Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#5439 Implement ability to hide selected object new hide expose object team enhancement normal
#8345 Coloured_Postcode: support associatedStreet and Street relation new colour postcode relation geozeisig enhancement normal
#8399 Validator could merge two ways with same position if one is an inner without tags new same position fix team enhancement normal
#15660 Relation editor: add "position/index of member" column new relation editor, table, position team enhancement normal
#17822 Change source:geometry -> source:position MapCSS rule new source geometry position team enhancement normal
#17832 wikipedia tag false positive new validator false positive floscher defect normal
#18065 Add fix for "Ways with same position" warning in Validator new same position fix team enhancement normal
#19478 Possibility to customize the toolbar more than now new toolbar position touchscreen size team enhancement normal
#21789 Add snowshoeing and running checkboxes to guidepost preset new guidepost route marker team enhancement normal
#21814 Please add a preset for post_office=* and modify the "Post Office" preset new post_office post_partner team enhancement normal
#21931 [Patch] .nmea/.pos/.wpt files always ask to be saved new nmea, pos, wpt, gpx, save team defect normal
#21932 [WIP Patch] Save NMEA / RTKLib values as extensions in .gpx files new nmea, pos, rtklib, extension team enhancement normal
#21991 Remember camera position offset new position offset team enhancement normal
#21992 Smoother position correlation for automotive vehicules new position offset team enhancement normal
#22560 Keep zoom and position in image viewer when switiching between layers new template_report image layer zoom position team enhancement normal
#22659 The "Jump to position" tool does not refresh after first use needinfo jump to position URL severin.menard defect normal
#22874 Jump To Position dialog - missing/incorrect label new JumpToPosition team defect normal
#23002 [WIP patch] Inconsistent notification position new notification position team defect normal
#6429 Extend "Jump to Position" function to support different coordinate formats new jump position coordinates format team enhancement minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.