Custom Query (37 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#4798 relation editor: highlight "doubled" members with different roles differently than "doubled" members with the same role new relation editor role team enhancement major
#20643 Relation editor: Disable full sort and sort everything below for relations with incomplete members. new template_report sort relation editor incomplete team enhancement major
#21221 Relation editor: Preset link: DataIntegrityProblemException: Primitive must be part of the dataset while editing a relation new template_report data consistency relation editor tagging preset validate async regression team defect major
#3034 open relation editor by click on turn-restriction symbol new restriction symbol editor team enhancement normal
#5686 Combining ways while having relation editor open causes invalid link new Relation editor, combine way team defect normal
#6656 OpeningHoursEditor corrections + enhancements new openinghourseditor plugin enhancement boxes shortcut description dialog list drop-down holiday boman enhancement normal
#7506 [Patch] Adding shortcut for relation editor and tag editor new relation editor, shortcuts team enhancement normal
#10032 No changes recognized if uploading with an open relation editor and closing it later new relation editor upload change team defect normal
#11599 Relation Editor should update after splitting a member reopened relation, editor, geometry, update, split team defect normal
#13698 RelationEditor: "Zoom to" replaces selection without hint in text, it shoudn't new relation editor team enhancement normal
#14711 when sorting members of a route, look at oneway tag of ways or direction of roundabout new Relation Editor, relation-sorting, public-transport-v2, sort, route, roundabout team defect normal
#15371 Relation editor, deactivate/disable modifying actions when relation was changed in main editor new Relation Editor team enhancement normal
#15660 Relation editor: add "position/index of member" column new relation editor, table, position team enhancement normal
#16112 improve relation member handling / consistency map, tags window and relation editor new relation editor tags window team defect normal
#16482 assign role platform to highway=bus_stop, highway=platform and railway=platform members new Relation editor platform role team enhancement normal
#17363 Changing selection outside relation editor selects all instances of a duplicated member inside editor new relation editor team defect normal
#17489 Display Number of Relation Members in the Selection (Relation Editor) new relation editor team enhancement normal
#17899 relation editor: oneway direction with route=bicycle and oneway:bicycle new template_report relation editor oneway bicycle connectivity team defect normal
#18592 Tags/Memberships toggle dialog: enable opening several relation editor dialog simultaneously new template_report Tags Memberships relation editor team enhancement normal
#18645 relation editor: Show continuity line with nodes in between ways for some types of relation new relation editor gap connectivity team enhancement normal
#19267 Relation editor: No need to ask for confirmation canceling the creation of a cloned relation without any changes made new template_report relation editor clone cancel team enhancement normal
#19294 add a button to the relation editor to make it easier to create superroute relations new relation editor, copy relation, superroute team enhancement normal
#19634 Refactor / rewrite WayConnectionTypeCalculator? new relation editor connectivity team enhancement normal
#20044 Relation editor: Exceptions with preset links in presets new template_report relation editor preset link team defect normal
#20232 Relation editor: Make left toolbar user configurable new template_report relation editor toolbar team enhancement normal
#20410 Hidden Layer visible with focus in relation editor dialog new template_report hidden layer relation editor Biswesh defect normal
#20786 Relation Editor: Display more (useful) information in window title new template_report relation editor header title name team enhancement normal
#21001 Relation editor: Select previous/next gap: Ignore adjacent incomplete members new template_report relation editor select gap incomplete members team enhancement normal
#21227 [WIP PATCH] Too many autocomplete suggestions for roles in relation editor new template_report role autocompletion filter relation editor team enhancement normal
#21944 [Patch] Add 'replace member(s) with selected object(s)' button to relation editor new relation, editor, gui, replace team enhancement normal
#21971 Command stack for relation editor new template_report relation editor undo command stack team enhancement normal
#22665 Conflict resolver has my/theirs wrongly assigned new relation editor conflict version name team defect normal
#22916 NPE at org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.relation.GenericRelationEditor.updateOkPanel after uploading changes new template_report upload relation editor team defect normal
#22927 Super routes members are not sorted new template_report relation_editor superroute team defect normal
#23379 The edit-relation screen looses changes new relation editor textbox save team defect normal
#8448 Tag editor: "short cuts" for tag combinations new tag editor team enhancement minor
#10004 Treat highway=* + area=yes similar to roundabouts in the relation editor. new relation editor connectivity team enhancement trivial
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