Custom Query (36 matches)


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Ticket Summary Status Cc Owner Type Priority
#8460 Validator checks for Public Traffic Proposal relations new skyper, simon04, darya team enhancement normal
#8612 Next version of remote control API new Don-vip, stoecker, bastiK, skyper, simon04 team enhancement normal
#8864 Include some functions from Utilsplugin2 new stoecker, Don-vip, bastiK, simon04, skyper, joshdoe, Zverikk, akks team enhancement normal
#9857 Address Preset doesn't keep the entry from before new simon04 team defect normal
#10226 Verify multiple equal values new bastiK, simon04 team enhancement normal
#12629 Summarize changes in relation editor new simon04 team enhancement normal
#14142 Rename "Toggle Dialogs" (sometimes "Windows") to "Panel" new stoecker, bastiK, Don-vip, simon04, michael2402, wiktorn team enhancement normal
#15217 [PATCH][RFC] Use name-suggestion-index new 1ec5, aharvey, simonpoole, mnalis team enhancement normal
#15752 Test for landuse inside landuse new simon04 team enhancement normal
#17011 Multiple warnings for same problem new Klumbumbus, simon04, qeef team enhancement normal
#17196 [RFC] [Patch] Undo/Redo may change data in inactive layer reopened simon04 GerdP defect normal
#17662 Wrong warnings for route=ferry relation new Polyglot, simon04 Biswesh defect normal
#18579 Warn when adding a url with /commons.wikimedia/ to image= new simon04 team enhancement normal
#18748 WikiStart Start Page - How much details for download options? new Hb---, Skyper, DiGro, Klumbumbus, simon04 team defect normal
#18855 Clicking twice required to delete attribute when using alt to select multipolygon new simon04, Don-vip team defect normal
#18892 Features missing in OpeningHoursParser compared to JS library new simon04, SimonPoole team enhancement normal
#18893 [Patch] OpeningHourTest highlight erroneous part in string assigned skyper, SimonPoole simon04 enhancement normal
#18911 Clicking on layer's opacity slider "toggles" instead of sliding new simon04 team defect normal
#19466 Change role dialog: Combo instead of text input and better title new Simon04 team enhancement normal
#20008 Unsharp preset icons new simon04, Don-vip team defect normal
#20130 [Patch] Use mapcss rules instead of CrossingWays java code to find overlapping areas assigned Klumbumbus, simon04 GerdP enhancement normal
#20159 Split way: Change "Which way segment should reuse the history" to modal? new simon04, Skyper team defect normal
#20272 Confusing handling of native scale layer and "zoom to download" new wiktorn, simon04 team defect normal
#20316 Opening_hours: Does not like `PH +1 day PH` new simon04, SimonPoole team defect normal
#20416 Download (incomplete) members: Cancel does not work and timeouts while download relation with members works new Don-vip, simon04 team defect normal
#20770 Merge two context menus in History browser (coordinates) new simon04, skyper team enhancement normal
#20861 Tagging preset: "value_template" always overwrites value without strong indication and without option to disable. new simon04 team defect normal
#21261 Command line option --status-report does not exit new simon04 team defect normal
#21576 Please add support for the species:wikidata=* key, as it is implemented in the iD new simon04 floscher enhancement normal
#21870 Opening hours: Possibly false positive "can be prettified" with complex value new SimonPoole team defect normal
#22637 Allow positive matching for match_expression attribute in preset item new simon04 team enhancement normal
#23865 Problem with the regions validator (false positive) if there are duplicate presets (like one for inside the US and Canada and one for outside the US and Canada) new SimonPoole, stoecker team enhancement normal
#23931 JOSM-Plugins git mirror new simon04, Don-vip, taylor.smock, Stereo team defect normal
#23996 Convert non-standard dashes to standard dashes in the Opening Hours field new SimonPoole team enhancement normal
#14921 Support Sentinel 2 data directly reopened wiktorn, Klumbumbus, simon04, naoliv, michael2402, lists@…, imagico, SimonPoole, mnalis team enhancement major
#17842 Integration with OSM wiki data items new bagage, francois.lacombe, simon04 team enhancement major
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