 closed enhancement (othersoftware)

Layer Named Automatically when Importing Changesets via OSMCha

Reported by: Gregory Owned by: Gregory
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: tested
Keywords: Layer Name Import Changeset Data OSMCha Automatic Remote Control Cc:


How it currently functions

Changesets imported from OSMCha (opened in JOSM) are given generic names.

How I would like it to function

I would like the layer to be automatically named based upon the ID of the changeset being imported, simmilar to how layers are named when importing from the HOT TM. Could you please make this happen?


It makes managing data layers easier and more efficient.

It would create a synergy with other JOSM plugins/tools like the changeset reverter which names layers based on the changeset ID (if reverted in a new layer).

It would make it easier to verify and provide comments on changesets in external tools like OSMCha.

Data layers would be possible/easier to identify in the event of a JOSM crash and recovery of data layers, rather than importing/setting things up from schratch, or having to check the data within each layer.

It would reduce the likelihood of human error.

Tested in JOSM version 19253

Attachments (1)

Data Layer Automatically Named when Importing Changesets from OSMCha Ticket (44.6 KB ) - added by Gregory 4 months ago.
Screenshots of how this currently looks and some examples of how it could look

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (4)

by Gregory, 4 months ago

Screenshots of how this currently looks and some examples of how it could look

comment:1 by skyper, 4 months ago

Owner: changed from team to Gregory
Status: newneedinfo

Remote Control already provides the option to set a name for the new layer, see Help/RemoteControlCommands.
I think this should be handled on the OSMCha side using the option layer_name. Would you mind to ask there first?

comment:2 by stoecker, 4 months ago

Resolution: othersoftware
Status: needinfoclosed

in reply to:  1 comment:3 by Gregory, 3 months ago

Replying to skyper:

Remote Control already provides the option to set a name for the new layer, see Help/RemoteControlCommands.
I think this should be handled on the OSMCha side using the option layer_name. Would you mind to ask there first?

Thank you for your informative comment. I was not aware that other software could determine/guide JOSM on how to name new layers.

Issue: Automatically Name New Layers when Opening Changesets in JOSM #759 has now been submitted to OSMCha frontend Git Hub page.

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