Custom Query (4433 matches)


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Results (1901 - 2000 of 4433)

Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#12754 Requiest for mentorship checkbox during changeset commit team enhancement normal Core
#12756 There is no "man_made=mast" in pre-sets, which renders well on the OSM map, but there's "man_made=tower", which is not renedered at all team enhancement normal Internal preset
#12762 error notification during normal use team defect normal Core
#12764 N hotkey should be default behaviour during node move over way segment team enhancement normal Core shortcuts
#12769 NullPointerException in MessageDigest.update team defect normal Core imagery
#12773 Error while splitting road, multiple roads, after selecting supposed road team defect normal Core imagery
#12782 Small-scale font size not changable jengelh@… defect normal Internal mappaint style
#12784 No progress bar status when updating saved data team defect normal Core
#12792 Error Loading History Of An Object team defect normal Core
#12793 Exception when querying node history team defect normal Core
#12794 Error when asking element history team defect normal Core
#12795 Export From Overpass Turbo Into JOSM Generates Error team defect normal Core
#12796 Exception when display history (Ctrl-H) team defect normal Core
#12797 Crash on start team defect normal Core
#12798 You have encountered an error in JOSM AnkEric defect normal Core
#12806 Input language changed after saving tag team defect normal Core
#12807 DataIntegrityProblemException while trying to solve a conflict team defect normal Core
#12811 crash while trying to add way to relation Don-vip defect normal Core
#12819 Using Terracer with 'keep outline way' NOT selected crashes JOSM team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12821 JOSM default orthogonalization logic is too agressive team enhancement normal Core
#12826 Terracer crashes latest version of JOSM Upliner defect normal Plugin terracer
#12829 Плагин ’Reverter’ завешается с ошибкой, при отмене этого пакета правок: Upliner defect normal Plugin reverter
#12843 Validator didn't detect self-intersecting way team defect normal Core validator
#12845 JOSM throws an exception after a decent amount of no interaction, and switching back to the desktop that had JOSM running team defect normal Core
#12848 Unexpected Exception in build 10238 team defect normal Core
#12849 Exception downloading data around a GPX track team defect normal Core
#12850 Notification recurrent d'erreur sur la version 10238 de JOSM team defect normal Core
#12852 program crashes on download team defect normal Core
#12873 Should close the changeset when splitting it at the 50k limit team enhancement normal Core
#12883 Upload blocked by unhandled exception in validator: SH causes error in validation.tests.OpeningHourTest team defect normal Core validator
#12884 Mapillary plugin crashes JOSM nokutu defect normal Plugin mapillary
#12886 Issue UI on HiDPI 4k Interface and more lags... ( team defect normal Core
#12888 cannot download the french cadastre using the plugin cadastre. pieren defect normal Plugin cadastre-fr
#12893 Mapillary import images in sequence fails. floscher defect normal Plugin mapillary
#12903 Error when closing JOSM team defect normal Core
#12911 Terracer has enhanced defects when used with latest JOSM team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12912 JOSM does not exit cleanly if unsaved layers are ignored for upload michael2402 defect normal Core
#12917 Terracer now throws an exception on *every* Building that is created + JOSM displays/plays non-existent photos/audio notes team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12923 Joining new polygon with old polygon creates polygon with new id team defect normal Core
#12928 RuntimeException: Join areas internal error. team defect normal Core
#12930 Terracer + associatedStreet-relation=yes => crashes JOSM team defect normal Plugin terracer
#12939 Overpass geocodeArea support and area query team defect normal Core
#12969 NPE in tools.bugreport.ReportedException team defect normal Core
#12984 Unable to run JOSM with Java 9 team defect normal Core
#12986 Loading of background imagery results in IllegalArgumentException osmTOGA defect normal 16.06 Core imagery
#12989 Null Pointer Exception when trying to save gpx track team defect normal Core
#12990 Another Null Pointer exception, this time when trying to open gpx file team defect normal Core
#13006 Do not let users modify the created_by metadata tag content team enhancement normal Core
#13013 IllegalArgumentException: Listener was not registered michael2402 defect normal 16.06 Core
#13014 no message of the day on startup team defect normal Core
#13022 Unexpected errors after split way operation team defect normal Core
#13026 Stop complaining about "Waterway ends without a connection to another waterway or the direction of the waterway is wrong" on waterway=weir team defect normal Core validator
#13027 Make notes editable / deletable if not uploaded. team enhancement normal Core notes
#13032 Nodes on wrong layer are affected by move team defect normal Core
#13044 IAE: Listener was not registered before: LayerChangeAdapter (ToggleDialogAction) team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13053 unhandled exception on closing the relation editor team defect normal Core
#13057 Tried to add Bing or OSM base map team defect normal Core
#13059 relation editor remembers discarded change team defect normal Core
#13060 No members can be added to copied relations team defect normal Core
#13061 Error when entering new 'name' tag michael2402 defect normal Core
#13073 After downloading data from OSM JOSM zooms out a little bit chrabros defect normal Core
#13075 NullPointerException when trying to open gpx file team defect normal Core
#13077 opening a random layer at the first time in the session an error appears team defect normal Core
#13080 error while resolving a conflict team defect normal Core
#13083 IllegalArgumentException: ImageRead: No OperationDescriptor is registered in the current operation registry under this name team defect normal Plugin importimage
#13103 Using Terracer with ‘create an associatedStreet relation’ selected crashes JOSM team defect normal Plugin terracer
#13109 Cannot use multiple displays on Mac OS X team defect normal Core
#13110 I can not read a osm file taborda.barroso@… defect normal Core
#13112 Warning after loading at startup wiktorn defect normal Core imagery
#13131 Fehler anonymous defect normal Core
#13132 error darya defect normal Plugin pt_assistant
#13142 Deadlock while merging 2 layers team defect normal Core
#13166 Popup dialogs open on different monitor when using multiple displays team defect normal Core
#13167 Attempt to upload JOSM Changes to Server Causes Exception team defect normal Plugin terracer
#13170 RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (2) team defect normal Core mappaint
#13181 java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError on runtime in eclipse team defect normal Core
#13183 building_tools do not remove address points from relation when merging with building Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#13189 split the address preset into 2 team enhancement normal Internal preset
#13216 Error when pasting text place name search box team defect normal Core
#13226 Crash using buildings plugin Upliner defect normal Plugin buildings_tools
#13235 Warn for unordered multipolygon members team enhancement normal Core validator
#13242 Problem with WMS team defect normal Core Webstart
#13248 stacktrace AFTER clicking exit to exit application team defect normal Plugin gpsblam
#13252 unexpected error occurered team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13256 user metadata not updated on changeset upload. team defect normal Core
#13266 photoadjust mit Fehlern bei der Löschung von Bilderebenen team defect normal Plugin photoadjust
#13269 JOSM displays line which doesn't exist in the data team defect normal Core mappaint
#13270 Even after changing the comment JOSM took the old changeset comment during the upload team defect normal Core
#13273 Loading problem team defect normal Core
#13274 Loading problem team defect normal Core
#13278 error message when editing members relation bus and cuting highway member of the relation team defect normal Core
#13280 crash on select items team defect normal Core
#13282 Layer dialogue keyboard shortcuts not consistent (?) team defect normal Core
#13286 crash for no reason team defect normal Core
#13312 Relation Editor is a bit wonky. team defect normal Core
#13315 Add imagery_used and locale tags to changesets team enhancement normal Core
#13323 JOSM crashes every time I add a new node or select an existing node team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13324 A plugin handling shapes is wrong ? team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13329 Clicking on way with latest JOSM produces exception in shapetools team defect normal Plugin shapetools
#13330 Cannot combine lines after opening JOSM after computer crashes anonymous defect normal Core
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.