Custom Query (141 matches)


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Results (1 - 100 of 141)

1 2
Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#14278 [Patch] Plugin not printing any map new template_report map view regression team defect blocker
#12726 Include command stack actions in saved sessions new session team enhancement major
#14210 JOSM does not give a message to the user when running out of memory new regression team enhancement major
#19790 Angle and distance overlay not displayed anymore new template_report regression kolesar defect major
#20739 Layers not working in MapCSS styles new layer mapcss team defect major
#21221 Relation editor: Preset link: DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset while editing a relation new template_report data consistency relation editor tagging preset validate async regression team defect major
#6172 Terracer: Does not check for existing associatedStreet relation and silently deletes members reopened delete member associatedStreet zerebubuth@… defect normal
#7468 Do not delete address nodes but use them as corner node new address node, building_tools_replacement_mode Upliner defect normal
#7571 Lasso needs no-snap mode new lasso,selection team enhancement normal
#8207 Detect captive portals new template_report hotel wifi access point captive portal team enhancement normal
#9297 detect nodes with unneeded railway=level_crossing new railway level crossing team enhancement normal
#9299 detect nodes with unneeded railway=crossing new railway crossing team enhancement normal
#9819 [PATCH] stricter checking for highways crossing waterways without bridges needinfo crossing layer bridge tunnel reichg defect normal
#9857 Address Preset doesn't keep the entry from before new template_report address prefill team defect normal
#10106 mapcss: grouping doesn't work correctly new mapcss team defect normal
#10211 Using ∈ and ⧉ in mappaint styles new mapcss team defect normal
#10215 MapCSS: make class selectors work for parent/child selectors new mapcss team defect normal
#10226 Verify multiple equal values new mapcss multiple values repetition team enhancement normal
#10435 Improvements to user-settings for mapcss mappaint styles new style settings mapcss team enhancement normal
#10474 Scaling of fill-image new mapcss team enhancement normal
#11348 Crossing way check works only for "on demand" but not for "on upload" new template_report upload crossing way team defect normal
#11349 addr:street autocompletion is broken new autocompletion address street name team enhancement normal
#11481 JOSM freezes for some time on slow Internet connection assigned wms connection download progress wiktorn defect normal
#11796 MapCSS text-offset implementation not compatible to MapCSS specification new MapCSS team defect normal
#11970 Possible problem when comparing key with a replace() value new mapcss team defect normal
#11983 "Crossing ways" operator in MapCSS new mapcss team enhancement normal
#12526 Some WMS template parameters not supported in tracer plugin new wms proj parameter address team defect normal
#12595 Problem with keyboard layout 'RU' new template_report layout russian linux ubuntu java8 team defect normal
#13589 IAE: Cannot paint layer, it is not registered (ElevationProfileLayer) reopened template_report regression gsoc-core OliverW defect normal
#13600 too far away check does not use multipolygons new template_report associatedStreet multipolygon team defect normal
#13604 IAE: Cannot paint layer, it is not registered (OsmDataLayer) reopened template_report layer regression gsoc-core team defect normal
#14290 Parent selector is selecting both child and parent new mapcss parent child selector team defect normal
#14826 Allow independent area style for outer ways of multipolygons new template_report regression multipolygon team enhancement normal
#14990 Consider correct segments only from correct routes assigned gsoc_pt_assistant giackserva enhancement normal
#15085 Fetch overpass turbo queries from OSM preferences API new mirrored_download overpass turbo team enhancement normal
#15219 remote control with an Overpass query new Overpass API, remote control team enhancement normal
#15726 Not returning the value when using tag() new mapcss team enhancement normal
#16120 DividedScale$RangeViolatedError: the new range must be within a single subrange (2) new template_report mapcss range team defect normal
#16497 relative path in .joz session file new session team enhancement normal
#16974 Addressing dialog improvement new annotation,address,dialog,default,values team enhancement normal
#16975 Addressing dialog house number: support +2 increment for "18,20" new addressing,dialog,increment,idea team enhancement normal
#17011 Multiple warnings for same problem new template_report overlapping crossing team enhancement normal
#17074 detect railway=level_crossing nodes that are not on crossing of railway=* and highway=* ways new template_report railway level crossing team enhancement normal
#17075 extend "new message warning" to other types of communications new changeset discussion comment notification mail team enhancement normal
#17172 [WIP PATCH] turn:lanes and lanes should match new mapcss lanes lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#17189 mapcss should be able to use previous fields in the selector in additional fields new mapcss team defect normal
#17201 fix common typo in progressMonitor beginTask() new progressmonitor team task normal
#17271 Cannot add assertMatch/assertNoMatch declarations with set declarations new mapcss team defect normal
#17287 crossing=marked as a new preset and/or a validator test new mapcss preset validator crossing team enhancement normal
#17388 [WIP PATCH] gpx_distance() is slow when there are many gpx points new mapcss team enhancement normal
#17425 MapCSS assert, support test with context new mapcss team enhancement normal
#17562 Changing/creating the preset for embassies, consulate and liaison new office diplomatic embassy consulate liaison team enhancement normal
#17672 class at different zoomlevels for dashes, not overruled new mapcss class team defect normal
#17811 Session is discarded when updating shortcut new template_report session restart team defect normal
#17978 More user-friendly message about deleted objects after downloading a changeset new template_report changset download deleted message team enhancement normal
#17998 check for correct value of access new access value lanes-tagging team enhancement normal
#18135 Add emergency=access_point preset and map style new emergency access point team enhancement normal
#18211 Allow to handle direction arrows in MapCSS new mapcss direction arrow team enhancement normal
#18309 mapcss find one or more nodes next to current one new mapcss validator team enhancement normal
#18383 [WIP PATCH RFC] Add class and methods to expand `access` tags new access team enhancement normal
#18461 Unresolved conflicts: Warn before or deny some data layer actions new template_report unresolved conflict data layer session merge team enhancement normal
#18697 IAE: "Failed to set current primitive. Current version not available in history" after conflicts new template_report history conflict regression team defect normal
#18854 Validation for stream and river direction new mapcss waterway stream river direction team enhancement normal
#18892 Features missing in OpeningHoursParser compared to JS library new opening_hours auto fix message team enhancement normal
#18970 Way.hasIncompleteNodes() should remember the result new validator mapcss performance team enhancement normal
#19151 Wrong query generated by overpass query wizard new template_report overpass query wizard team defect normal
#19504 Better documentation of mapcss validator rules syntax new mapcss validator rules team enhancement normal
#19615 add mofa/moped=use_sidepath to access preset new template_report access use_sidepath mofa moped team enhancement normal
#19648 [patch] Show warning on invalid MapCSS validator rule parsing new template_report rule validation mapcss class team enhancement normal
#19695 Tags/Memberships panel not updated when adding multiple tags new template_report regression team defect normal
#19982 tram_crossing and tram_level_crossing new railway tram crossing team enhancement normal
#20020 Support vehicle and motor_vehicle access tags on highways new template_report access vehicle motor_vehicle team enhancement normal
#20055 Ignore file for session new template_report ignore session team enhancement normal
#20130 [Patch] Use mapcss rules instead of CrossingWays java code to find overlapping areas assigned crossing GerdP enhancement normal
#20625 make changeset discussion window non modal new changeset,discussion team enhancement normal
#20788 RespondsCode from overpass completely wrong formatted new template_report ResponseCode error overpass team defect normal
#20814 Angle / direction in bottom status bar not updated when deselecting newly drawn way new template_report angle compass_direction team defect normal
#20869 Ctrl+U "update data" sends too-large overpass query new overpass team defect normal
#20878 Add/Update and harmonize plain vehicle access restriction icons new vehicle restriction access plain preset team enhancement normal
#20923 Multiple images displayed from restored session file new template_report session team defect normal
#21193 MapCSS: distance function new mapcss distance team enhancement normal
#21233 Default imagery layer new session team enhancement normal
#21249 Warn about conflicting or unneeded values in access tags new access multiple conflicting value team enhancement normal
#21261 Command line option --status-report does not exit new template_report command line status report regression team defect normal
#21341 Access restriction node without object new access highway node team enhancement normal
#21384 sort/propose prefills on upload box for last used, not alphabetical new template_report upload auto-completion regression team defect normal
#21487 Save Session: Using a dot in file name does not add file extension new template_report save session file extension team defect normal
#21518 Paint expressway=yes (similar to motorroad=yes) new expressway team enhancement normal
#21740 IAE: Attempted to add listener that was already in list: external preset with group name RoadSigns new template_report listener regression team defect normal
#21798 No empty combobox item in preset names for deleting values new template_report combobox name regression team defect normal
#21933 Customization of GPS drawing options new gpx, color, mapcss team enhancement normal
#21970 Only activate data layer loading a session new template_report session active layer imagery team enhancement normal
#21984 .zip file in session file isn't reopened new template_report session shp zip Don-vip defect normal
#22055 Drop down selection boxes no longer respond to arrow keys assigned regression, macos, javabug, aqualaf taylor.smock defect normal
#22101 Windows-ROOT not found new template_report windows ssl team defect normal
#22301 Variable circle degree possibly with different colors new mapcss team enhancement normal
#22339 Too wide url confirmation window for data import from overpass turbo new gui, remote control, data, import, confirmation window, wide, width, overpass turbo team defect normal
#22382 restore after crash is not restoring the session new restore session team enhancement normal
#22464 wiki EdgeSelection new EdgeSelection pt_assistant team defect normal
#22466 Mapcss: allow [/REGEX/=string] selectors new template_report regex mapcss team enhancement normal
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Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.