Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#6870 Increase Readability of Available Presets new presets preferences usability team enhancement normal
#9604 Projection problem with Import Image plugin new Projections, ImportImage, CoordinateReferenceSysrem team defect normal
#12055 toggling draw.rawgps.lines.force does not affect drawing immediately new preferences, drawing team defect normal
#13446 Preference cleanup new preferences team enhancement normal
#16110 Plugin colorscheme is broken after rework of color preferences new color preferences scheme team defect normal
#16869 Unify preferences API new hack-weekend-2018-10 preferences team enhancement normal
#19023 Tagging presets preferences: Several usability issues new template_report tagging preset preferences team enhancement normal
#20097 Enhance the preference dialog new preferences team enhancement normal
#20258 Window for editing imagery entry new preferences dialog team enhancement normal
#20573 [WIP Patch] Search preferences dialog assigned preferences search Bjoeni enhancement normal
#20672 Backup rotation scheme for preferences.xml new backup rotation preferences team enhancement normal
#20688 Tagging Presets Preferences: Own tab for preferences settings (check boxes) new template_report preferences tab tagging presets team enhancement normal
#20689 Validator Preferences: Own tab for settings new preferences validator team enhancement normal
#21208 Align text and center icons in lists in preference dialogs new template_report preferences center icon align text list team enhancement normal
#21493 Split up preferences file new preferences xml state config team enhancement normal
#22376 PC crashed and lost all my preferences new template_report preferences backup team defect normal
#7097 multi-line value editor in advanced preferences and copy-paste new preferences team enhancement minor
#24079 Add the ability to entirely clear imagery cache with one button new Imagery Cache Clear Button Preferences team enhancement minor
#13765 [patch needs rework] adding a button to test the proxy settings new preferences, connection settings, proxy settings team enhancement trivial
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.