Custom Query (67 matches)


Show under each result:

Modified Component Ticket Priority Reporter Summary Created Type
12 years Core #7950 blocker Don-vip Missing files in r5421 12 years defect
12 years Plugin proj4j #5387 critical A_Pirard lack of reprojection and server configuration difficulties (WAS: Wallonie WMS server and JOSM : compatibility and features) 14 years defect
12 years Plugin terracer #7469 critical skyper Exception in conjunction with deleting nodes out of bound + no undo 12 years defect
12 years Core #7938 critical verdy_p [critical/blocking] stack overflow: infinite exceptions when opening Conflict editor on a relation 12 years defect
12 years Core #7978 critical mdk Merging nodes is broken. 12 years defect
12 years Plugin continuosDownload #1836 major ulfl Automatically download OSM data when moving the displayed area 16 years enhancement
12 years Core #5341 major skyper Moving 400 ways takes more than 20 seconds (WAS: JOSM freezes moving 400 ways) 14 years defect
12 years Core #7032 major richlv Regression: can't easily add tags to recently drawn way 13 years defect
12 years Core #7082 major mdk Strange result while merging nodes with CTRL 13 years defect
12 years Core #7458 major akks Create multipolygon function: enable tags moving 12 years enhancement
12 years Core #7505 major Don-vip OSM API changes caused by license change 12 years enhancement
12 years Core #7847 major AMDmi3 Josm can't process deleted nodes from API after its recent change 12 years defect
12 years Core #7907 major pierzen Error Loading data from the API 12 years defect
12 years Core #7914 major Don-vip [PATCH] Concurrent fetching of primitives 12 years enhancement
12 years Core #7917 major verdy_p GUI usability: incorrect position/layout of selector lists of comboboxes in the popup dialogs when Editting an attribute 12 years defect
12 years Core #7982 major rickmastfan67 plugins crashing with r5466 12 years defect
12 years Core #7995 major anonymous Buildin plugin crash after starting draw building when i click second point to create it 12 years defect
12 years Core #8003 major Zverikk Recently used tag button does not fill in last used single-digit value 12 years defect
12 years Core imagery #2961 normal vsandre Saving/Loading a WMS Layer: Usabilty is not quiet good 15 years defect
12 years Core imagery #3567 normal !i! Imagery: add HTTPS Support 15 years enhancement
12 years Core #4421 normal stoecker Mechanism to modify JOSM settings and store files 14 years enhancement
12 years Core #5149 normal extropy Filter does not work on relations 14 years defect
12 years Core imagery #5567 normal Komzpa support for broken WMS server implementations 14 years defect
12 years Core validator #5679 normal stephankn [Patch] Validator: value of name tag not in presets if a preset specifies a name value 14 years defect
12 years Core #5984 normal Zverikk Allow pasting url in download object dialog 13 years enhancement
12 years Core #6594 normal Don-vip Changeset manager does not support OAuth 13 years defect
12 years Plugin routing #6651 normal anonymous Routing plugin may prevent other plugins to start 13 years defect
12 years Core imagery #6723 normal AlphaRay Mix-color for aerial images can't be changed 13 years defect
12 years Core #7494 normal Cobra StartupPage shows wrong version 12 years defect
12 years Plugin utilsplugin2 #7543 normal skyper false repaint of preferences when changing window size 12 years defect
12 years Core #7716 normal AM909 History shows same version number, wrong date, user, and CT for modified objects 12 years defect
12 years Core #7776 normal mdk Selection of deleted objects 12 years defect
12 years Core validator #7811 normal mrwojo [Patch] Vague "Suspicious tag/value combinations" message for absent denomination tag 12 years defect
12 years Core validator #7812 normal skyper warn about missing power=tower/pole within powerlines 12 years enhancement
12 years Core #7822 normal dieterdreist display the time for geotagged fotos 12 years enhancement
12 years Core #7872 normal Cobra adjustable tile size for wms 12 years enhancement
12 years Core #7873 normal dieterdreist select geotagged foto should not be active in add node mode 12 years defect
12 years Core #7878 normal Daeron [PATCH] Add a new background layer on top of the topmost background layer 12 years enhancement
12 years Core #7879 normal anonymous open gzipped osmChange files 12 years enhancement
12 years Plugin wikipedia #7891 normal werner2101 Open Wikipedia link doesn't work if there's a space in the title 12 years defect
12 years Core #7899 normal rickmastfan67 java.lang.ClassCastException when hitting the "w" button when drawing a line. 12 years defect
12 years Core #7908 normal anonymous [PATCH] Wrong comparison of strings 12 years defect
12 years Core #7910 normal Don-vip Wrong suggested imagery layer providers 12 years defect
12 years Core #7922 normal bastiK "ant clean dist" doesn't work 12 years defect
12 years Core #7925 normal Cobra tag conflict dialog shows wrong information in title 12 years defect
12 years Core #7927 normal bastiK GPX export does not care for GPX 1.0 -> GPX 1.1 translation 12 years defect
12 years Core #7929 normal anonymous You can't add new tag 12 years defect
12 years Core #7936 normal Gnonthgol Validator dialog crashes when the active edit layer is deleted 12 years defect
12 years Core #7942 normal spami73@… Programmierfehler 12 years defect
12 years Core #7948 normal Cobra inverted filter "child type:way" disables untagged nodes of ways 12 years defect
12 years Core #7958 normal ska- Map is Displayed Wrongly 12 years defect
12 years Core tag2link #7961 normal FrViPofm Adding sources & links 12 years defect
12 years Core tag2link #7962 normal FrViPofm Problem with <source /> tag in the wiki. 12 years defect
12 years Core remotecontrol #7963 normal pnorman remotecontrol TMS zoom 12 years enhancement
12 years Core remotecontrol #7964 normal pnorman remotecontrol imagery name encoding 12 years defect
12 years Plugin continuosDownload #7972 normal anonymous Background downloads 12 years enhancement
12 years Plugin measurement #7987 normal Cobra NPE when selecting a zero-node way 12 years defect
12 years Core #7999 normal stoecker Change r5464 broke display of texts for marker layer 12 years defect
12 years Plugin #8001 normal rickmastfan67 Recent build of the Mapdust plugin will not download in JOSM 12 years defect
12 years Plugin routing #3011 minor phobie /josmdir/log4j.xml 15 years defect
12 years Core #4490 minor anonymous Integrate WMS and validator into core 14 years enhancement
12 years Core #7864 minor mrwojo Some primitives drawn in active color when the layer is inactive 12 years defect
12 years Core #7918 minor AndrewBuck Trying to split a way at the end node should not throw an error 12 years defect
12 years Internal preset #7926 minor rickmastfan67 highway=tertiary_link/secondary_link should have presets 12 years defect
12 years Core validator #8008 minor didier2020 validator don't detect duplicated way 12 years defect
12 years Core #6733 trivial Don-vip [patch] File Open dialog incorrectly accepts folder selection 13 years defect
12 years Core #7865 trivial mrwojo [Patch] Map icons should be less prominent when disabled or inactive 12 years enhancement
Batch Modify
Note: See TracBatchModify for help on using batch modify.
Note: See TracQuery for help on using queries.