Class GeoPropertyIndex.GPLevel<T>

    • Method Detail

      • generateTestBBox

        private BBox generateTestBBox​(int idx,
                                      double lon2,
                                      double lat2)
        Generate the bbox for the specified index in the getChildren() array
        idx - The index in the getChildren() array
        lon2 - The longitude of the center of the previous level
        lat2 - The latitude of the center of the previous level
        The test bbox for the specified index in the getChildren() array
      • generateChild

        private void generateChild​(GeoPropertyIndex.GPLevel<T>[] currentChildren,
                                   BBox testBBox,
                                   int idx)
        Safely generate the child in a multi-threaded environment
        currentChildren - The children array to check
        testBBox - The current bbox (will be used to create the new GeoPropertyIndex.GPLevel)
        idx - The index in the child array
      • getChildren

        private GeoPropertyIndex.GPLevel<T>[] getChildren()
        Get the children array safely in a multi-threaded environment. If this ends up being a performance issue, look up the "immutable" double-checked locking idiom. Just be certain you have a good test when checking the performance differences. See #23309/#23036. The issue there is that Territories.getRegionalTaginfoUrls(LatLon) uses a Collection.parallelStream().
        The children array (sw, nw, se, ne)
      • isInside

        boolean isInside​(ILatLon ll)
        Checks, if a point is inside this tile. Makes sure, that neighboring tiles do not overlap, i.e. a point exactly on the border of two tiles must be inside exactly one of the tiles.
        ll - the coordinates of the point
        true, if it is inside of the box
      • isInside

        boolean isInside​(BBox bbox,
                         ILatLon ll)
        Checks, if a point is inside this tile. Makes sure, that neighboring tiles do not overlap, i.e. a point exactly on the border of two tiles must be inside exactly one of the tiles.
        bbox - the tile
        ll - the coordinates of the point
        true, if it is inside of the box
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object