
Opened 4 years ago

Closed 2 years ago

#20487 closed enhancement (worksforme)

Image/photo viewer used with gpx display does not use auto-rotation, but image viewer for geo-tagged images does it

Reported by: Rainero Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core image mapping Version:
Keywords: Cc: Strubbl


Use case:

  • record a gpx trace with osmtracker and take some pictures.
  • copy the folder from osmtracker to the hard disk; it contains one gpx file and one or more photos which have rotation information in exif data
  • in JOSM go to File -> Open and open the gpx file: the gpx trace is displayed and the photo(s) represented by icons at their geo location
  • click on one of these icons -> the photo will be displayed in a pop up window, but it is not rotated as indicated in the exif data

However if you:

  • in JOSM go to File -> Open and open the photo(s), they will be displayed in a different kind of window and auto-rotation is working (and furthermore the zoom functionality is better)

The enhancement request is now to use this better image/photo viewer window also in case when the gpx file is loaded.

If you want to enhance even more, a button for manual rotation (besides the zoom button) would be nice for those users who have a set of geotagged images (maybe by a script), but with missing rotation info in exif.

I upload a tiny gpx trace with just one photo in portrait format (a tar.gz of the folder that was created in osmtracker).

Attachments (1)

osmtracker_2021-01-13_09-29-20.tar.gz (3.6 MB ) - added by Rainero 4 years ago.
osmtracker folder with 1 gpx file and 1 photo (portrait format that needs rotation)

Change History (8)

by Rainero, 4 years ago

osmtracker folder with 1 gpx file and 1 photo (portrait format that needs rotation)

comment:1 by Rainero, 4 years ago

I checked for existing tickets and found #5605, #8189 and #10962, but I think they are not about the same issue.

in reply to:  description comment:2 by skyper, 4 years ago

If I get this right we are talking about the marker layer with thumbnail and the minimized image viewer. The general geoimage viewer works.

Replying to Rainero:

I checked for existing tickets and found #5605, #8189 and #10962, but I think they are not about the same issue.

Mmh, is #10962 not the same?

Replying to Rainero:

The enhancement request is now to use this better image/photo viewer window also in case when the gpx file is loaded.

Actually, I do not understand why we have the two different layers (markers and geotagged images) with different behavior. How is it useful?

If you want to enhance even more, a button for manual rotation (besides the zoom button) would be nice for those users who have a set of geotagged images (maybe by a script), but with missing rotation info in exif.

+1, in fact this is #8189.
I sometime have no or wrong information if my GPS is not fixed right after booting or taking pictures in a tunnel. Lying on the ground and taking pictures to the sky like a vertical wall/cliff can produce wrong information.

comment:3 by Strubbl, 4 years ago

Cc: Strubbl added

comment:4 by Rainero, 4 years ago

With #10962 I was not sure, whether ThumbsLoader is the viewer that is used for dispay of pictures that are loaded with the gpx file. I don't know about JOSM internal names.

Yes skyper, the case of invalid exif orientation flags that you describe is very probable, even with a smartphone; I didn't think of such, good comment.

comment:5 by skyper, 4 years ago

Component: CoreCore image mapping

comment:6 by richlv, 4 years ago

Perhaps can be merged with #8189?

comment:7 by taylor.smock, 2 years ago

Resolution: worksforme
Status: newclosed

As part of #22337, I merged the image viewer for GPX track images with that for GeoImages. And then #21605 adds tabs so that users can switch between images easily. Although I'm reworking the tabs right now.

#8189 covers the use of invalid exif orientation, which is going to require some new buttons.

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