Custom Query (28 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#7282 OsmTransferCanceledException while opening changeset or uploading changes new upload, network, api, changeset, upload-api-response error ResponseCode 500 team defect major
#12302 Visually differentiate deprecated tags new bastiK simon04 team enhancement major
#15229 modular structure for JOSM core new modularization hack-weekend-2018-10 team enhancement major
#16472 Add support to 360 / spherical image assigned 360, panorama, spherical sotmfr2019 Don-vip enhancement major
#16860 Resolve all dependencies and tools using Apache Ivy reopened hack-weekend-2018-10 team enhancement major
#17842 Integration with OSM wiki data items new sotmfr2019 wiki data item wikidata team enhancement major
#2212 can't edit over 180th meridian new edit 180 meridian team defect normal
#5405 Allow Zoom to marker for audio markers (and other marker types?) new V-900, audio files, center team enhancement normal
#5746 Implement "if-unused" osmChange API feature for outside BBOX nodes new if-unused API diff API0.6 node delete team enhancement normal
#6319 More information and options on error 410 pop up (deleted object) new 401 error deleted object ResponseCode upload-api-response team enhancement normal
#16858 Move jmapviewer to a separate repository new hack-weekend-2018-10 maven ivy dependency team enhancement normal
#16859 Tagging nice GSOC tickets new hack-weekend-2018-10 gsoc team task normal
#16867 Define list of official supported plugins assigned hack-weekend-2018-10 Don-vip task normal
#16869 Unify preferences API new hack-weekend-2018-10 preferences team enhancement normal
#16870 JOSM versioning new hack-weekend-2018-10 team enhancement normal
#16872 Serialize imagery preferences to string containg XML conformant to maps.xsd assigned hack-weekend-2018-10 wiktorn enhancement normal
#17925 Support leap seconds assigned date time leap second utc gps sotmfr2019 Don-vip enhancement normal
#19412 Empty error message shown new template_report error 503 upload-api-response ResponseCode team defect normal
#20178 Opendata plugin uses approximate transformation on shapefile in BNG projection, even if the patch in #20160 has been applied new template_report projection EPSG:27700 Don-vip defect normal
#21542 Problem with Ignore list and new objects new template_report ignore list id:0 new object team enhancement normal
#21563 Opening history of relation with high version number leads to exceeding OSM bandwidth limit new template_report history error 509 bandwidth limit download team defect normal
#22590 Selected 360 mapillary while using viewer new template_report 360° team defect normal
#22610 Crash when triggering a mouse click while panning mapillary image in image viewer new mapillary, 360° team defect normal
#22701 360 image viewer : Reset Yaw/Pitch to 0 new 360° team enhancement normal
#23370 `URL` constructors are deprecated new java20 team defect normal
#23688 [PATCH] Open local url using the os instead of the browser new local url team enhancement normal
#23697 ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index -4592 out of bounds for length 1148000 new template_report 360° team defect normal
#8268 Not animated progress bar after 50k/10k changeset new 10k 50k api upload changeset progress team defect minor
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.