
Opened 5 years ago

Last modified 4 years ago

#19412 new defect

Empty error message shown

Reported by: Famlam Owned by: team
Priority: normal Milestone:
Component: Core Version: tested
Keywords: template_report error 503 upload-api-response ResponseCode Cc:


What steps will reproduce the problem?

I just got an error message while opening JOSM (just after the regular background appeared). The error message was completely empty, besides an error icon, an OK and a Cancel button.

What is the expected result?

Text of the error message (probably one of the two shown below in this ticket) visible

What happens instead?

No error message visible, just two buttons and an icon

Please provide any additional information below. Attach a screenshot if possible.

Couldn't reproduce (I guess I need another 503 response or so), so feel free to close if you can't find the origin of the empty error message.

Repository:UUID: 0c6e7542-c601-0410-84e7-c038aed88b3b
Last:Changed Date: 2020-06-02 08:27:29 +0200 (Tue, 02 Jun 2020)
Build-Date:2020-06-02 11:11:35
Relative:URL: ^/trunk

Identification: JOSM/1.5 (16538 nl) Windows 10 64-Bit
OS Build number: Windows 10 Home 1909 (18363)
Memory Usage: 783 MB / 1820 MB (592 MB allocated, but free)
Java version: 1.8.0_251-b08, Oracle Corporation, Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
Look and Feel:
Screen: \Display0 1920x1080
Maximum Screen Size: 1920x1080

+ OpeningHoursEditor (35414)
+ changeset-viewer (22)
+ imagery_offset_db (35405)
+ pt_assistant (2.1.10-79-gb14a159)
+ tageditor (35258)
+ turnlanes-tagging (283)
+ undelete (35474)
+ utilsplugin2 (35476)

Map paint styles:

Last errors/warnings:
- E: ResponseCode=503, Error Body=<<html><h2>This website is under heavy load (queue full)</h2><p>Were sorry, too many people are accessing this website at the same time. Were working on this problem. Please try again later.</p></html>>
- E: Communicatie met OSM-server mislukt - null

Attachments (1)

empty error msg.png (485.9 KB ) - added by Famlam 4 years ago.

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (6)

comment:1 by skyper, 4 years ago

Keywords: 503 upload-api-response ResponseCode added

comment:2 by skyper, 4 years ago

Ticket #19566 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

comment:3 by skyper, 4 years ago

Ticket #19565 has been marked as a duplicate of this ticket.

by Famlam, 4 years ago

Attachment: empty error msg.png added


comment:4 by Famlam, 4 years ago

Just reproduced it again, it also occurs without the 503 error (at least, no 503 is listed) - JOSM 16731

- W: Read timed out
- E: Communicatie met OSM-server mislukt - null
- W: Read timed out
- W: Read timed out
Last edited 4 years ago by Famlam (previous) (diff)

in reply to:  4 comment:5 by skyper, 4 years ago

Replying to Famlam:

Just reproduced it again, it also occurs without the 503 error (at least, no 503 is listed) - JOSM 16731

- W: Read timed out
- E: Communicatie met OSM-server mislukt - null
- W: Read timed out
- W: Read timed out

See #19566

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as new The owner will remain team.
as The resolution will be set. Next status will be 'closed'.
to The owner will be changed from team to the specified user.
Next status will be 'needinfo'. The owner will be changed from team to Famlam.
as duplicate The resolution will be set to duplicate. Next status will be 'closed'. The specified ticket will be cross-referenced with this ticket.
The owner will be changed from team to anonymous. Next status will be 'assigned'.

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