14 years |
stoecker |
14 years |
jttt |
Updated to latest josm
14 years |
bastik |
'remove classpath property for now (preliminary fix for josm bug #5539)'
14 years |
bastik |
'change classpath (see josm bug #5539)'
14 years |
guggis |
'Migration to Java6 - making use of JTable::setFillsViewportHeight()'
14 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
14 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
14 years |
jttt |
14 years |
pieren |
Requires josm 3530 and later. Add an additional parameter in the …
14 years |
tordanik |
option to change graph colors; closes ticket 5523 in JOSM Trac
14 years |
jttt |
Adapt to latest JOSM
14 years |
miken |
JOSM AddrInterpolation plugin update BINARY
14 years |
bastik |
'remember selection of mtime (save to preference file)'
14 years |
stoecker |
add missing setValueAt()
14 years |
bastik |
'Update main version'
14 years |
upliner |
'remember buildings tags'
14 years |
upliner |
'show error if script cannot be executed'
14 years |
bastik |
'use consistent plugin name (don't mix up the words)'
14 years |
bastik |
'fix main class; add link'
14 years |
bastik |
'fixed #j5485 - class path property does not work like this (causes crash)'
14 years |
fkowitz |
plugin added to repository
14 years |
upliner |
'fix bug with handling for incomplete relation members'
14 years |
upliner |
'fix #j5160, update MultiOsmReader, some refactoring, some small bugfixes'
14 years |
jttt |
14 years |
stoecker |
14 years |
stoecker |
14 years |
krokkofant |
'bugfix of search when layer is added'
14 years |
bastik |
removed broken plugin. please get in touch. (i would fix it myself, …
14 years |
tilusnet |
AlignWays mode can be activated now with a shortcut (Shift+N by default).
14 years |
fkowitz |
plugin added to repository
14 years |
krokkofant |
'better integration wih JOSM gui'
14 years |
krokkofant |
'correct plugin main version'
14 years |
krokkofant |
'correct plugin main version'
14 years |
bastik |
removed broken plugin. please open a ticket so we can help you add it again
14 years |
fkowitz |
plugin added to repository
14 years |
bastik |
'correct plugin main version'
14 years |
upliner |
'show stderr contents in debug window'
14 years |
upliner |
'update to josm latest'
14 years |
miken |
Bug fix JOSM trac #5393 NPE when changing interpolation method. …
14 years |
skela |
'Optimize WaySelection.findWay().'
14 years |
skela |
'Do not mutate the collection of selected ways. Convert TAB to spaces.'
14 years |
roland |
14 years |
roland |
15 years |
tilusnet |
Recommit with updated version number.
15 years |
tilusnet |
Fix for Ticket #5430 (http://josm.openstreetmap.de/ticket/5430).
In …
15 years |
zverik |
mmm.. irsrectify update again
15 years |
zverik |
fix NPE in irsrectify, sorry
15 years |
zverik |
irsrectify.jar in dist
15 years |
yellowbkpk |
Fixing some bugs in the URL generation.
15 years |
bomm |
fix for bug #5389: Avoid NullPointerException when creating empty WMS …
15 years |
yellowbkpk |
New revision of wmsplugin with URL checking fixes.
15 years |
yellowbkpk |
This time the plugin is compiled against remotecontrol so that there …
15 years |
yellowbkpk |
Release of new WMS plugin with GetCapabilities.
15 years |
jttt |
Updated wms plugin to 22929
15 years |
rcernoch |
CzechAddress: Adding the dist-file
15 years |
upliner |
buildings_tools: update version
15 years |
upliner |
buildings_tools: implemented tag editor
15 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
15 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
15 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
15 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
15 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
15 years |
stoecker |
add missing icon
15 years |
bastik |
'fixed josm bug 4671 - wms url for sicily has changed'
15 years |
bastik |
15 years |
stoecker |
15 years |
jttt |
Updated slippymap to 22848
15 years |
tilusnet |
* Adapted AlignWays to the recently changed editable layer removing …
15 years |
malcolmh |
'New release'
15 years |
bastik |
revert 22830
15 years |
malcolmh |
new toms release
15 years |
malcolmh |
new toms release
15 years |
malcolmh |
15 years |
malcolmh |
new toms release
15 years |
rcernoch |
CzechAddress: Repaired version of .jar file.
15 years |
rcernoch |
CzechAddress: LocationSelector uses better method for selecting the …
15 years |
stoecker |
fixed validator
15 years |
jttt |
Updated wmsplugin to 22794
15 years |
jttt |
Updated wmsplugin to 22779
15 years |
jttt |
15 years |
tilusnet |
* Connected segments can be aligned if the pivot is on their common …
15 years |
bastik |
'fixed main version'
15 years |
boman |
OpeningHoursEditor: changes to buildfiles and jar file added
15 years |
bomm |
use new remotecontrol API
display warning message window instead of …
15 years |
bomm |
add getVersion method to detect future incompatibilities with plug-ins …
15 years |
jttt |
15 years |
jttt |
15 years |
jttt |
15 years |
stephankn |
'permissen checkbox for new object creation'
15 years |
jttt |
15 years |
bomm |
bug #5348: use reflection to call RemoteControlPlugin
15 years |
jttt |
15 years |
bomm |
register remote command handler with remotecontrol plug-in if …
15 years |
bomm |
allow other plug-ins to register additional remote command handlers
15 years |
krokkofant |
new version
15 years |
krokkofant |
Initial commit of new plugin
15 years |
jttt |
15 years |
jttt |
15 years |
malcolmh |
First public release
15 years |
bastik |
toms broke plugin mechanism. Remove it temporarily