
Opened 14 years ago

Closed 14 years ago

#5348 closed defect (fixed)

WMS dependency on RemoteControl plugin

Reported by: Zverikk Owned by: bomm
Priority: major Milestone:
Component: Core imagery Version: latest
Keywords: Cc: bomm


java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/openstreetmap/josm/plugins/remotecontrol/RemoteControlPlugin

After installing rcp the exception went away. But this dependency is bad: almost every josm user needs WMS, but much less need remote control (and it opens a potential hole, probably).

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comment:1 by bomm, 14 years ago

Cc: bomm added
Owner: changed from team to bomm

If possible, please add the full stack trace of the exception.

The intention was not to introduce a hard dependency. WMS plugin should use the remote control plugin only if it is installed. I successfully tested the WMS plugin without remote control plugin.

I will investigate the problem.

comment:2 by bastiK, 14 years ago

-> see mailing list

comment:3 by bastiK, 14 years ago

When you reference a class in wms plugin, that class has to be copied to wms.jar

comment:4 by bastiK, 14 years ago

But there are potential problems, when wms and remotecontrol have different versions, etc.

comment:5 by bomm, 14 years ago

Resolution: fixed
Status: newclosed

I was able to reproduce the problem on a virtual machine which is not my development system. (Before I had tested it successfully on my development machine only.)

I fixed it by using reflection to call the RemoteControlPlugin from WMSPlugin.

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