Custom Query (11575 matches)


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Results (101 - 200 of 11575)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Ticket Summary Owner Type Priority Milestone Component
#6087 Top level "fix warnings" in Validator can delete good information team defect blocker Core validator
#6397 Plugin turnrestrictions crashing in JOSM r4102+ leading to endless plugin crashed messages team defect blocker Plugin turnrestrictions
#6462 Can't open previously saved *.osm files + can't upload any data in r4136 team defect blocker Core
#6501 JOSM not working at all after updating plugins to latest version team defect blocker Plugin
#6581 JOSM can't parse OSM data team defect blocker Core
#6603 JOSM build broken bastiK defect blocker Core
#6654 Data display problem since 4223 update team defect blocker Core
#6681 Exception when starting JOSM team defect blocker Core
#6751 Josm won't compile from svn team defect blocker Core
#6826 Plugin Curves: Plugin Exception opening a data layer. olejorgenb defect blocker Plugin
#6840 shortcut for add node changed tilusnet defect blocker Plugin alignways
#7072 Defekter Mappaint-Stil blockiert ganzen Editor team defect blocker Core
#7281 compile error team defect blocker Core
#7306 conflict management creating duplicate nodes, validator not finding all problems at once with r4857 team defect blocker Core
#7595 conflation plugin is broken Cobra defect blocker Plugin conflation
#7691 proj4j plugin cannot be loaded on startup bastiK defect blocker Plugin proj4j
#7719 [Patch] Can't undelete anything as undelete plugin (v28376) is completely broken team defect blocker Plugin undelete
#7852 click on the left panel button simon04 enhancement blocker Plugin wikipedia
#7950 Missing files in r5421 stoecker defect blocker Core
#7986 undeleting a way produces ways without nodes team defect blocker Plugin undelete
#8172 building_tools plugin crashes at start of JOSM bastiK defect blocker Plugin buildings_tools
#8239 Relations route anonymous defect blocker Core
#8495 cannot upload changes team defect blocker Core
#8523 Plugins download broken after server upgrade defect blocker Trac
#8533 AWT dead lock when hiding splash screen and opening main window. team defect blocker Core
#8627 JOSM never falls back to IPv4 if IPv6 stack available team defect blocker Core
#8646 IllegalStateException in the reverter plugin when reverting a changeset Upliner defect blocker Plugin reverter
#8676 Reverting a changeset moves nodes randomly Upliner defect blocker Plugin reverter
#8679 Reverting a changeset removes unmodified tags team defect blocker Core
#8829 relation editor broken badly in r6037 team defect blocker Core
#8883 NoSuchMethodError opening the plugin window. team defect blocker Plugin tagging-preset-tester
#8890 Notes plugin uses Java 7 API and cannot be used with Java 6 runtime ToeBee defect blocker Core notes
#9038 crash clicking a note ToeBee defect blocker Core notes
#9168 Exception with SimplifyArea plugin *Martin* defect blocker Plugin simplifyArea
#9173 "java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: buttons" with reverter plugin Upliner defect blocker Plugin reverter
#9175 Incompatible plugins due to r6316/r6317 team defect blocker Plugin
#9474 Key/value dialog is much too small team defect blocker 14.01 Core
#9530 Exception pressing "A" Don-vip defect blocker 14.01 Core
#9638 Error message immediately after starting JOSM Don-vip defect blocker 14.02 Core
#9639 NPE when trying to upload data team defect blocker 14.02 Core
#9654 [patch] [build fix] classes that use JMapViewer shoudn't use OsmMercator directly team defect blocker 14.02 Core
#9656 6792 - Problem Upload delete way team defect blocker 14.02 Core
#9897 Move map no longer works on OSX team defect blocker 14.04 Core
#9967 RemoteControl broken by changes in [7033] Don-vip defect blocker 14.05 Core remotecontrol
#10219 NPE in CachedFile.getInputStream during start team defect blocker 14.06 Core
#10230 Security warning when starting JOSM on Windows for the first time team defect blocker 14.07 Core remotecontrol
#11155 Had a fatal error this morning while trying to start up the nightly build team defect blocker 15.02 Core
#11300 block by start download - first step after update team defect blocker 15.04 Core
#11312 [patch] imagerycache Plugin broken by recent changes in JOSM akks defect blocker 15.04 Plugin imagerycache
#11475 imagerycache Plugin broken by 8424 or 8425, now continuously crashes akks defect blocker Plugin imagerycache
#11591 JOSM r8519 refuses to start (deadlock in splash screen) team defect blocker 15.08 Core
#11593 NPE in mapcss.parsergen.ParseException.initialise blocks JOSM start team defect blocker 15.08 Core
#11646 Scoutsigns prevents JOSM from working jBeata defect blocker Plugin scoutsigns
#11664 unhandled exception after hitting ok in relation editor (2 re open) team defect blocker 15.08 Core
#11794 mapillary plugin needs to be updated to r8673 nokutu enhancement blocker Plugin mapillary
#12015 Plugin seachart does not compile, breaks global build malcolmh defect blocker Plugin seachart
#12236 OAuth broken team defect blocker 15.12 Core
#12492 [regression] JOSM trunk won't build since rev 9689 team defect blocker 16.02 Core
#12533 Error in scoutsigns after change in JOSM core jBeata defect blocker Plugin scoutsigns
#12847 ExceptionInInitializerError in ElemStyles.generateStyles - NPE in NodeElement.createIcon team defect blocker 16.05 Core
#12964 NPE when creating imagery layer team defect blocker 16.06 Core imagery
#12965 NPE in AbstractTileSourceLayer.estimateMemoryUsage wiktorn defect blocker 16.06 Core imagery
#12974 [Patch] Unit tests hang team defect blocker 16.06 Unit tests
#12975 areas in the mapview are not filled anymore team defect blocker 16.06 Core mappaint
#13225 ImproveWayaccuracy mode is broken team defect blocker 16.07 Core
#13228 Severe validator problem. The "fix" will destroy the data. team defect blocker Core
#13419 ClassCastException: javax.json.JsonValue$1 cannot be cast to javax.json.JsonString Nipel-Crumple defect blocker Plugin rasterfilters
#13800 Validation not possible - IllegalArgumentException team defect blocker 16.10 Core validator
#14118 JOSM doesn't start - CertificateException: Response is unreliable: its validity interval is out-of-date team defect blocker 16.12 Core Webstart
#14363 massive CPU load Don-vip defect blocker 17.02 Core
#14481 road signs crash bastiK defect blocker Plugin roadsigns
#14801 NoSuchMethodError: org.openstreetmap.josm.Main.addLayer mojodna defect blocker Plugin fieldpapers
#14810 java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException team defect blocker 17.05 Core
#14980 Path rendering shows only dashed green line with foot- and cycleway tagged team defect blocker 17.06 Core mappaint
#15213 Plugin ImproveOSM must be updated to JOSM 12682+ jBeata defect blocker Plugin ImproveOsm
#15342 "No such method" error when downloading data jBeata defect blocker Plugin Kartaview/openstreetcam
#15395 Failed to create missing cache directory team defect blocker 17.09 Core
#15596 after updating tags on a few nodes, saved, then tried to upload team defect blocker 17.11 Core
#15969 when uploading: Primitive cannot be modified in read-only dataset team defect blocker 18.02 Core
#16728 Bug with Todo plugin Gnonthgol defect blocker Plugin todo
#16963 GPX layer glitch team defect blocker 18.11 Core
#17887 Relation editor: (I)OOBE when moving members or deleting the last one Don-vip defect blocker 19.06 Core
#17904 [PATCH] NPE when moving the first member of a relation down. team defect blocker 19.06 Core
#18772 JsonParsingException: Invalid token=EOF team defect blocker 20.02 Core
#18798 NPE at GeoPropertyIndex$GPLevel.isInside - while adding a tag team defect blocker 20.03 Core
#18833 JOSM fails to start: NoClassDefFoundError: ch/poole/openinghoursparser team defect blocker 20.03 Core
#19226 ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.jcs.access.exception.InvalidArgumentException Tyndare defect blocker Plugin conflation
#19458 Comfort0: net.simon04.comfort0.level0l.parsergen.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line 1, column 113. Encountered: "\u202f" (8239), after : "" simon04 defect blocker Plugin comfort0
#19509 osm SVN will be shut down stoecker task blocker 20.08 Trac
#19592 Failed to load plugins after update Tyndare defect blocker Plugin conflation
#20094 NPE at PreferenceTabbedPane.computeMaxTabWidth Don-vip defect blocker 20.11 Core
#20126 Migrate GitHub mirroring script to server team task blocker 21.02 Git mirror
#20368 crash of mapillaries taylor.smock defect blocker Plugin mapillary
#20469 [PATCH] fix macOS workflow image compression team defect blocker 21.02 Core
#20519 NPE in Upload Dialog Don-vip defect blocker 21.02 Core
#20787 [PATCH] ColorPlugin: failed to locate image 'cancel.png' maneasa.andrei@… defect blocker Plugin ColorPlugin
#21080 Mapillary plugin does not build anymore with JDK11 taylor.smock defect blocker Plugin mapillary
#21515 NoSuchMethodError: 'void org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.widgets.HistoryComboBox.setPossibleItems(java.util.Collection)' Upliner defect blocker Plugin reverter
#21578 [Patch] NoSuchMethodError in org.wikipedia.gui.WikiPreferences.addGui Don-vip defect blocker Plugin wikipedia
#22653 Cannot start JOSM due to a broken Plugin team defect blocker Plugin polygoncutout
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