Custom Query (19 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Type Priority Milestone Component
#20278 Mapillary filter: documentation new task normal Plugin mapillary
#21432 [WIP PATCH] Tile images so that we can zoom in to full resolution assigned enhancement normal Longterm Core image mapping
#21584 Delete key only works every second time in the ToDo plugin new defect normal Plugin todo
#22055 Drop down selection boxes no longer respond to arrow keys assigned defect normal Core
#22063 ElevationProfile tests fail on first run assigned defect normal Plugin elevationprofile
#22127 Mapillary plugin: extract sequence GPX new enhancement normal Plugin mapillary
#22422 Create Extensibility for Note-Menu assigned enhancement normal Core notes
#22747 IOOBE in MapWithAIDefaultLayerTableModel.getRow new defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#22974 Ability to save layers into a semi-stable file format (geojson/osm etc) assigned enhancement normal Core
#23010 Issue when servers are down new defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23214 MapWithAI plugin crashes during download new defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23221 MapwithAI plugin issues new defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23382 History dialog doesn't show changes from imported OSC file assigned defect normal Core
#23549 I cannot find any information (documentation, manual) on how to use this plugin! new task normal Plugin openqa
#23659 NPE: Cannot invoke "org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.dialogs.ToggleDialog$TitleBar.setVisible(boolean)" because "this.titleBar" is null new defect normal Plugin mapillary
#23756 Crashed after undo sequence extrude way new defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23856 JOSM crashed with mapwithai new defect normal Plugin mapwithai
#23904 Write new routing plugin assigned task normal Plugin
#23922 intersection crashed on pre-upload validation with an existing changeset new defect normal Plugin intersection
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.