
Opened 10 years ago

Closed 10 years ago

Last modified 10 years ago

#11709 closed enhancement (fixed)

[Patch] New performance test for MapCSSStyleSource#apply and for OsmPrimitive#get/put/getKeys

Reported by: michael2402 Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone: 15.08
Component: Core mappaint Version:
Keywords: gsoc Cc:


Some tests that test the performance of those methods. I use those to tweak the MapCSS performance a bit.

Change History (11)

comment:1 by michael2402, 10 years ago

Patch 0004 is optional. You can add if if you think that the test is running too long.

comment:2 by michael2402, 10 years ago

Component: CoreCore mappaint
Keywords: gsoc added

comment:3 by Don-vip, 10 years ago

Milestone: 15.07

comment:4 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

In 8623/josm:

applied #11709 - New performance test for MapCSSStyleSource#apply and for OsmPrimitive#get/put/getKeys (patch by michael2402)

comment:5 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Thanks, very interesting results!

TIMER OsmPrimitive#getKeys() with tag/node ratio 0.05: 39ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#getKeys() with tag/node ratio 0.3: 10ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#getKeys() with tag/node ratio 3.0: 40ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#getKeys() with tag/node ratio 20.0: 112ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#getKeys() with tag/node ratio 200.0: 374ms
TIMER Assertion overhead.: 2ms
TIMER str1.equals(str2) succeeds (without intern): 18ms
TIMER str1 == str2 succeeds: 3ms
TIMER str1 == str2.intern() succeeds: 609ms
TIMER str1 == str2.intern() succeeds for interned string: 598ms
TIMER str1.equals(str2) = fails (without intern): 38ms
TIMER str1 == str2 fails: 2ms
TIMER str1 == str2.intern() fails: 575ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#get(String) with tag/node ratio 0.05: 19ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#get(String) with tag/node ratio 0.3: 16ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#get(String) with tag/node ratio 3.0: 9ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#get(String) with tag/node ratio 20.0: 26ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#get(String) with tag/node ratio 200.0: 37ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#put(String, String) with put/node ratio 0.05: 18ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#put(String, String) with put/node ratio 0.3: 15ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#put(String, String) with put/node ratio 3.0: 16ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#put(String, String) with put/node ratio 20.0: 29ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#put(String, String) with put/node ratio 200.0: 114ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#getKeys().get(key) with tag/node ratio 0.05: 20ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#getKeys().get(key) with tag/node ratio 0.3: 26ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#getKeys().get(key) with tag/node ratio 3.0: 39ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#getKeys().get(key) with tag/node ratio 20.0: 78ms
TIMER OsmPrimitive#getKeys().get(key) with tag/node ratio 200.0: 378ms
TIMER MapCSSStyleSource#loadStyleSource(...) for only has key rules: 288ms
TIMER 100000x MapCSSStyleSource#apply(...) for only has key rules: 2794ms
TIMER MapCSSStyleSource#loadStyleSource(...) for regular expressions: 167ms
TIMER 100000x MapCSSStyleSource#apply(...) for regular expressions: 27313ms
TIMER MapCSSStyleSource#loadStyleSource(...) for is true: 53ms
TIMER 100000x MapCSSStyleSource#apply(...) for is true: 1885ms
TIMER MapCSSStyleSource#loadStyleSource(...) for only key=value rules: 110ms
TIMER 100000x MapCSSStyleSource#apply(...) for only key=value rules: 178ms

Why are [key] rules slower to apply than [key=value] rules?

comment:6 by bastiK, 10 years ago

Results for automated unit tests can be seen here:

comment:7 by Don-vip, 10 years ago

Milestone: 15.0715.08

Milestone renamed

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