Custom Query (16 matches)


Show under each result:

Ticket Summary Status Keywords Owner Type Priority
#22863 Incorrect Dutch translation of preset value new template_report i18n team defect trivial
#17314 Change "Join Node to Way" to "Join Way with Node" reopened i18n english team enhancement minor
#18889 Missing i18n from info logging strings? new i18n team defect minor
#22616 Language flag missing from CLI modules new cli i18n cmd team enhancement minor
#8657 Startup message regarding translation help is confusing new i18n team defect normal
#11392 Styles, rules and presets translation new i18n stoecker enhancement normal
#12179 maps ( needs a context field to guide translation new i18n team enhancement normal
#12251 Localized names of mappaint styles are not updated when changing the language new template_report i18n team defect normal
#15094 Windows>Tags>right-click menu consistency & simplicity new i18n team enhancement normal
#16360 I18n script creates data for transifex directories new i18n transifex team defect normal
#19077 Presets: label suffix/unit at end of text input box reopened preset unit suffix label i18n team enhancement normal
#19398 Use consistent formatting of IDs in display messages assigned i18n locale number format unicode simon04 enhancement normal
#20477 Devanagari input - issue in typing consonantal conjuncts new template_report i18n devanagari macos team defect normal
#20916 The SimilarNamedWays test reports false positive on Arabic street names new SimilarNamedWays Arabic i18n team defect normal
#22995 ParkingLanes Preset translation new template_report i18n team task normal
#14404 Support similar/alternative words when searching for a preset new preset search alias i18n team enhancement major
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.