Missing i18n from info logging strings?
The following instances of Logging.info
are lacking i18n. Do we need to add i18n?
Logging.info("Bbox " + copy + " is out of the world, normalized to " + bounds);
Logging.info("AbstractTileSourceLayer: estimated visible tiles: {0}, estimated cache size: {1}", visibileTiles, ret);
Logging.info("Adding node at (" + lat + ", " + lon + ')');
Logging.info("Using English input method");
Logging.info("Restoring input method to " + oldLocale);
Logging.info("User requested to skip error " + report);
Logging.info("Successfully loaded Bing attribution data.");
Logging.info("Metadata key configuration contains key {0} which is reserved for internal use");
Logging.info("Changeset {0}: Change of {1} v{2} is replaced by version v{3}",
Logging.info("Changeset updater active (checks every "+interval+" minute"+(interval > 1 ? "s" : "") +
Logging.info("Changeset updater inactive");
Logging.info("Open file: " + f.getAbsolutePath() + " (" + f.length() + " bytes)");
Logging.info("Open "+files.size()+" files");
Logging.info("Source "+source.getDisplayString()+" has been modified. Reloading it...");
Logging.info("Parsing GeoJSON: {0}", file.getAbsolutePath());
Logging.info("Setting "+name+" as the default UI font");
Logging.info("Imagery layer already exists: "+imgInfo);
Logging.info("Checking "+ info);
Logging.info("File " + delete.getFile() + " deleted.");
Logging.info("JCS - Host: {0} found not to return 304 codes for If-Modified-Since or If-None-Match headers",
Logging.info("RemoteControl: download forbidden by preferences");
Logging.info("RemoteControl: no download necessary");
Logging.info("RemoteControl: download forbidden by preferences");
Logging.info("Reading preferences from " + url);
Logging.info("Enabled EDT checker, wrongful access to gui from non EDT thread will be printed to console");
Logging.info("Look and Feel not supported: " + laf);
Logging.info("Look and Feel not found: " + laf);
Logging.info("Look and Feel not supported: " + laf);
Logging.info("Switching map mode from {0} to {1}",
Logging.info("appendLogMessage not implemented for background tasks. Message was: " + message);
Logging.info("Message notifier active (checks every "+interval+" minute"+(interval > 1 ? "s" : "")+')');
Logging.info("Message notifier inactive");
Logging.info("Keeping existing note id={0} with uncommitted changes", String.valueOf(newNote.getId()));
Logging.info("exporting notes to file: " + file);
Logging.info("Defaults for " + key + " differ: " + def + " != " + defaultsMap.get(key));
Logging.info("properties: " + tmpPref.settingsMap);
Logging.info("bbox: " + searchBbox + " is out of the world");
Logging.info("RemoteControl: ignoring duplicate command " + command
Logging.info("RemoteControl: adding command \"" +
Logging.info("RemoteControl received: " + get);
Logging.info("Restart "+cmd);
Logging.info("Reassigning OSX shortcut '" + shortText + "' from Meta to Ctrl because of conflict with " + conflict);
Logging.info("Reassigning shortcut '" + shortText + "' from " + modifier + " to " + newmodifier +
Logging.info("Could not load tool definition "+s);
Logging.info("Ignoring exception caught because upload is canceled. Exception is: " + sxe);
Logging.info("Note upload interrupted by user");
Logging.info("exporting validation errors to file: " + file);
Logging.info("TODO: {0}", fix);
Logging.info("TODO: {0}", fix);
Logging.info("TODO: {0}", fix);
Logging.info("TODO: {0}", fix);
Logging.info("Waypoint {0} value unset", PT_TIME);
Logging.info("Skipping unsupported image format {0}", format);
Change History
Milestone: |
20.05 → 20.05old
Milestone: |
20.05old → 20.05
This can wait, I'd like to release 20.03 early to address #18798, as we receive a lot of duplicates.