Custom Query (18 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Owner Type Priority Milestone
#16076 Second dialog window underneath the first window on macOS reopened team defect normal
#16108 Improve Remove function new Tyndare enhancement normal
#19841 Allow editing outside of UTM zone new team enhancement normal
#20215 Kalmar WMS reprojection problem new team defect normal
#20258 Window for editing imagery entry new team enhancement normal
#20966 ReplaceGeometry on tagged nodes new team enhancement normal
#20975 Select tagged way nodes new team enhancement normal
#21449 Replace relations/multipolygons new team enhancement normal
#21562 Search suggestions ordered by "last used" rather than A-Z new team enhancement normal
#21584 Delete key only works every second time in the ToDo plugin new taylor.smock defect normal
#21588 "Recurse-up" as default for Overpass queries new team enhancement normal
#21837 "Zoom to conflict" only works for 1st conflict new team defect normal
#22423 [Patch] Do not mix capital/lowerkey letter keys in Tags/Memberships window reopened team defect normal
#22725 Add legend for WMS new team enhancement normal
#22759 Avoid changing the zoom/view after loading a file new team enhancement normal
#23030 PBF/MVT toggle with no effect? new team defect normal
#23448 JOSM uploaded thousands of duplicate ways and relations new team defect normal
#23999 Tags merging not working properly in Conflate plugin new Tyndare defect normal
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.