Custom Query (11572 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 11572)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#237 Error while parsing josm@… defect blocker Core
#349 Deletion of Relation does not update relations panel josm@… defect blocker Core
#359 412 precondition failed - Split and merge ignore relations? josm@… defect blocker Core
#558 Cannot load osmareder plugin framm defect blocker Plugin
#747 failure by downloading framm defect blocker Core
#773 JOSM doesn't recognise a 412 precondition failed when a relation is uploaded. framm defect blocker Core
#825 Surveyor Plugin crashes when any button is pressed. framm defect blocker Plugin
#1424 Lakewalker still doesn't work framm defect blocker Plugin
#1561 JOSM throws exception opening a specific full relation framm defect blocker unspecified
#1592 r1000 breaks JOSM, lots of undefined symbol errors during compilation framm defect blocker unspecified
#1807 Fix for duplicated nodes deletes ways pieren defect blocker Core validator
#1843 bug framm defect blocker unspecified
#1883 Errors with JOSM >= 1181 - Update plugins! framm defect blocker Core
#1901 JOSM shows backtrace on fresh install (without plugins) in [1183] framm defect blocker Core
#2059 [1309] by stoecker breaks JOSM compilation under Java 61298 framm defect blocker Core
#2062 WMSplugin fails to install framm defect blocker Plugin
#2211 [PATCH] relation dialog - saving changed roles doesn't work anymore xeen defect blocker Core
#2233 [PATCH] "Draw mode" instable xeen defect blocker Core
#2273 [PATCHes] DirectUpload crashes trying to upload converted GPX team defect blocker Plugin
#2285 [PATCH] Changeset [1480] removed JOSM_EXTERN from WikiReader which is still used by HelpAction team defect blocker Core
#2290 josm-latest is unable to start team defect blocker Core
#2293 memory hole in latest (slippymap) team defect blocker Plugin
#2399 JOSM not uploading and not loading saved file framm defect blocker Core
#2542 [Patch] java.lang.StackOverflowError in version 1580 law_ence_a_e@… defect blocker Core
#2585 [PATCH?] Changeset [1592] breaks JOSM compilation team defect blocker Core
#2756 slippymap chooser swaps coordinates (lat/lon) team defect blocker Core
#2804 move selection broken [was: Auswahl verschieben] team defect blocker Core
#2808 many items appearing only in very high zoom levels ulfl defect blocker Internal mappaint style
#2836 [PATCH]Download of plugins fails on JOSM 1738 jttt defect blocker Core
#2966 Error message while trying to create a new relation team defect blocker Core
#2975 Error message while trying to split way with relation without role team defect blocker Core
#2987 Can't add Point team defect blocker Core
#3012 External Plugins not up-to-date team defect blocker Core validator
#3095 Unable to add selection to a relation team defect blocker Core
#3174 Bug by loading data team defect blocker Core
#3194 Join node to way does not work since r1910 team defect blocker Core
#3250 Build broken stoecker defect blocker Core
#3258 Remoteplugin: Bug while loading from a page (ConcurrentModificationException, LinkedList) framm defect blocker Core remotecontrol
#3313 [patch] Map turn white while zooming in xeen defect blocker Core
#3353 OpenStreetBugs plugins damages layer menu team defect blocker Plugin
#3443 Illegal value for attribute 'version' when loading OSM file team defect blocker Core
#3449 action='modified' lost on file reopening team defect blocker Core
#3479 Please commit /images/data/changeset.png to SVN team defect blocker Core
#3519 Exception on upload team defect blocker Core
#3570 uploated deletions create conflicts at next upload team defect blocker Core
#3614 JOSM not displaying all loaded ways. team defect blocker Core
#3624 OpenStreetBugs plugin fails to load in trunk with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError team defect blocker Plugin
#3640 Exception on startup bastiK defect blocker Core
#3683 Cannot compile revision 2264 team defect blocker Core
#3688 Routes plugin crash jttt defect blocker Plugin routes
#3728 "undo" does stupid things destroying data team defect blocker Core
#3768 JOSM won't start! mikh43 defect blocker Core
#3785 r2309 broke way drawing: Drawing 3+ node way results in a 3-node way and isolated nodes team defect blocker Core
#3790 remotecontrol plugin broken with JOSM since r2322 framm defect blocker Core remotecontrol
#3795 download has wrong coordinates team defect blocker Core
#3812 "Placeholder IDs must be unique for created elements" after using Lakewalker or tracing many nodes manually team defect blocker Plugin lakewalker
#3856 walkingpapers plugin doesn't work at all framm defect blocker Plugin
#3884 ways get modified or deleted without user interaction after downloading several areas team defect blocker Core
#3941 Cannot compile r2461 team defect blocker Core
#3987 Recent change in MapView creating problems in projections pieren defect blocker Core
#4032 multipoly fails to load due to not having multipoly_create.png bilbo defect blocker Core multipoly
#4207 getCurrentDataSet() returns null after adding new layers (then null pointers exceptions) team defect blocker Core
#4275 terracer gives an error zerebubuth@… defect blocker Plugin terracer
#4310 r2758 breaks the build - Java 6 features ? mjulius defect blocker Core
#4319 ClassNotFoundException when uploading with 2773 team defect blocker Core
#4323 splitting way freezes JOSM completely malenki defect blocker Core
#4333 NullPointerException occurs when downloading map data from OSM server team defect blocker Core
#4366 validator: repair: overlapping ways distroys data team defect blocker Core validator
#4378 r2862 hangs on startup while processing plugin files team defect blocker Core
#4385 Error when using josm at higher resolution with WMS team defect blocker Core imagery
#4406 tags disapear: merging node with ID:0 and tag to existing node without tags team defect blocker Core
#4409 after merge: nodes are not selectable team defect blocker Core
#4456 Ways disappear in wireframe, still show up in mappaint but are broken team defect blocker Core
#4478 gpx-file will not show team defect blocker Core
#4551 r3007 causes an NPE on startup team defect blocker Core
#4557 NullPointerException on launch team defect blocker Core
#4567 error at start josm team defect blocker Core
#4572 after update data - way contains deleted member team defect blocker Core
#4627 r3046 broke the build mjulius defect blocker Core
#4666 update data downloads unneeded ways outside download area team defect blocker Core
#4705 Exception when drawing a closed way team defect blocker Core
#4707 Shortcut 'a' broken team defect blocker Core
#4723 Error on load, on zoom team defect blocker Core
#4795 josm stalls connecting 2 ways or merging 2 nodes team defect blocker Core
#4979 Exception when opening the download window team defect blocker Core
#5067 Latest JOSM crashed while uploading anonymous defect blocker Core
#5188 Error when attempting to open GPX files team defect blocker Core
#5357 JOSM blocks due to WMS-Plugin / unhandled exception team defect blocker Core imagery
#5358 after auto update roadsign stoecker defect blocker Core
#5373 JOSM can't delete old and replace by new plugins team defect blocker Core
#5461 turn-restriction-plugin broken jttt defect blocker Plugin turnrestrictions
#5478 Plugin-Load-Crash team defect blocker Core
#5485 nullpointer exception when downloading plugin list team defect blocker Plugin
#5624 Crash JOSM team defect blocker Core
#5713 JOSM doesn't upload changesets sometimes … team defect blocker Core
#5778 Can't undelete relations Nakor defect blocker Plugin undelete
#5814 middleclick on way getting drawn locks josm completely team defect blocker Core
#5888 Several plugins have been broken by r3835 team defect blocker Plugin
#5901 junctionchecking plugin now broken as of v75 joerg defect blocker Plugin junctionchecking
#6075 Incorrect attribution on non-OSM TMS layers team defect blocker Core
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.